Infusion of rose hips

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Рецепт наливки з шипшини

Recipe liquor from the hips

Recipe for making liquor from the hips.

Berries wild rose hips or, as it is called – real treasure of vitamin C, this is required for our health and strengthen the immune system.

Traditional medicine since ancient times drew attention to the remarkable properties of these berries.

Infusion of hips not only has excellent flavor and aroma, but also healing properties.

In order to make brandy at home from the hips, take fresh or dried fruit. Also suitable and frozen fruits.

But the best comes from the Infusion slightly dried or dried berries rose hips.

The process of cooking liquor from the hips:

  1. Prepared berries carefully wash, give obsohnuti, and, nadrizhte one hand, Clean from dry stalks. If using frozen berries – at first they need to defrost and dry, to remove excess moisture.
  2. For pouring alcohol use basis. This can be good, quality vodka or cognac inexpensive (then in nalyvtsi can catch subtle oak nuances). You can use home brew, but in this case, that odors are not interrupted by natural aroma of rose hips, it must be carefully filtered through activated carbon food or use other ways to get rid of the smell specific Hootch.
  3. Now proceed directly to cooking liquor. Take the rosehip berries, If fresh or frozen – 700 gram, if dried or slightly dried – 500 gram.
  4. Put berries in a clean and dry bank, fall asleep sugar (400-500 gram) and repeatedly flick. Tightly close Bank nylon cover white, and to highlight the juice – reserve bank in a dark place at room temperature for six weeks, shaking the contents every three or four days.
  5. Then fill in the bank alcohol basis (0,5 l), mix thoroughly and tightly sealed. Leave to infuse for two weeks. Approximately every three days vigorously shake or stir.
  6. After two weeks, We filter the brandy is almost finished through several layers of cheesecloth and pour into pre-prepared bottles, properly sealed.
  7. For a better taste and rich reserve nalivku in the refrigerator or any other cool place a couple of months. Infusion This can be up to five years without compromising its flavor.

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