Mead at home: best recipes
mead: best recipes at home.
Intoxicating mead or honey.
Nowadays not many people familiar with the taste of the drink, not to mention his recipe at home.
The origins of the recipe is ancient yet, when cooking mead came from 10 to 40 years.
Over time, the original manufacturing techniques vydozminyuvalasya, and we have already reached quite simple ways, which allow drinks even in 2 week.
In accordance, taste of the product is much different from the original version.
Benefits and harms of mead
Mead at home preparing two ways: by boiling and infusion.
Exactly mead without boiling brings useful properties, after subjecting honey prolonged heat treatment, little of, which lost all the healing properties of bee goodies, so also out hazardous compounds.
Our ancestors mead successfully used to fight colds, to strengthen the immune system, raising vitality, and the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Men drink useful for stimulating potency.
As for damage, should be careful, if there is allergic to bee products or there are contraindications to the use of alcoholic beverages.
Do not forget, that mead – alcoholic beverage, excessive drinking and no one has brought benefits not.
According to the classic recipes, strength young infusion comes around 5%, and if left to infuse for a few months, rise to 15-20%.
And when you add alcohol concentration can be high, up to 75%.
options beverage
The composition and preparation of mead may vary. Depending on the flavor range, strength and useful as a beverage.
So what are the different types of mead?
- attitudes – refers to cooking without boiling;
- Varenna. The name is an explanation – beverage brewed;
- fastening – it mead alcohol;
- Khmilna. Hop cones are added to accelerate the fermentation process, and provide specific beverage bitter taste;
- The fake – composed attended spices and spice;
- soft – respectively free of alcohol or maximum 1-2%.
It is believed, soft drink that is useful in pregnancy.
But it is not, for the manufacture of medical subjected to heat treatment, destroying entire value of the product.
Recipes for all tastes
Large-scale production of mead to date not practiced, but all beekeepers and honey lovers of this drink is familiar.
Its production may even zahravshoho honey, and cells used for this purpose.
Prepare your hands easily mead, only to be followed recipe and technology manufacturing.
Read more: How many degrees in mead?
The ancient recipe for mead
According to this formulation, the fermentation process is a natural way, without boiling, resulting drink goes very light, a bit like the taste kvass.
It can safely drink for children, as the alcohol content reaches a maximum 2%.
Time Cooking classical attitudes mead long enough – close 3 months.
- water kip'âčena – 1 l;
- copper – 50 g;
- raisins or grapes – 50 g.
Method of cooking:
In cooled boiled water to dissolve the required amount of honey. Then wash, dried of excess moisture, fresh berries or raisins add a sweet mix.
Tank cover with bleed (Nylon cap with a hole, in which a thin tube is inserted, its other end is lowered in a bowl of water) and leave 2 days in a warm place, To start the fermentation process.
For discharge of gas, you can use a rubber glove with a small hole, prymotaty tightly to the neck jars with the mixture.
Mead on the grapes come from a more pronounced flavor, than raisins.
Filtration – binding stage of preparation of the drink.
After the fermentation to make the gauze filter (I have to use multiple layers) and filter the solid part.
Then pour into a clean container, most appropriate for that timber packaging is considered.
How nastoyuyuvaty a drink? Minimum 2, better yet 3 months, definitely a cool place (cellar).
Product recalls the first fermentation Braga – highly carbonated and sweet.
Done considered mead, when will almost all gas, and the taste will be felt sourness.
Recipe a modern twist
- copper – 300 g;
- water – 2 l;
- yeast (dry) – 5 g.
Water boil, then add honey and cook over low heat 15 minutes, while constantly stirring. The mixture should not boil, and pine.
During cooking, the foam will be formed, which must necessarily shoot.
The resulting syrup cool to 40C, and then add small portions of dry yeast.
The mixture is poured into a dry container, install water seal and place in a warm week.
After time pervoprodukt drain and clean the cool room.
A few days later drink, prepared yeast, can bring to the table.
Leaving for another month, degree rise, and after six months she will delicious liqueur.
The classic recipe
- raisins – 250 g;
- lemon – 3 PC;
- yeast – 25 g;
- water – 2 l;
- meal – 20 g;
- copper – 650 g.
Method of cooking:
Washed rind of the lemon slice, make a bowl, then pour boiling water.
Stir well and leave the mixture to cool. During this time filled with water citrus flavor.
To the resulting mass add the remaining ingredients, trace, to dissolve the yeast and flour.
Then leave for warm 3 days with a mandatory chimney.
Do not forget to filter. On this homemade mead ready, but that was more saturated beverage, You can give him more time stand in a cool place.
Mead vodka with honey zahravshoho
Making mead according to this recipe will help "save" old, zahravshyy, poor quality honey.
Spices and high degree hide all taste flaws.
- copper – 350 g;
- yeast – 5 g;
- water – 2 l;
- alcohol or vodka – 400 g;
- hop – 20 g;
- spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, kordamon) – to taste.
Warm water, make it easier to dissolve honey. The resulting syrup tire at a minimum half hour fire, stirring constantly.
It is important to remove the foam and boil the solution is to bring. In the cooled syrup to add yeast 40C, hop, spices and leave to ferment in the heat for about a week.
Do not forget to put water seal at the neck or glove. Then carefully filter and put in a dark cool place somewhere month.
To give strength, before putting on the table mead, it added alcohol.
Mead with the addition of bread (the type of kvass)
This type of drink is prepared quickly, after the maximum 20 days will mature to use product, which taste reminds brew.
- copper – 1 kg;
- water – 5 l;
- White bread – 100 g;
- yeast – 15 g.
It is necessary to boil water and syrup for honey 20 minutes. Then the liquid is cooled to 40-45C.
Then add leaven – bread and yeast. For fermentation to install a chimney and leave in a warm place for 3 days.
After filtration to spice can add lemon juice. For the full maturation drink is recommended to leave in the refrigerator for another 2 week.
This mead is not possible to maintain long, as do three-dimensional piece pointless.
Hot mead
Preparation of drink virtually identical to the previous. Why call it hot?
Because different drink adds spice to hot peppers (capsicum or pepper).
A combination of herbs and spices and the end product truly get "hot".
The action of the drink helps with colds and viral diseases.
- copper – 2 kg;
- water – 5 l;
- yeast – 1 ch.l;
- spices – to taste;
- chili – 1PC, or peas – 5PC.
The basis to rule cooking "modern" mead, with the only difference, The accompanying spices and pepper.
For quite infusion 5 days, capacity is not close.
Then remove the drinks in the fridge for 1 month. Also, any type of mead can make carbonated.
For this purpose, 1 liter intoxicating honey should be added 5-7 grams of fructose and the same wort, remaining after fermentation.
The drink is poured into the bottle so, that it did not reach the edge on the neck 5 cm (provide a place for gas).
Tightly clog container and leave in a dark place 2-3 week.
Must every 1-2 day to check the gas pressure in the bottle, while its excess – pit.
When drink enters the required number of bubbles, put another day in 5 refrigerate until maturity.
Subtleties cooking
How to make mead at home – this issue is now becoming clear. But how to make the drink, he went to delicious, but time proved well spent?
There are some subtleties, which is important to remember, and, Of course, stick during cooking.
The secrets of cooking mead:
- Although the foundation can take Honey any class, but the most delicious flavored drinks come with a high quality, example, lime or honey. Also buckwheat honey add rich flavor and characteristic taste of bitterness.
- It is recommended to use wine or beer yeast. Bread will add flavor and smell Braga.
- What is needed hops? Suitable conventional Pharmaceutical raw material. For convenience, the required number of cones placed in a gauze bag and drop to drink, it is easier to pass filtering.
- During boiling sure to stir the mixture and remove the foam, to drink out clear.
- Must dissolve yeast in chilled syrup (no more than 40C), because at higher temperatures germs die, by which fermentation occurs.
- The classic recipe change intoxicating honey by adding various additives: spice, herbs, Spice, dried. A slice of lemon will lighten a little drink.
- During fermentation must ensure tightness, otherwise the final product will be released with an unpleasant odor of acetic.
- Keep better in a glass or wooden containers. Good place for this is considered the fridge or cellar. In no case do not freeze.
- Served to the table as warm intoxicating honey, and cold.
- High-quality natural drink comes perishable.
In the bulk contraindications to the use of intoxicating honey same, for all alcoholic beverages, namely:
- diabetes;
- peptic ulcer;
- childhood;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- idiosyncrasy components;
- allergic to honey;
- alcohol addiction.
From prevention to treatment and are more used mead ancient recipe, where bee dessert is not taken heat treatment.
Example, for stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract infusion take on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
And insomnia or withdrawal nervous stress – hour before sleep.
Knowing, how to make mead at home, can provide a tasty and healthy drink to any table.
Compared with alcohol available in stores, hop honey, home cooked, – it naturally and efficiently.