Home brew of sugar

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Home brew of sugar

Moonshine sugar: recipes at home.

In Russia, has long searched for ways to mount beverages.

It is, that raw sugar-driving for strong drink became popular in the XVI century.

known, the first brew was excellent quality: his production did not spare forces, time, raw materials.

He was considered the best overseas brandy or whiskey and even went a gift to foreign rulers.

However, after the abolition of serfdom moonshine production of honey become more expensive, but the quality is worse, and only being revived attempt to return to the roots of traditional brew.

  1. Pros and cons of moonshine
  2. Video moonshine recipe with sugar
  3. Stages of cooking moonshine
  4. The first stage
  5. second stage
  6. The third stage
  7. Fourth stage

Pros and cons of moonshine

Moonshine – homemade strong alcoholic drink. Great choice assortment of alcohol on the shelves, and most persistent increase in prices it makes us go in search of an alternative beverage.


Provided, that is their own brew, you to 100% confident naturalness of ingredients.

Cost store drinks moonshine below.

The drink is perfectly manifests itself as a part of rubbings, tinctures to treat various diseases.

From not good vodka headache (with moderate use)


The cooking process requires attention. Missed stage filtration threatens ingested substances set side.

Errors in the technology can result in serious consequences, including death.

In moonshine, usually, several times exceeded the norms of harmful substances.

Making moonshine home – is a complex process, which no details, so you need to follow all the rules, so resulting in a quality product without the unpleasant taste and sediment.

So to cook it is necessary to use only clean, preferably sterilized containers, To avoid contamination and infection by bacteria.

Video moonshine recipe with sugar

Stages home cooking moonshine

stage №1. Preparation Braga (wort) sugar

first, need cook Braga based on sugar and yeast.

For this, need to determine – How many products must be obtained as a result of the whole process.

Usually one kilogram of sugar available to 1,2 liters of strong drink.

See below table output moonshine (40% strength) from different raw materials:

Raw, kgEntrance, ml
6Sugar beet210

By kilogram of sugar is added to three liters of clean water, You can add another pint in the case, if inverted sugar.

Fermentation provide or 100 g presovanih, or 20 g dry yeast.

Read more: How to Braga without yeast.


20 gram of dry yeast per kilogram of sugar, not more. In many recipes online, which indicate more dry yeast, ignore. A large concentration of yeast = bad product.

Importantly, If you use dry yeast, Choose alcohol or yeast (sold in specialized stores), SAF LEVYUR yeast or baking and beverages.

second, invert sugar – cooking syrup. This process helps to destroy all pathogens in raw materials, and accelerates the fermentation process.

It is important not just to dissolve sugar in warm water, but bring mixture to a boil (in a pint of water per kilogram of sugar).

Boiling lasts 10 minutes, then added citric acid (0.08% of sugar syrup) and minimal heat until cooked syrup comes under the hood for an hour.

Preferably use enamelware;


Experience has shown, that brew with Braga on inverted sugar get better.

Third, water treatment. It should be clean (You can tap) water. Do not neglect this process.

water – This is a very important part of the future of moonshine. What better and cleaner water to you, the better the final product (live spring water – best choice).

Boil or can be distilled, so that the liquid oxygen is removed, needed for fermentation;

Fourth, prepared by mixing all ingredients. The syrup is poured into a container, which will be fermented, there is added to three liters of prepared water.

If you invert sugar, dissolve it in warm water (well peremishavshy). The optimum temperature of the mixture can be considered 28-30 C.

In containers must be enough space (filling no more than 4/5 capacity) for, that its foam filled, and its formation is very active;

Introduction to, mixed with syrup or added to mashed yeast, or dissolved in the must.

In the second case through 10-15 minutes giving a thick foam mixture. Dry yeast activated according to the recommendations on the package;

Fifth, fermentation. On the water seal bottle must be established, and she put in a warm place (from 26 to 31 degrees).

Importantly, that was a constant temperature conditions. Inverted sugar caramel smell gives Braga.

Fermentation lasts until 3 to 10 days. Twice a day Braga must shake for about a minute, without removing the water seal.

stage №2. Lighting (decontamination) Braga for moonshine

There comes a time degassing Braga and its lighting. First you need to get rid of the sediment, formed by yeast.

For this it is poured into another pot, using up. Then the resulting liquid is heated to 50 C, which allows to get rid of the remaining yeast and stop any gassing.

Now Braga again poured into the old bottle, where the light of bentonite (it can take Fillers for cat litter from white clay «Pi-Pi-Bent», «WC Closet Cat», "Kotyara" no flavor).

On 4 Braga liters is enough to incomplete tablespoon bentonite. Before using the filler is ground in a coffee grinder, and throw in a little warm water to a thick cream.

Then she added in a container, where Braga, her, Shake a few minutes and leave for half a day alone.

Only after this procedure removes sediment (it can not empty into drains).

Lighting Braga Concreteyls an amateur, for my taste vodka goes worse.

stage №3. Primary distillation Braga

The next stage – The first distillation. Alcohol in the process is separated from impurities.

The process takes place at low heat. first 50 ml / a kilogram of sugar ( "Head"), merge into a separate container (can only be used for technical purposes).

The second part of the main – This crude alcohol, for which the whole process is conducted.

His collection stops after falling below the drink strength 40 C (while burning a spoon – can collect).

Then the remaining "tails" – alcohol with more fusel oil;

Warning! Greed is a bad thing, chase moonshine correctly, separating the heads and tails. I tried to be greedy, over wild headache (And I still lightly).

stage №4. Cleaning moonshine distillation and secondary

Purification of raw alcohol may be carried out potassium permanganate, baking soda, or activated charcoal.

I cleanse brew using water filter "Aquaphor". Moonshine distilled twice, after the first and after the second distillation.

The drink comes out soft and almost odorless. Friends advantage to my method, using potassium permanganate clearing, the result of too great.

The main front Second moonshine distillation procedure dilute it to 20 C. During the second stage of distillation of moonshine is also recommended to select (heads and tails) and do not take as drink;

The last stage is the dilution (to 40 C, although it individually) and upholding the finished product.

In order to moonshine acquired a milder taste, advised to put the bottles with stoppers in a dark and cool place for 3-4 days.

Only after this preconditioning can put this meal on the table – drink will be appreciated by all participants in the tasting meal.

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