Tagged: Diseases of bees


whey: treatment foul brood of bees

Treatment of foul brood bees buttermilk. In beekeeping common a problem, as foulbrood. This dangerous disease threatens the entire apiary and requires urgent measures by the beekeeper. The danger is that foul brood, what...


Salmonellosis bees – methods of control

Salmonellosis bees: Symptoms and treatments. Few people know, some people the disease characteristic of bees. One example is salmonella. perpetrators (bacteria) this infection attributed to the genus Salmonella: will. pullorum; will. typhi...


American foulbrood – how to protect

American foulbrood in bees: treatment of disease. In this article we will talk about common pathology brood – American foulbrood. This is one possible cause major damage beekeepers. Characteristics of the pathogen. Culprit problems – threw larvae. one...


European foulbrood – treatment

The European foulbrood disease of bees: treatment. Today we consider the common features of the disease in beekeeping, its causes, diagnostic strategy and combat. They will discuss European foulbrood. This plague affects both the open, So...


Diarrhea bees spring

Diarrhea bees spring: causes. Bees, Unlike many insects, do not fall into hibernation. They actively feed and grow brood. To maintain the temperature in the nest on Normal, toiler get in...


Varroatoz bees

Treatment of bees varroatozu. Treatment of bee mite. Varroatoz bees – very difficult and, Unfortunately, frequently disease, found that almost all apiaries. No beekeeper can not give a guarantee, that his family...


Brauloz bees (lice)

Brauloz bees (bee lice): etiology, treatment. Brauloz bees (Braulosis) – invasive diseases of bees, which can lead to death of the whole family. The word "Invasible" means, that cause disease are parasites, who suck juices from bees, are...


amebiasis bees

Bee disease amebiasis: etiology, symptoms, treatment. Etiology The causes of disease symptoms and treatment of amebiasis bees – dangerous disease, characterized by vascular lesions malpihiyevyh, providing livelihoods insects. This disease is invasive, It is caused by parasites...



Disease bees nozematoz (diarrhea): treatment, diagnosis. Nosema apis – serious invasive disease adult bees, affecting their digestive system. Called it sporoutvoryuyuchyhm unicellular parasite nozemy, which enters the body and localized insects...
