Tagged: Treatment of bees


Coniferous extract Bee

Coniferous extract Bee: application. Since ancient times people throughout the world engaged in beekeeping. Delicious honey like adults, and children. ambrosia, propolis, royal jelly can improve patients, suffering from tuberculosis, eczema and...


Celandine Bee

Celandine Bee: treatment and processing. Celandine – bur'yan, which grows in vacant lots and overgrown gardens. This plant beekeepers have long used for treatment of hives. Bee celandine helps get rid of varoatozu, foul brood and mites....


Medicine for the bees

Medicine for the bees – the main set. Bees – insects, but that does not mean, that they do not get sick. Like people, Bee swarm often suffer from several ailments, leading to the deaths of individuals and...


"Thymol" Bee

"Thymol" Bee: Instructions for use. Beekeepers over the years are, Unfortunately, so far unsuccessful fight against varroa mites. There are several very effective, to help treat insect, and one of the following ways –...


"Murav'yinka" Bee

"Murav'yinka" (Murashina acid) for the treatment of bees: instruction. Why is acid forget Subtleties use video Formic acid has long been used to treat mites in beehives. But with the advent of synthetic drugs "murav'yinku" forget for a...


"Izatizon" Bee

"Izatizon" Bee: properties, instruction, prevention. Properties "Izatizon" Prevention Using Videos "Izatizon" – a comprehensive drug, which helps get rid of viral and bacterial infections. Using drugs, You can get rid of diarrhea and varroatozu. Usually...


Processing bees bipinom

Treatment of bee mite bipinom spring, autumn. Processing bees bipinom – one of the possible ways to treat varroasis, contagious disease invaziynnoho, caused by ticks. Beekeepers well known, that ticks are present in small quantities at all...
