mead: Benefits and harms of intoxicating drink

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Користь і шкода медовухи

Benefits and harms of mead

mead: benefit and harm to the body of the drink.

The benefits and dangers of which it is difficult to compare, it has long enjoyed popularity among the common people.

It was valued not only taste good, but also benefit, brought the body, so mead recipes passed down for centuries from generation to generation.

true, sometimes intoxicating drinks may do more harm, than good.

  1. What is mead?
  2. What are the benefits for the body mead?
  3. When colds and respiratory diseases
  4. For the nervous system
  5. For the gastrointestinal tract
  6. For the urogenital system and reproduction
  7. For beauty and youth
  8. What harm can bring mead?

What is mead?

Today, many people call mead vodka, cooked in honey or mixed with bee products.

Медовуха що це?

Mead it?

Actually, This low-alcohol drink, which is produced by mixing water, honey and yeast fermentation and subsequent.

strength mead ranging from 5% to 16%, and sugar content can reach 9%.

This drink is prepared in ancient. He drank and kings, and ordinary villagers.

Each hostess has their own recipe intoxicating drink.

He always served at weddings, christening, festivities and other celebrations.

With the advent of other land spirits of mead bit forgotten, but in the early twentieth century it became popular again, but for many still remains a mystery, mead brings benefit or harm to the human body.

What are the benefits for the body mead?

Although mead related to alcohol, with moderate and proper use of it can bring invaluable to the body and will forget about colds and other diseases.

Useful properties mead due to the fact, it is made honey – natural source of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, volatile and other bioactive substances.

This low-alcohol beverage provides such effects on the body:

  • jaroznijuyuçu;
  • antiseptichnu;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • inflammatory;
  • ochischayuchu;
  • soothing, etc..

Quite high calorie mead (close 93-95 kcal 100 g product) gives an energy boost, and containing vitamins and minerals positive effect on the heart, kidney, liver and other internal organs.

Liquor tones the body and gives it vitality, therefore helps to rehabilitate after serious illness.

Beer drinking rid of beriberi and anemia, if it is mixed with dry wine.

When colds and respiratory diseases

mead strengthens the immune system and helps the body cope with colds and viral diseases.

It is recommended to drink warm with angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, flu and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

The drink helps get rid of fever and headache. because, mead that makes mucus liquid, sputum by coughing and bronchitis goes well, and significantly improved ventilation.

exept this, antiseptic and antiviral action helps to cope with infection, and anti-inflammatory – eliminate inflammation.

For the nervous system

Making mead calming effect on the nervous system. It helps in such cases:

  • insomnia;
  • under stress;
  • depression;
  • with nervousness;
  • in nervous shakes, etc..

To enhance the effect of the combat insomnia mixed drink with mint and drink always before bedtime.

Mead relieves feelings and uplifting, therefore overcomes depression.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The benefits for the body mead known in ancient.

This drink launches digestion and improves appetite, so it must drink before the meal.

Корисні властивості медовухи

Useful properties mead

exept this, low-alcohol drink with bee products capable of destroying conditionally pathogenic microflora in the gut.

To enhance the effect, it is sometimes mixed with aloe juice or kalanchoe, or decoction of herbs.

Although mead relating to alcoholic beverages, it is useful even for the liver.

In diseases of the body on natural honey drink heavily diluted mineral water.

Mild laxative effect helps to cope with constipation.

Read more: The original mead recipes without yeast

For the urogenital system and reproduction

Mead is a diuretic, in combination with anti-inflammatory properties useful in diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also drink enhances the potency in men and strengthens the walls of the uterus in women.

Moderate consumption of intoxicating drink helps conceive.

In ancient times, the couple gave the barrel with this amazing drink, that they soon got seed.

For beauty and youth

Women mead useful is the fact, which saturates the body with vitamins and minerals and positive effect on the hair, skin and nails.

With moderate use of this drink hair becomes silky and healthy, cease to fall and break.

Antioxidant effects of honey, as a main component mead, helps maintain the attractiveness and confront manifestations of aging.

Benefits mead does not end. Due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, it provides the body with action:

  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • improves process of hematopoiesis;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and heavy metals.

After mead never hangover, as drink cleanses the body from harmful substances, which are formed during alcohol poisoning organism.

This drink helps to cope even with a strong hangover, but whether drinking alcohol during intoxication, issue.

What harm can bring mead?

Many people wonder, Harmful mead and whether it contraindications.

Despite the fact that this amazing beverage has the beneficial properties, it still contains alcohol, and so the abuse can harm the body.

Do not drink the beverage as water. So he brought only benefits, limit its use.

Also mead can cause damage if there are contraindications:

If you suffer from hypersensitive honey, from mead should abandon, because it can cause allergic reactions.

Протипоказання до вживання медовухи

Contraindications to the use of mead

If you are not aware of the body's reaction, first a test for allergies, and then enjoy soft drink.

Because of its high carbohydrate content in mead should not use it in diabetes.

If badly want to drink the drink, first consult your doctor.

Patients with diabetes to drink homemade mead, because the types often store honey fried sugar substitute.

The use of this drinking can lead to tragic consequences.

During pregnancy planning mead recommended use, but while carrying the child should be abandoned for several reasons:

  • Alcohol adversely affects the fetus;
  • drink increases uterine tone, which can cause premature birth.

You can not drink mead to 18 years. Children are allowed to eat only soft drink with honey, and even then only after 3 years.

mead – unique liquor. It can bring enormous benefits to the body, if you eat it in moderation and be aware of contraindications.

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