swarming bees

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Swarming bees spring

Period swarming bees: how to stop swarming bees.

swarming bees – a natural way reproduction of bee colonies, natural process of increasing the number of insects, required for the rehabilitation and upgrade of the population.

It consists in the, that at some stage of their life, bee family is divided into parts.

One group will remain in the same hive, in its old place.

The second part, and that about half of the total, leaves it with the old queen, and goes in search of a new, an appropriate residence.

In the warm fine day in the apiary can observe a natural phenomenon – bees in large numbers, but not for long, swarming hive of.

Then going to a club and fly. For a time they can see how they still hang on the branches of trees, shrubs, other pillars.

They are waiting for news from the scout bees, looking for a new place for taking off the swarm.

When they return, then take away all the c a colony. Vidbuduvavshy full house at the new location, these bees form a new family and continue to lead a life similar to, that led to this – grown offspring, collect honey etc..

Роїння бджіл - добре чи погано?

swarming bees – good or bad?

The rest of the bees and makes adjustments to its existence – they have a new queen, need to restore the number swarm, create inventory feed.

swarming – hereditary property bees. It allows insects to save and distribute their appearance in nature.

This instinct, which completely suppress virtually impossible.

In large healthy families under favorable conditions swarm condition – sign proper development and reproduction.

But such behavior of bees is not always profitable in economic terms, So, as in this period they occupied medosbora and can miss tricks.

If the process has begun, it is very difficult to adjust. This is troublesome for the beekeeper.

Apiary requires attention, loss of control as swarming leads not only to reduce the amount of honey harvested commodity, but also to the loss of bee colonies or their weakening

Degree roylyvosti determined by several factors, such as breed bees, age and quality of the uterus, hereditary quality family life and conditions.

  1. reasons swarming
  2. Terms swarming
  3. Signs swarming
  4. swarming bees
  5. The first swarm of bees
  6. The second swarm of bees
  7. Third swarm of bees
  8. Control of swarming bees

reasons swarming

To family zaroyilasya, certain conditions. They can be caused by natural causes.

They can be created artificially, if necessary trigger swarming bees for reproduction of productive families in the apiary.

Can only split a large colony strong, where there is an old queen.

Families with young sows, especially the first year is not swarming.

Causes, causing a state swarm bdzholosim'yi, following:

  • warm weather with no good offering;
  • the large number of employees did not work young bees;
  • imbalance between the number of adult bees nursing, and open-grown brood;
  • old nest presence in the uterus, which is not actively secretes pheromones;
  • tightness in the hive, inadequate ventilation of the internal space, old cell;
  • overheating nest, The presence of numerous printed brood;
  • strengthening early beekeeper families.

In fact swarming – complex and multifaceted process. You can not just assert which factors are key, and which are minor.

Most of them can speak together. When conditions are favorable for this type of reproduction, bees react immediately, perceiving them as a command to action.

Considering the natural timing of swarming bees can prepare for this event.

Terms swarming

Observations show beekeepers, the distribution bdzholosim'yi usually occurs in 9 or 10 week after spring flyby.

This corresponds to May or June. The process may take swarming 2 – 6 weeks.

In each area, the figure is individual. Time of departure swarm – sunny fine day, with 10 and till 14 hours.

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Period swarming bees

If at this time the bad weather, but later it improves, bees leave the hive can later – to 17 hours.

Early timing swarming bee colonies, responsible 5 – 6 weeks before the main medosbora, more profitable.

Bees are so far as to strengthen, to be ready to collect honey.

Makes it grow and new first working brood mares, So, To take part in the work of medosbora.

Average families later, for 7 – 10 days, significantly reduces vidroyivshusya family. She does not have time to gain strength, and less productive in the second half medosbora.

Besides swarming bees may occur in August or even September. One reason is the loss of highly productive solid cancer in the family.

This can happen accidentally when viewed from the hive. It can be intentionally removed to replace the beekeeper.

known, the family normal life without cancer can. Laying new queen and output trigger cancer in the colony swarm condition.

Why bees are swarming in late July and August? This happens with poor families, who took over the summer and increased strength.

Spring swarming because they missed part of the small number, But if nature is good medosbor, they will remember breeding instincts.

Signs swarming

Swarming bees begins long before, as one part leaves the hive.

Learn, bdzholosim'ya that passed in the state can swarm by the following features:

  • many in the hive drone brood;
  • when viewed from the nest can be seen rebuilt matochniki;
  • worker bees clusters sit on the comb or on the walls of the hive;
  • they are busy working, nectar for almost fly;
  • Construction stops cells;
  • nurse no longer feed the uterus;
  • reduced its egg-laying, she loses weight and gains the ability to fly;
  • worker bees bite letok, and form a club at the bottom of the board prylitnoyi.

The most well sure sign is the queen laying eggs cooked by bees matochniki.

Shortly before swarming bees stop working, hear the buzzing of the hive.

In the morning many individuals scurrying around notch, to fly. Present aggressive attitude to a uterus.

swarming bees

The process of swarming bees – is not the division of the family into two equal parts. It turns swarm may be several.

The technique departure and collect different insects had. The difference lies in the number (the first large swarm) and uterus (it fruitful).

The first swarm of bees

By the time of sealing the first queen, First comes a swarm separation and exit from its parent hive.

This is in 2 or 3 day. Now the old part of the uterus along with its accompanying bees may leave the nest.

Young birds will replace the old uterus through 5-7 days, this is a family that it will not be.

The process is as follows swarming:

  1. In beautiful sunny weather insects fly out of the hive, circling over the notch.
  2. First of units, but soon becomes widespread action.
  3. Departure swarm accompanied by a characteristic noise, a significant role is played drones.
  4. Uterus crashes in the middle of the swarm, it is surrounded by bees.
  5. Exit to the swarm takes time 4 -5 minutes.
  6. First taking off bees swarming on beehive, then whipped into a dense mass, instilled in low trees, bushes, fence.


  • The first swarm leaves the hive with the queen fruitful.
  • This does not remove the swarm away from home, sits low.
  • Bdzholosim'ya, formed from the first swarm, quickly comes back to normal, laying eggs in the uterus begins immediately, growing brood occurs relatively quickly.

Sometimes during swarming bdjolomatka for various reasons, can not take off and returned to the hive, which began to be vaccinated club, also come back.

The next attempt they will do tomorrow. If the queen bees swarm fly out, but die, colony, left alone, and return home.

She later flew, through 10 days, Now the other queen. This release will be preceded by a soundtrack, known as co females, called a swarm will be the first singing.

The second swarm of bees

Its output is due 9, some species through 10 days. By this time the mother bee family is born a new queen, but few will be sealed queen.

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swarming Beekeeping

This other individuals ready for birth. This situation is not favorable uterus, she will try to kill rivals.

Nurse will protect them and not let her do it. The uterus leave the hive.

The unique roll females occurs on the eve of the departure of the second swarm hive.

If you come around, be well characterized audible hum – singing females.

SECOND swarm their actions could trigger a flight is not cancer.

The celebrations for the preparation of contagious bee, more mature uterus may leave the queen cells and leave the hive with bees swarm colony.

When collecting this swarm in one royivnyu, several females, being in an enclosed space, will be forced to fight for survival.

Win one, the strongest. To keep the young queens for further breeding apiaries should be under the care of the club to split, separated females.


  • second swarm differs from the first, having a uterus womb;
  • it flies faster, grafted high;
  • egg-laying begins in the family 10 day, population growth – to 30;
  • second colony swarm consists of fewer bees.

Third swarm of bees

Its formation is preceded flight Pervak ​​singing or second swarm. Leaving the young queen bees do not always leave the hive.

коли рояться бджоли

When bees swarm

Some remains.

The next day, including a struggle for supremacy.

But there together, not all individuals.

a situation, when there are several hive queens.

If the departure of the second swarm delayed for objective reasons a day or two – a state the more likely. Then with the bees flies swarm third.


  • small population;
  • barren womb;
  • to create a complete family is not suitable, but may be a combination of several swarms;
  • get the products from these bees this year will not work.

In the practice of beekeeping allowed departure of the first swarm. The second and third should stop, using techniques protyroyovi.

bees, which left many individuals, becoming few and weak. To restore the number could go the whole season, honey from these bees can not wait.

Control of swarming bees

It is extremely difficult to control swarming bees, artificial prevention measures do not eliminate completely the instinct.

This can be done only chief medosbor. But the strength beekeeper feasible methods to adjust the time and therefore the process, create their bees the conditions, which will be swarming minimum.

How to avoid swarming bees:

  1. In the spring of strong family put wax frame for reconstruction worker bee honeycombs.
  2. Reduce the number of printed brood in the hive by taking frames.
  3. To keep bees in the spacious domikah- hives, time to change the old cell.
  4. Replace old (more 2 years) womb young.
  5. In hot weather use shading hives, To prevent overheating nest.
  6. Expand too narrow notch.
  7. Follow, to beehives well ventylyuvalysya.
  8. Avoid large breaks in medosbora, inactivity bees.
  9. Use for breeding breed bees, known low propensity to swarming.

The arsenal is a beekeeper and a lot of special moves warning swarming, When artificially created conditions similar to those, observed in vidroyivshiysya family.

It may be a division, sealing, liquor, Raid on the uterus.

Proper and timely use of a set of measures helping prevent swarming bees the apiary and always give the desired results – bees calm down and return to a working state

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  1. Alexander says:

    available, meaningfully useful!

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