Treatment of the common cold honey at home – best recipes

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Лікування медом застуди: рецепти

Treatment of the common cold honey: receptions

Treatment of the common cold honey at home: receptions.

Colds called malaise, caused by various infections.

At present many of the mucous human viruses and bacteria.

They are harmless for the time.

By reducing immunity, different factors, viruses are activated and there is cold.

Suppose. you zmerzli, wet, drank cold drink, consequently can start cold.

It does not mean, that hypothermia caused by cold, protective functions of the body weakened and become vulnerable to viruses.

You can get sick colds, not even communicate with a patient.

The main symptoms:

  • headache;
  • cold;
  • badness;
  • fever;
  • cough, sneeze;
  • pain in the throat;
  • chest pain.

How long cold?

The duration depends on sickness virus, treatment and immunity. It may take for 3 days or last 2 week.

In medical terminology, there is no diagnosis chill, ARI relating thereto (acute respiratory disease), SARS (acute respiratory viral infection).

What kind of virus caused disease, determine without proper analysis impossible.

Unlike flu

How to tell a cold from the flu? You can distinguish these diseases on the following points: the main distinguishing feature, this virus, that cause disease.

The flu influenza virus detected. In normal colds are other harmful bacteria and viruses.

The path of infection

Flu infected people from other patients, cold can develop independently.

Cold, usually, appears as a result of unfavorable factors, affecting the body. Or after contact with a patient.

The disease

The flu patient feels severe malaise, dramatically increased body temperature.

The disease develops rapidly, with pronounced symptoms (muscle aches, aching bones, chills).

Runny nose and sore throat appear later. Unlike flu, begins with a cold chill, cough, redness of the throat. Later fever.


During influenza body temperature can reach 40C. Colds typically less than 38S, often lasts approximately 37-37,5S.

If an adult can distinguish self flu or cold he, it is difficult with children.

When treating a child, you must understand exactly, why treat it.

Read: honey, lemon, pumpkin and ginger: useful properties.

It should be remembered, neglected diseases that can cause some complications.


To avoid colds entirely impossible.

All are regularly in places with large concentrations of people (shopping centers, exhibition), visit schools (kindergarten, school, institute), working.

Лікування застуди у дорослих медом

Treatment of colds in adults honey

What can I do to prevent disease?

The main way to reduce the number of cases – make every effort to uplift and strengthen the immune system.

A good way to strengthen the immune defenses – hardening.

You can start since childhood, appropriate procedures.

Food must be complete and balanced, contain all the essential minerals and vitamins.

Bee products serve as excellent immune stimulant.

Since honey can produce various mixtures: honey lemon, honey and nuts, dried fruits and honey.

This tool is a great treat for kids and excellent prevention of colds.

Colds in children and pregnant women

Children first year of life have their own immunity. Defenses babies – those, they took my mother, while still in the womb.

Kids at this time can only get sick when exposed to sick man.

What to do in case of symptoms of colds father?

Adult man a cold should minimize contact with baby, use protective mask.

In the children should be expanded peeled garlic, it will reduce the number of viruses in the air.

Also recommended regular airing of rooms and wet cleaning.

Лікування застуди у дітей медом

Treatment of colds in children honey

In pregnancy, the immune system is suppressed under the influence of hormonal.

It is necessary for the normal development of the child, otherwise the female body throw fruit.

During this period the woman is affected by viruses and bacteria.

It should eliminate most contact with infected people.

During epidemics avoid crowded places. Visiting hospitals, wear protective mask, observe personal hygiene.

Children, visiting schools and kindergartens, exposed to greater risk of contracting. Protective forces them below, than adults.

Children all day in the room with a group of people, and detect the disease in early stages is not always possible.

Especially in young children, they still can not identify themselves began the process of cold.

This is reflected weakness, kaprizami, hysterics. During the incubation period, the child may already infect others.

The only, things to do – throw all efforts to strengthen the immune system. Avoid hypothermia, the child should wear for the weather.

Read: Radish with honey cough: useful properties, receptions.

lechimsya home

Even when the first manifestations of colds (sore throat, cold) should take measures to reduce the intensity of the disease.

In the beginning you need to identify all the symptoms and treatment of choice in accordance with the.

Sore throat rinse should herbal infusions. Мед від застуди

Drink plenty of fluids (broth, fruit-drink, tea).

Do not overwork physically, more rest.

Treatment of folk remedies is especially important for children and pregnant.

This eliminates the risk of adverse effects of drugs on child development.

And kids with great pleasure sweet treat drugs (jam, copper, fruit-drink).

Universal tool in the fight against disease will be honey and bee products.

He fights bacteria, reduces inflammation, soothes mucous.

Honey tones, contributes to raising immunity, improves overall health.

Honey colds

All bee products are good anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorants.

This article contains the most famous medical prescriptions for colds from pcheloprodukty.

Recommended proportions and methods of use will use bee products with maximum benefit for your body.

The most important in the treatment of national sredstvami- This stick proportions and methods, otherwise any, even a healing potion, converted into harmful potions.

What it is cold we understand. Now quickly learn how to treat it at home.

Indeed, at first glance, not such a terrible sickness can lead to serious consequences.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Lime blossom, peel apples and honey

In teapot brew made of pumpkin or apple peel (from 3-4 fruit) with 2 tablespoons lime color, leave for minutes 15-20, drink a warm.

This wonderful healing drink affects the body in cold.


Admission to lime honey 100-150 g per day (1-1,5 g per kg of body weight per day).

Children in 30-50 g per day. Honey greater benefit, if it is mixed with the juice of fruits or vegetables.

Read: Cheese and honey: useful properties, recipes.

During treatment, better be on bedrest, as honey promotes sweating.

Honey inhalation

warm water (about 40 C) honey diluted in the ratio – 1 of honey, 5 parts water.

Honey water spray using an inhaler. Half procedures breathe through the mouth, and exhale through the nose.

The second half of the opposite procedure. This procedure is very effective for acute respiratory diseases.

Honey and horseradish

Horseradish juice mixed with honey in proportion 1: 1. Take 1-2 tablespoons of mixture 100 ml warm water 2-3 times a day.

Juicing horseradish: 1 tablespoons horseradish pour 1 cup of boiling water and infuse 1,5 gained.

Honey and Cranberry

1 dry glass viburnum fruits fill 1 l boiled water, cook 10 minutes, cool, strain, added 3 tablespoons honey.

Drink 0,5 cup 3-4 times a day with cold with cough, loss of voice and headache.

Rosehip and honey

5 Article spoons dried rosehips crushed in a mortar, then pour into a thermos 1 l of boiling water, insist 10 hours.

Drink one glass 2-3 times a day with the addition of 1 tablespoons honey.

Honey and beer

0,5 l warm beer, added 1 table spoon honey. Toss off.

honey, Aloe and Cahors

Mix 250 g honey, 150 ml aloe juice, 350 ml kagor. Insist day in the refrigerator.

Take 1 Article spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Preparation of aloe juice: wash three years leaves, prosushiti, refrigerate 10-12 days, then chop, pour boiled water at room temperature in the ratio 1: 3.

Insist 1,5 years.

Honey and propolis

In the warm milk (100 ml) added 5-10 drops 30% propolis tincture and 1-2 tsp honey.

Accept 3 times a day 100 ml hour before meals.

Honey and Garlic

Garlic rubbed or pass through the press. The resulting slurry mixed with honey in proportion 1: 1.

Accept 2 times a day 1 Part spoon, washed down with warm water.

Take means better at night before bed.

Very well helps with acute respiratory diseases and influenza.

Lemon and honey

1 Part of honey and the juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of warm water. Drink before bedtime drink all at once.

Propolis and water

A small amount of dry propolis, about 2 g, dissolve in water and gargle.

Regular use of this solution relieves sore throat and cough.

Read more: Honey from the cold - the best recipes, how to treat.

antipyretic recipes

honey, raspberries and linden flowers

Take one tablespoon linden blossoms and raspberry fruit. Pour this mixture 2 cups boiling water and simmer on low heat 5 minutes.

The broth infuse for one hour, then drain, added 2 tablespoons honey. Accept 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Honey and cranberries

In one liter of water to cook 2 cup cranberry fruit, adding 1 tablespoon vanilla.

The broth simmer, avoiding heavy boiling.

Strain broth, added 3-4 tablespoons honey. Drink the mixture during the day.

sweating recipes

honey, elderberry

1 tablespoon black elderberry fruit pour 250 ml of boiling water, withstand a water bath 15 minutes, cool, insist 30 minutes, strain, added 1 tablespoon honey.

Accept 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day.

honey, tea, lemon and black pepper

1/2 of lemon, ground black pepper pinch and add a tablespoon of honey in a glass of tea.

Drink this tea should be hot.

Raspberry and Honey

Raspberry pour boiling water in a ratio 1:10, add the honey extract to taste.

Drink warm to 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. It is best known nationwide diaphoretic herbs, not zaminyme colds and other feverish conditions.

Things to consider: before, start treatment bee products, consult your doctor.

In the treatment of colds folk remedies, be aware of possible allergic reactions.

Treatment should be comprehensive, relieving symptoms and improving defenses.

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4 Responses

  1. Ольга says:

    Застуда виникає через ослаблений імунітет. І не обов’язково відразу себе напихати хімією, щоб його підвищити. Тут досить постійно вживати мед, garlic, зелень і просто продукти містять вітаміни. Ще добре себе зарекомендував Iнфлюцид, це якщо через аптеку лікуватися. І я, і сестра, і мама його приймаємо при лікуванні застуди. Допомагає на раз!

  2. Леся says:

    А я за перших проявів застуди приймаю Інфлюцид. У нього склад натуральний, швиденько ставить на ноги, прибирає млявість. Хороший захисний засіб під час епідемії грипу.

  3. Анастасiя says:

    Я, як тільки відчуваю слабкість і починає дерти в горлі, одразу приймаю Інфлюцид. Якщо почати лікування вчасно, хвороба не розвивається і вже через день-два відчуваєш себе здоровим. Дуже зручно, що його можна приймати без страху побічних ефектів, адже він на основі натуральних компонентів.

  4. Свiтлана says:

    Чай із лимоном і медом допомагає лише зняти симптоми, але сам вірус не зупиняє. Інфлюцид виявився набагато ефективнішим: з його допомогою застуда проходить швидше, і самопочуття значно покращується вже з перших днів прийому. Тепер раджу його всім знайомим!

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