goldenrod honey plant

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goldenrod honey plant

Goldenrod as a honey plant: medoproduktivnost, useful properties.

goldenrod normal (Solidago virgaurea) – which translated from Latin means "golden rizha".

Herbaceous perennial, a native of North America, aggressively grabs more and more habitats and spread in every corner.

This contributes to the fact, what, having endurance and ruggedness, it meets on its way competition among plant species.

in addition, every bush goldenrod able to reproduce annually 100 000 seed, which almost 100 percentage similarity.

But that's not all! The roots of this plant produce specific substances, which inhibit the growth of neighboring plants, repel insects and even birds.

noticed, that rodents leave the area, you picked for yourself goldenrod. Only this plant bee happy.

  1. Description
  2. medoproduktivnost
  3. How to grow
  4. Useful properties


Perennial dicotyledonous flowering plants of the aster family, with erect stems round, reaching a height of 30 centimeters to 1 m.

single root, woody, core. Leaves are oblong shape around the stem in a regular manner, branching letter metelchate, edge of the sheet pylchatyy.

All parts are weak perennials, subtle eye pubescence.золотарник медонос

The flowers in large numbers assembled on top of plants in a small basket, and outside are pryamostoyachee blossoms in a hand metelchatoyi.

The flowers are bright yellow color, contain much pollen.

Goldenrod is pollinated using bees and butterflies, involving them in its aroma.

Flowering begins in in May and lasts until the end of October, encountering the first frost.

After flowering form small fruits – achene, Only their size 3-4 mm, and also, as the mature plant, achene covered trimmed.

Achenes ripen from June to October.

Ever since the Soviet Union were discovered and studied goldenrod Crimean, narrow-leaved, laplandskeyy Yayla and pryalpiyskyy.

Importantly! Used in traditional medicine and as folk remedies, as well as homeopathy and veterinary medicine.

Herbaceous of goldenrod contain rutozyd, nitrogen-free glycosides, fragrances, ethers, tannins, resin, alkoloí̈dï, as well as organic components in the form of acid – phenolcarbonic, nicotine, ascorbic.

The rhizomes of plants rich in biologically active substance – inulin. Pollen flowers rich plant sugars and carbohydrates.

Read: As thistle honey plant: flowering, productivity.


Goldenrod Honey productivity is estimated beekeepers 150-200 kilograms of honey per hectare.

Медопродуктивність золотарникуSugar productivity averaged 64 weight, and the amount of pollen – 15 kg.

By volume collection goldenrod honey compared with the high-performance varieties sunflower.

Honey comb has a golden yellow color, which is in the process of pumping light brown shade.

The aroma of honey bright, sharp and intense. Sometimes honey may feel a little bitterness, someone notices it at all.

After collecting the honey retains its liquid state for 2 months, that brings satisfaction, who like liquid honey.

Importantly! Beekeepers unanimously considered, that goldenrod – This is an excellent honey plant.

Read: Coriander like honey plant: medoproduktivnost.

How to grow

Once in North American lands us in the middle of the XX century, This perennial so thoroughly caught in our territories, that he does not need a special care and cultivation.

Vice versa, goldenrod, rapidly spreading self-seeding, began to pose a threat to meadows with forage grasses.

Where once he grew up in the steppe regions, now he felt comfortable in any areas, can not be processed.

This plant inhibits the growth of meadow grasses, forming impenetrable thickets cells.

Use goldenrod as fodder crops not possible, as in wild and domestic animals it does not cause any interest.

Today the plant brings environmental hazard because of their uncontrolled spread.

According to the degree of threat, goldenrod put on a par with plant and cow parsnip potato beetle.

Read: Lyutserka as a honey plant: species, medoproduktivnost.

Useful properties

The plant has a remarkable beneficial properties:

  • heal wounds and acts detrimental to different species of bacteria because it is used in the treatment of postoperative complex processes to accelerate tissue regeneration and reduce to zero the risk of infection;
  • increases the flow of bile and is used for cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • enhances the outflow of urine retention, which found its application in the treatment of male diseases, related disorders of urination – prostatitis and prostate cancer;
  • well liquefies phlegm and promotes its discharge with bronchitis, sinusitah, sinusitis;
  • reducing signs of inflammation, tones and general condition of the whole organism;
  • copes with edema and brain tissue, and makes it much more efficient synthetic drugs;
  • regulates the metabolism and hormones, controls the production of glucose within physiological norm, not only as a preventive measure, but at high performance, which is important for diabetics;
  • resulting in a total rate of pH – the balance of acids and alkalis body, remove from the blood of free radicals and excessive amount of salt.

With the purpose of treatment infusions prepared, tinctures, various teas.

In a dry extract of the plant is part of some drugs and dietary supplements (BUD).Корисні властивості золотарнику

Harvesting plants spend during its active flowering, the work goes on top of the stem stems Brush, pruning do about 30 centimeters from the top.

Store raw materials required in the dried state, healing properties it retains at least 2 years.

Importantly! In large doses, the plant considered poisonous.

Its use must be reasonable and in strict compliance with the safe amount of used components, not to cause poisoning.

Before using plant material Goldenrod, should consult a doctor.

Read: Diseases and pests pear tree: their control.

There are contraindications on the use of medicines, prepared based components goldenrod:

  • exclude domestic consumption during pregnancy at all its terms and lactation;
  • chronic and acute glomerulonephritis;
  • take into account the individual characteristics of allergic reactions to the active ingredients of plant material.

Healers East speak of him, as a divine miracle.

It is called "Aaron's rod", according to the Old Testament, staff brother Moses blossomed overnight symbolizing exclusivity and status of priests.

During a riot of flowering, incredible healing properties of honey and, and indestructible vitality.

This plant is rightly has a place in life, and we do not cease to admire them.

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