We treat runny honey: simple recipes from unpleasant disease

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Лікуємо нежить медом: прості рецепти

We treat runny honey: simple recipes

Honey from the cold – best recipes, how to treat.

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of colds – this undead.

What could be worse, than stuffy, edema, itching in the nasal passages and an endless stream of mucus?

Pharmacies sold many vehicles from this scourge.

But there are natural ways, Besides – tested for centuries.

So, as a means of traditional medicine suggests using honey from the cold, in pure form or mixed with other components.

  1. When should and should not
  2. What action based honey
  3. Receptions, time-tested
  4. Prevention

When should and should not use honey

Cold – it is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of other disorders in the body.

It can cause allergies, hormonal failure, diseases such as diphtheria, measles or sore throat.

and, Of course, the most common cause of rhinitis are various colds: SARS, GRZ, and flu. Лікуємо нежить медом

In any case, be understood, that to get rid of a cold should cure the disease, while most drugs is focused on eliminating the symptoms.

Honey can help complex, not least because, that it can be taken orally, and externally.

However medolikuvannyam should deal only, if the runny nose caused by a cold or flu mild.

Do not use this product, if rhinitis:

  • allergic;
  • hormonic;
  • caused injury;
  • is the result of serious illness.

Besides, it is not necessary to self-medicate, not making sure the reasons for the undead hundred percent.

After recklessly resorting to any recipe, You can not only get rid of the problem, but make worse.

in addition, should not be treated with honey young children. In any case, to ensure no contraindications, which will not allow medical use with a cold, it is better to consult a doctor.

Read: Kalina and honey: best recipes, benefit, contraindication

What action based honey

honey – effective natural remedy to combat viruses and bacteria.

He actively combats aggressive microorganisms, protects against environmental hazards, strengthens the immune system.

Also contains incorporates nutrients.

Treatment of the common cold honey based on these properties:

  • antibacterial (destroy bacteria);
  • regeneruyuchu (restore the damaged mucous membrane irritant);
  • inflammatory (relieve inflammation and swelling);
  • immunomodulyuyuchu (Correct immunity so, the body will be more resistant to harmful microorganisms).

Remedy is a natural, so, doing one treatment, not harm other.

Probably, treatment of honey takes longer, than pharmaceuticals.

Користь меду

The benefits of honey

But it is not only relieve symptoms, and eliminate the problem completely.

In addition, the product of beekeeping, even if it applied only topically, strengthens the immune system, and avoid disease in the next time will be easier.

The most effective will not only honey dripping nose, but take it inside, while continuing cold.

Under these conditions show abundant warm drink: herbal teas, milk, Morsi, spoon flavor of this sweet medicine – good option.

in addition, cells can be chewed or zabrus, spitting zalyshyvshyysya wax.

This method of treatment not only affects the body is weakened from the inside, but also relieves symptoms of rhinitis.

Receptions, time-tested

How to treat runny honey best? You can use it in its pure form.

To set this liquid product. It wetting pads (better use bandage, not vatu) and placed in the nasal passages to 30 minutes.

The patient must lie quietly during the procedure.

If this appears discomfort or pain in the nose, should be diluted with water in a ratio means 1: 1.

But there are ways to effectively, where honey added other natural products.

Example, aloe juice, onions or beets.

also read: Curd and honey: benefit for weight loss.

Warehouse number 1

We need:

  • copper;
  • heat water;
  • aloe juice.

All the ingredients are mixed in a ratio 1: 1: 1. Aloe must be aged at least, than three years.

алое, мед, водаFor juice taken its lower fleshy leaves.

To remedy was effective, better withstand leaves in the refrigerator for a few days, but it is impossible to predict, when it starts running nose.

However, if you already have prepared so leaves, it boldly take their.

Means should bury every evening a few drops in each nostril.

Aloe with honey from the common cold can cause severe burning, which quickly passes. You just have to endure it.

Warehouse number 2

We need:

  • copper;
  • onions;
  • water.

Onions should be thoroughly crushed, knife or grater. Up to three tablespoons of slurry add a teaspoon of honey. мед, цибуля в лікуванні нежиті

The mixture, pour half a glass of warm boiled water.

If in fact be, that onion juice too tart, You can add water.

Nastoyavshy mixture for half an hour, its filter and drip a few drops in each nostril at intervals 2-3 years.

Therapeutic effect, which has onions with honey from the cold, because, that he, and other product has powerful antibacterial properties.

Warehouse number 3

We need:

  • copper;
  • beet juice.

It is very easy, but effective recipe. From raw beet juice should squeeze.

Since it does not need a lot, Use a juicer is uncomfortable.

мед, буряк в лікуванні нежитіThe easiest vegetable grate on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a thin cloth.

Then add the honey in the ratio 1: 1.

Get a thick red syrup.

It can drip into the nose every few hours, no more than two or three drops in each nasal passage.

Beets with honey from the common cold is good because, that will not cause such heat and itching, as the first two syllables.

Therefore, it can be used for people with sensitive mucous membranes and children.

Read: Spicy sauce - mustard, honey and soy sauce.


To not have shed bitter tears, suffering a runny nose and dripping in caustic compositions, better care of their health in advance and prevent the occurrence of colds.

You need to strengthen the immune system, and honey in this case – excellent assistant.

You can every day to drink herbal tea with honey. Or chew his comb.

There are various delicious mix, using which offseason dangerous, you can forget about colds.

Example, this product is mixed with a meat grinder prokruchene orange and lemon.

This mixture should be refrigerated and eat a spoonful every morning.

Or another delicious way: prokruchenymy mixed with a meat grinder honey with walnuts, lemon, dried apricots, prunes and raisins in equal amounts.

There are just, in the morning. This recipe will not only increase immunity, but also strengthen the heart muscle, improve bowel, and just lift your spirits.

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