Cottage cheese with honey – unusual and useful goodies

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Сир та мед: кращі рецепти

Cheese and honey: best recipes

Cheese and honey: useful properties, recipes.

Cheese and honey in Europe has long been used as a dessert or snack.

For our compatriots is unusual combination of products, although it is different taste and richness to the body.

Now increasingly in the menu of restaurants can be found cheese plate, subjected not only fruit and nuts, and the first honey.

  1. Benefits unusual dessert
  2. Cheese and honey with weight loss
  3. What sorts of cheese combined honey?
  4. Cottage cheese with honey and nuts
  5. Camembert with honey
  6. Circassian cheese with honey
  7. How to prepare and submit a cheese plate?

Benefits unusual dessert

The combination of cheese and bee products is unusual, but refined taste.

This dessert or snack is a huge benefit for the body, as the main components of the dishes contain many nutrients and have a positive impact on the.

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Cheese and honey: benefit

Cheese – One of the best sources of calcium.

It helps fill the reserves of this mineral in the body and promotes proper development and function of the skeletal system.

Dairy products rich in protein.

It provides rapid and sustained feeling of fullness.

Many varieties positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, reduced metabolism.

bee products – the real source of vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended for adults and children.

It contains such nutrients:

  • ascorbic acid, vitamin B and other vitamins;
  • phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals;
  • and volatile natural antibiotics;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids; carbohydrates, etc..

Honey strengthens the immune system and positively affect the cardiovascular system, and helps get rid of anemia.

Natural delicacy provides such effects on the body:

  • inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • analgesic;
  • immunostimulatory etc..

Read more: Treatment of the common cold honey at home: receptions.

It also improves metabolism and gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs.

Allows you to charge the energy and vitality fill after surgery and serious diseases.

Cheese and honey with weight loss

Many people, struggling with overweight, interested, whether they eat cheese and honey.

The combination of these products can be a great alternative to purchasing sweets.

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Cheese and honey for weight loss

The main advantage of this dessert is, that products, that it contains, improve metabolism, and reduced supplies of vitamins and minerals in the body.

A small portion of this unusual delicacy can fill the requirement of a sweet without harm to the figures.

It should be remembered, that both cheese, and honey belong to high-calorie foods, so you should not abuse them.

A couple of slices of cheese, watered natural delicacy, to quickly and permanently saturated.

What sorts of cheese combined honey?

For cheese and bee products combine excellent, you must carefully approach to choosing not only the variety of milk products, but honey.

If you are interested, cheese is eaten with honey bee, look for different combinations:

  1. Most choose soft curd cheese. Perfectly suited for dessert goat cheese, which has a delicate flavor. A perfect complement to the Circassian cheese, mozzarella and ricotta will flower honey. You can also choose to stop or lavender honey varieties.
  2. Soft cheeses such as Brie or Camembert better served with honey or other floral with a light flavor and unobtrusive flavor. French camembert with honey consumed only in baked form, more nuts.
  3. If you have blue noble varieties, will complement the taste of honey types with strong fragrance: alfalfa, clover, citrus, etc..
  4. Hard cheeses such parmesan, Gruyere or Dutch varieties should be combined only with rich views: buckwheat or brown.

You can also use other varieties of cheese. Through experiments to look for the perfect combination, because each person has his taste.

Someone who likes soft cheese mix cheese with aromatic sweetness, and someone like an unusual combination of salty and sweet.

Taste combination of cheese with honey and nuts often complement (walnut, almonds, kedrovimi), and grapes and other berries.


There are several recipes for cheese with bee products.

They differ simplicity and speed of preparation, and so treat yourself to delicious desserts, or guests may surprise everyone.

Read more: Curd and honey: benefit and harm, Slimming.

Cottage cheese with honey and nuts

To prepare you need:

  • 200 g. cheese;
  • 2-3 Article. l. honey;
  • 2 Article. l. nuts.

Cheese cut into thin slices and lay out nicely on a plate. On top pour honey or other floral.

If your product beekeeping zakrystalizuvavsya, melt it in a water bath.

Nuts and fry chop, and then sprinkle them treat. It is best to walnuts, but fit and almonds, peanuts or other nuts.

Camembert with honey

With Camembert head cut off top. Spoon gently remove the flesh so, went to pot.

The main ingredient mixed with washed and dried berries and nuts.

You can take the grapes or any favorite fruit. Put back the cheese with berries and nuts, and above all pour the liquid honey.

If necessary it melt or heat, it is easy to roztikavsya.

Circassian cheese with honey

Cut into thick slices Circassian cheese 0,5 cm.

Lightly fry the pieces of prepared pan, and then put on a plate.

While warm milk product, drizzle it with honey.

On top sprinkle with chopped walnuts. You can decorate berries and herbs.

Read: Milk and honey - useful properties and applications

How to prepare and serve the cheese plate?

The restaurant menu often can be found cheese plate, but you can cook a meal at home, General guided by simple recommendations:

  1. To prepare take different sorts of cheese.
  2. On a plate lay out the cheese in that order – from delicate cream varieties to more specific or salt.
  3. Med selects the most neutral, that it is well combined with different varieties of cheese.
  4. Between different cheese varieties can be put berries, grass or nuts.

Cheese plate served without bread, but the wine will be an excellent complement.

Honey can pour plate or submit a separate bowl, to everyone he could combine products.

Cheese and honey – unusual combination of flavors, but fans tsoyi gourmet and healthy meals becomes more and more every day.

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