Medonos lowlands

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Медонос осот

Medonos lowlands

As thistle honey plant: flowering, productivity.

People, having land, know what thistles – This unpretentious and evil weed.

So, This plant has taken all abandoned fields, where previously grown crops and vegetables.

Beekeepers benefited got a chance, thistles as a very good honey plant.

With tsoyi flowering plant leaves medicinal honey.

  1. see Osot
  2. creeping thistle (yellow)
  3. thistles garden
  4. pink thistle
  5. creeping thistle
  6. Osotovyy honey

see Osot

In nature, there 80 thistle species. Some annuals, other long-term, but they all belong to the family Asteraceae.

Height thistles also depends on the type and starts 50 cm and comes to 170 cm.

Vertical plants roots go deep into the ground, and the horizontal lie at the surface.Види осоту

In the weeds straight or branched, bit prickly stem, while leafless top, goals.

The leaves are arranged alternately and have a rich green color.

Flower baskets consisting of small reed inflorescence.

In the evening, and in cloudy weather inflorescence close.

After a period of flowering ripen seeds, which are carried by wind over long distances.

One flower can give to 6500 seed.

Warning! Once in the ground, in adverse conditions seeds can lie about 20 years, maintaining its similarity.

tenacious weed, except seeds so it multiplies in the banal ground perekoptsi.

At its roots are more buds, when the blade cuts the root, it is a piece of root bud begins to grow and form young growth.

Due to its characteristics thistles spread everywhere and continues to gain all the new places, even those where other plants can not survive.

certificate! Thistles are weeds, but also a medicinal plant, which is used for headaches, hemorrhoids and fever.

Read: Lyutserka as a honey plant: species, medoproduktivnost

creeping thistle (yellow)

Yellow thistle reaches a length 170 cm, with vertical roots deepened almost 4 m, horizontal with additional buds and stems of creeping meter.

Осот польовий (жовтий) медоносFlowers bright yellow.

Baskets are collected in inflorescence resembles a broom.

These flowers are excellent honey plant, attract bees as their appearance and aroma.

The plant grows in abandoned fields, yarakh, gardens, cities, and along rivers.

Importantly! Field thistle has a restorative, and tonic effect.

Pathologies, in which use yellow thistles:

  • jaundice;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • inflammatory foci, located in the lungs, stomach, gut;
  • angina;
  • nephritis;
  • fever;
  • articular tuberculosis.

exept this, stem and leaves are used in dietary.

thistles garden

The people called this weed rabbit salad, milkman, jovtuşnik.

This peer, which reaches a height 1 m. GARDEN branched stem thistle, hollow and brittle.

In place of bending appears white liquid. The leaves are rich-looking green.Осот городній медонос

The plant has yellow flowers, are similar to dandelion.

Growth fertilizer lands, in cities, gardens, on the shores of lakes, and rivers, does not shrink and wasteland.

Oddly enough, but the plant is not fully studied.

You can not call the full composition of elements, of which he is.

However, among the identified components is: fatty oils, ascorbic and tartaric acid, carotene, bitterness.

Weed has anti-inflammatory, tonic, and choleretic properties.

certificate! Aqueous extracts used to treat bronchitis, hepatitis, gastritis, colitis.

Read: Coriander like honey plant: growth and productivity.

pink thistle

People call this kind of thistles, and creeping thistle. This plant – perennial, which grows to 120 cm.

Осот рожевий як медоносIt differs from other types of thistles, by, has very much developed root system.

It goes far deeper into the earth, so thistle is not afraid of drought.

Bodyak almost completely covered with spines.

The plant grows on meager, unfertilized, saline lands.

It is found along roads, in the field, garden. Especially his lot on abandoned agricultural lands destination.

Flowers in pink thistle. Throughout the summer, this plant is covered with flowers.

Therefore, it is considered good honey plant. As part of thistles are substances, who gave healing power plant.

Pink thistle is used to treat:

  • sore throat;
  • inflammation;
  • jaundice;
  • hemorrhoids.

Also, this type strengthens the immune system, promotes the formation of new blood cells, activates the brain and nourishes the body with energy.

creeping thistle

Thistles gaining more territory. This is especially true of abandoned plots of land, which previously were agricultural work.Осот польовий як медонос

This advantage beekeepers, with 1 ha available to 260 amber kg product.

Thistle honey plant is blooming en masse, the more the plant blooms throughout the summer.

The main, not to disappoint weather, as in cloudy and rainy weather closed in thistle flower.

Weed attracts bees to their scent. The result is a beautiful amber nectar, which has healing properties.

Read: Bruise as a honey plant: medoproduktivnost, flowering.

Honey thistle

Osotovyy honey is a product Monophlore, as bees going from one type of plant.

He sated, pleasant aroma, and delicate flavor, not too sweet and deep.

By viscosity it differs from others by amber honey, more liquid and crystallization period up to several months.

But it must be understood, it is not a bad product. he, like all the goodies has healing properties.

Honey color with transparent yellow or green tint. When zatsukruyetsya, it will be white or cream.

Amber product consists of 400 natural compounds, which strengthen health.

In addition to a large group of vitamins in it, are enzymes, antioxidants, whites, amino acids, macro and micronutrients.

Useful properties due to the presence of honey osotovoho:

  • bitterness;
  • saponins;
  • choline;
  • inulin;
  • many different acids.

Read: Acacia honey plant as: productivity.

certificate! Carotene and ascorbic acid added product medicinal properties.

The most valuable composition of honey used by man for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

The range of application osotovoho honey:

  • recovery of the immune system;
  • postoperative rehabilitation interventions and serious diseases;
  • strengthening the nervous system, assistance when leaving the depression;
  • Food body extra energy before a big physical activities;
  • helps to collect the missing weight;
  • prevention and treatment of colds;
  • promotes healing of the skin.

In cosmetology nectar used to get rid of acne as masks.

To get rid of the signs of cellulite wraps used in conjunction with other procedures.

Massage with honey helps eliminate fatigue, muscle tension.

Despite all the positive qualities of the product must not forget about contraindications, not to harm your health.

Before first use is recommended to consult a doctor.

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