Absinthe with vodka

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Absinthe recipes of moonshine

Absinthe with vodka: recipe at home.

Absinthe – strong alcoholic drink (70-86%), which has a bitter taste and a strong herbal flavor.

Absinthe traditionally color emerald green, due to a large number of plant components drink.

It is, that the most important ingredients for beverage production – Pauline, fennel and anise.

Dyagel, Melissa, licorice, m'yata, chamomile, coriander and other ingredients are optional.

They only give some absinthe taste and aromatic notes.

  1. Production includes absinthe 4 steps
  2. A bit of history wormwood distillate
  3. Preparation of absinthe at home
  4. Video recipe absinthe
  5. Recipe of moonshine absinthe at home

Production includes absinthe 4 steps:

  1. Infusion of wormwood and other herbs in alcohol (or Double distilled moonshine);
  2. Distillation received infusions;
  3. Painting drink;
  4. Exposure absinthe to improve the organoleptic properties.

A bit of history wormwood distillate

The miraculous properties of bitter wormwood prized in the ancient world. It was believed, this herb promotes fertility, ulcer heals, articular rheumatism, improves the body after illness and helps fight viruses, awakens the appetite.

Opening is absinthe – liquor, which included must necessarily be present wormwood, occurred in 1792 year.

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Recipes home of moonshine absinthe

Absinthe was invented in Switzerland by French physician,. Ordinerom as a miracle remedy for many ailments.

It took only 5 years, production to Emerald strong liquor become widespread: at 1797 he opened the first factory for manufacturing beverage.

By the way, another version of the origin of absinthe says, if it is not set up doctor Ordiner, Henry and some sisters, involved making home infusions herbs. As if women simply sold Ordineru a drink recipe.

Popularity absinthe before the XIX century was so high, and he even began to call the "green fairy", not only for the healing qualities, but also the extraordinary euphoria, advancing after drinking drink.

The secret absinthe was in a special substance – tuion, contained in the composition of the leaves of wormwood.

Tuion – hallucinogen, toxic to the human body when excessive consumption of absinthe.

Due to the large number of crimes, individuals committed,abusing absinthe, at 1908 , the drink was officially banned in Switzerland, and later in other European countries, that has not stopped preparing absinthe underground.

Today a drink at the romantic name "Green Fairy" officially legalized, but on condition, the content of thujone in it must be small (usually no more 10 mg / kg).

Preparation of absinthe at home

Essentially, all absinthe, standing on the shelves – some genuine imitation drink.

Рецептура домашнього абсенту з самогону

Home absinthe recipe

A bright green absinthe Shop provided by means of dye, aroma and taste of the drink is often achieved by adding flavorings and essences.

To taste the alcohol, like Absinthe, enough to have a home unit Hootch, essential herbs, pure alcohol and desire a little work.

Absinthe at home with vodka comes out strong, bitter, intoxicating, in short, and what should be this famous drink.

By the way, fear not worth thujone poisoning, because this substance is dangerous only in very serious doses.

in addition, thujone poisoning deaths were recorded, but the measure still need to know, because the strength is high enough absinthe.

To make the quality of moonshine absinthe, have to consider some points:

  1. Insist on quality moonshine absinthe, which has no fusel odor. Otherwise, will not absinthe, and bitters with a disgusting flavor;
  2. Sometimes, instead of tarragon infused vodka and other components on alcohol, diluting it to strength 45%;
  3. Before, how to make absinthe with vodka, have to visit pharmacy, to acquire all the necessary;
  4. Recipe of moonshine absinthe can slightly adjust, adding some herbs and spices (hypericum, camomile, cardamom, coriander and others.);
  5. It should be remembered, green liquor that will last long after the disintegration of chlorophyll – green pigment, that adds color to plants and most of absinthe. If desired, you can add a ready drink a small amount of food coloring, Absinthe to remain green for a long time.

Video absinthe recipe

Recipe of moonshine absinthe at home


  • Moonshine 40-45% (double distillation) – 1 l;
  • wormwood – 60 g;
  • Seeds of fennel – 30 g;
  • Seeds of anise – 30 g;
  • M'yata – 15 g;
  • Mels – 10 g;
  • Thyme – 10 g;
  • water – 0,5 l.


  1. Pauline, fennel seed and anise pour into a glass cylinder (bank) and pour moonshine;
  2. Close jar tight lid and put in a dark place with a room temperature for a period of infusion 7 to 14 days. Every day, shake containers with infusion;
  3. After finishing 7-14 day infusion filtered through several layers of gauze, vidzhavshy carefully prospyrtovani plant components (If a distillation without filtering, particles of grass and sagebrush seeds can pryhority, that hurt distillate smell and taste);
  4. Strong Hootch infusion diluted with water, then send the liquid in the alembic. During the distillation required to separate and recycle hazardous "head", and collecting distillate continue, while the strength in the jet of liquid is reduced to 40%;
  5. When the home of moonshine absinthe is ready, will give it a green color. For this mint, lemon balm and thyme to add to the container of homemade absinthe, then let stand for liquid painting over 6 hours;
  6. Absinthe filtered through cheesecloth or a paper filter. Pour drink into a bottle of dark glass, cork tightly and keep in a cool dark place 3-7 days.

Ready home with Absinthe moonshine before serving should be thoroughly cooled (as vodka), then pour into small stacks.

If alcohol by volume seems too high, permissible to dilute the absinthe sweet and sour juice (pomegranate, orange, pineapple).

As an appetizer to absinthe fit citrus slices (lemon, lime), sprinkled with sugar, sour apple, and chocolate.

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