Apricot liqueur
Apricot liqueur: recipe at home.
Fresh juicy apricot season is very short, but it is a great way, continuing enjoy these beautiful summer fruits – cook apricot liqueur at home.
The drink is very simple to prepare, but it will give a lot of bright emotions and bring summer notes in severe winter evenings, When you open a bottle of this drink.
Liquor will be ready in a month, but the best taste, he takes a few months.
So if in August to prepare apricot liqueur, the, just before Christmas, you enjoy the fullness of its flavor.
While I was not aware of such recipes, I prepared banal infusion of apricot pits.
Then I was curious and a little experiment with combinations of fresh apricots and dried apricots.
turned, I was right, as a result I went a great drink with a taste of summer, warm in the cold winter.
I used vodka "Absolut" (you can take any other vodka) and used four different combinations:
- fresh fruit and simple syrup;
- fresh fruit with seeds and sugar syrup;
- half of fresh fruit, half dried fruits and sugar syrup at the final stage;
- half of fresh fruit, half dried and fresh syrup initially.
The result exceeded expectations. turned, apricots that played a very important role.
Liqueur, made exclusively from fresh apricots was mellow, but had just one touch of flavor.
Liquor with dried apricots brought a flavor balance. The drink had a characteristic fresh flavor, juicy fruit apricot.
Liquor prepared at home from apricots with seeds, gave the drink bitter taste spicy spices.
The taste is very different from previous beverages. in addition, broke bones strong apricot flavor.
So, if you want a strong liqueur with apricot flavor, is necessary to remove bone.
exept this, I noticed, the addition of sugar syrup in the initial stage of cooking liquor, leads to a decrease apricot flavor.
That is why I decided to stay on apricot liqueur recipe based on fresh apricots, dried apricots and syrup.
The combination of fresh fruit with dried apricots help create Delicious home liquor with extraordinary flavor.
exept this, I decided to use less sugar, than usually used for manufacture liquor.
I installed Trial, that the optimum ratio is 1: 4. Naturally, this figure is not final, You can add sugar to your taste.
To prepare the syrup usual need to mix one cup of water and one cup of sugar in a small saucepan.
Then simmer the mixture is heated until dissolved sugar.
Before using the syrup should cool. Keep it in the refrigerator for about possible 5 days.
Video recipe apricot liqueur
Recipe home apricot liqueur
Necessary ingredients:
- ¾ cup of fresh apricots pitted, diced;
- ¾ cup unsweetened dried apricots, diced;
- 1,5 glass of vodka;
- ¼ cup of syrup (much).
Preparation apricot liqueur at home:
- Fresh apricots and dried apricots put in a jar and pour vodka. The fruit should be covered vodka. Close the jar and leave to infuse for a week.
- A week later, Strain mixture through a sieve. The flesh can be slightly compress, to get the maximum amount of liquid. Then again Strain through several layers of cheesecloth.
- Pour into a clean quart jar the mixture. Add the syrup in it. Thoroughly mix all and add more syrup (Optional).
- Give a stand.
Such excellent liquor can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months!