Treatment of diabetes with the help mummy

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Лікування діабету за допомогою муміє

Treatment of diabetes with the help mummy

Treatment of diabetes with the help mummy: receptions.

Since ancient times, bee resin used to eliminate and prevent many health problems.

Ingredients large, and the impact on the human body rather multifaceted.

In medicine is widely used and is used diabetes mummy.

Experience has shown, natural product that copes with this illness pidstupndyu, acts as an aid in medical treatment.

What effect provides mummy

Bee resin used for the prevention and treatment of endocrine diseases, It provides the following effects on the body:

  • lowers blood sugar;
  • improves the endocrine system;
  • reduces sweating;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents headaches;
  • reduces swelling and quantity of urination.

In the event, if there is a risk of hereditary disease, overweight, it is recommended to use bee products for prevention of this disease.

Often diabetes bee products is a real salvation, after receiving significantly improves overall health, is constant fatigue.

Treatment of diabetes mummy plus diet will help to easily lose weight, that have a positive impact on your state as a whole and in particular on the endocrine system.

Mummy recipes for diabetics

Classical beekeeping drug regimen is daily intake 0,5 d drug.

Therapeutic effect will increase, if you drink it with milk.

Read: Can I eat honey in diabetes?

Reducing the amount of sugar in the blood

Every day should be taken 0,2 g product (half of match head), pre-dissolved in water, drink morning and evening.

The course of treatment is 4 week, then 5-7 days off, repetition therapy as needed.

Early stage disease

Application mummy advisable at the earliest stage, it is necessary for 10 days twice a day, take 0,1 g apiproduktu, its pre-dissolved in water.

Then make a five-day break and repeat the course of therapy. allowed to 5 treatment courses.

Progressive stage diabetes

  • On 0,5 liters of water should stir 4 g product.
  • to drink 1 Article. l. through 3 hours after eating.
  • Treatment continue 10 days, then the same again and break a course of therapy.
  • allowed to 6 courses under the scheme receiving.

Diabetes type 2

Accepted mummy with diabetes 2 type the following: 1,8 Mr. drugs must be dissolved in 250 ml of water.

Means should take a half tablespoon for 14 days 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Then you need to take a break 5 days, then repeat the same treatment reduced – 5 days.

Drink solution can be fresh juices or milk.

Read: Perge diabetes: accepting?

Admission mummy

Always bee products to drink on an empty stomach or after 3 hours after eating.

Buy drugs can be in various forms, in the form of capsules, tablets, tablets or pure.

The treated resin, sold in pharmacies, is a thorough cleaning and lose some of their useful properties.

It is recommended to drink untreated substance, dissolving it with water first.

Drink mineral drug can, plain water, milk or fresh juices.

The therapeutic effect appears after a month of taking drug, it is important not to neglect the rules of admission and complete a full course.

When used properly mummy is very good from diabetes.

How quickly lower blood sugar for diabetics

Reduce sugar very quickly fail if they wanted, tests may change only after 1-3 days from the beginning of the application of any measures, This is aimed at.

To reduce sugar will be useful following natural products:

  • mummy bees;
  • ginseng – increases insulin output;
  • cinnamon – coping with bad cholesterol;
  • turmeric provides safety produced insulin;
  • blueberry leaves.

In order to rapidly achieve the desired effect can combine several methods simultaneously, example, Bilberry extract drink and take pcheloprodukty.

Read: Rosehip diabetes 2 Family.


Mumiyo diabetes should be taken strictly according to this scheme, following the recommended duration of therapy.

Otherwise, a great likelihood of addiction to the drug.

Before use read manual application, read contraindications:

  • intolerance substance;
  • allergic reaction;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • tumor formation;
  • Addison's disease;
  • adrenal gland disease.

Mumiyo as diabetes prevention

Propyvayuchy regular medical courses, you never get acquainted with this insidious disease.

Pcheloprodukty a positive impact on the pancreas, metabolic processes.

It helps the body produce sugar relaxed and properly break down.

Apiprodukt widely used in folk medicine, mummy treats and diabetes 2 Family.

It is not always acceptable to use only bee resin, it is often appointed in combination with other drugs.

Before applying mummy should consult with a specialist, which prescribe a course and dosage of the drug, analyze the feasibility of this treatment for you personally.

As you know, diabetes 1 This type of chronic disease and cure is not currently possible.

Apiprodukt and diabetes first type is also popular, but only as an aid.

Patients say accelerated wound healing, burst of vitality, purification of the body

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