Infusion of raspberry
Infusion of raspberry: 4 best recipes for the home environment.
Definitely, there is virtually no people, who would be indifferent to raspberries.
Will b back, It is difficult to imagine, these garden gifts can get delicious jams and compotes, jelly and jelly, candy and sherbet.
How delicious homemade cakes with raspberry filling!
Besides the dishes prepared crimson berries delicious wines, liquor and even moonshine.
One of the most appealing taste beverages by aroma and a pleasant sweet-sour taste is tart raspberry Infusion, who cooked at home.
It can be done at home, bay berries spirits or cook like a liqueur wine, When the fermentation will occur berry juice with sugar.
Useful properties crimson liquor
The home crimson brandy to drink as liquor, example, with sweet desserts, fruit, pastries.
And if you want you can stock up a bottle or two of brandy, to use it for medicinal purposes.
Particularly relevant in this season of colds Infusion, in spring and autumn periods, when the body should support the natural vitamin means.
In raspberry brandy are vitamins A, V1, B2, B9, WITH, RR.
Rich in iron drink, calcium, sodium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper.
As part of the healing liquid salicylic acid present, essential oils, tannins.
Raspberry brandy used as a remedy for high temperature, vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency.
Infusion toxins in diseases of viral and bacterial nature.
And it's wonderful (and delicious way) to improve immunity and strengthen the body after suffering illnesses of any nature.
Raspberry brandy to treat a drink in moderation – Only in 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day.
If you prefer to drink brandy in pure form or added to warm tea (black or herbal), water.
But you can cook crimson brandy as a tasty drink for the festive table.
She dignity replace any store drinking, especially if used berries from your garden – ripe, quality, have grown without harmful chemicals.
Prepare the drink can be even in the cold, if instead of fresh fruit to frozen.
Raspberry for making brandy
Does not matter, which use raspberries – early, medium or late maturing.
The size and color of berries, too, does not matter, true, Infusion of yellow varieties (example, Yellow giant, Behlyanka, gilt) will light, often less flavorful (usually brighter smell of red varieties).
true, value raspberry brandy from allergies zhovtoplidnoyi (such varieties less anthocyanin – vegetable dyes).
Popular varieties are those, that good fruit, disease-resistant, whose berries have a sweet and sour or sweet taste (example, Patricia varieties, Red sails, meteor, Faith, Mirage and others.).
Collecting raspberries carried out from late June (for the early grades) August-September.
In the morning, as soon as the dew fall, You can collect berries in a small container with a hard bottom.
Preferably, the volume of containers was not more 2 liters, otherwise berries may be damaged.
In the rain better not to collect raspberries, otherwise it disintegrates, become watery.
in addition, If you plan to make brandy using fermentation berries with sugar, on its surface to be yeast.
After the rain they will be washed away, such as wort or flirting, or a little sparkle.
If Infusion will purchase with raspberries, must consider the integrity of berries, their color.
It is advisable to ask the seller about the place of gathering berries.
carious, immature or damaged fruit diseases should not use.
By the way, suitable timber and raspberries. Its aroma and taste are often even more, than in the garden.
true, opportunity to get out into the woods, not all available.
Once the crop is picked raspberries, should define the recipe, which will be prepared by Infusion.
In some cases, the berries are washed, other – No. If the recipe should be washed berries, plucked them, thin layer is put in a colander and wash under running cool water.
All randomly plucked leaves and stem removed. Remake immediately raspberries, because it persists even in the cold a little longer – let the juice, is withered.
In most cases, When raspberries pour spirits (vodka, cognac, pure or diluted alcohol moonshine), add sweetness to sugar.
Although you can do and unsweetened infusion, focusing on a slightly sour taste and pleasant smell of drink.
By the way, already in delicious brandy made of raspberry can add a special "flavor", Pour the berries pinch of spices (cumin, cinnamon, carnations, kardamonu, ginger) or a little fresh mint leaves.
Read more: How to make plum brandy with
Video recipe crimson liquor
Recipe crimson liquor vodka (strength about 15%)
If the season went crimson, You can pay attention to the frozen fruit.
The berries from the freezer necessary to defrost at room temperature.
- raspberry – 2 kg;
- Vodka (or other 40% drink) – 1 l;
- Sugar – 0,5 kg;
- water – 500 ml.
- By sorting and wash raspberries. Lightly mash her hands (Tovkach) a pan with high bumpers, not to leak juice. Crumpled crimson pour mixture into glass cylinder, pour vodka on top. Alcohol is completely covered berries a few centimeters;
- The container is hermetically closed, shake and carry a warm place, where there is no access to light a week. Shake daily crimson vodka;
- After a clean gauze filter infusion, vidzhavshy carefully pulp (while it does not need to throw). Tara filtered aside time to drink;
- Vichavki raspberries (cake) shift in the pan, add water, pour sugar. On low heat boil wait, boil about 5 minutes, removing the foam appears. Remove from heat, cool;
- When the temperature sweetened crimson liquid will be about 25-30 C, Pour vodka in her crimson, received before;
- Mix the contents of pots, and then filtered through cheesecloth. Pour into a clean cylinder, cork and place for holding for 1 cool month;
- After months allotted for aging drink again strain, pour into a bottle of the desired volume, cork and place in a cool dark place without light. Store crimson brandy, Preparation for this recipe, 1 year.
Recipe classic crimson liquor (strength about 10%)
- raspberry (fresh, nemita) – 2 kg;
- Sugar – 1 kg;
- water – 200 ml.
- Unwashed raspberries bust, Pour the first layer (close 3 cm) a balloon, sleep in the same bed sugar. Rotate the raspberries and sugar until, until ingredients are gone. Pour water (must nekyp'yachenu, otherwise it will not be oxygen, which reflected negatively on fermentation). Importantly, to remain in the tank space in cupboards, is coming soon;
- Taking the wooden tolkushku, gently mash the berries in sugar water;
- Wear on the neck of bottle water slide (or pierce medical glove). Move the cylinder to a sunny place 20-50 days;
- Fermentation is complete, when the shutter stop bubbles go (glove, previously inflated, should fall), will precipitate. Then pour the brandy will have another clean container, filtered through cheesecloth. To move the maturation of brandy in bottles 1-3 cool months (fridge, basement). Keep up to 2 years in a cool dark place.
A simple recipe crimson liquor without sugar (strength about 25%)
- raspberry – 1,5 kg;
- Vodka – 2 l.
- Malyn take over and rinsed. Fold the bottom of the container, pour alcohol. Close tightly and shake well a couple of times;
- Move the bulb in a dark place with a room temperature for a period of 1 to 2 months;
- Infusion filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. Store in a cool place 2 years. If desired, after filtration can add a little drink honey (close 250-300 g), Stir and let stand still 2-3 gained.
Recipe for crimson liquor-fast
Strength crimson liquor-quick scheme depends on the amount of alcohol added.
Sometimes, I want to please yourself or friends and home tasty drink, and the time for its preparation No.
Then you can do with raspberry brandy on this simple recipe.
- raspberry – 1 kg;
- Vodka – 1,5 l (more or less, depending on the desired number of finished beverage);
- Sugar – 250 g (if you want, to drink was sweet, sugar can be doubled).
- Net send berries in a bowl of heat-resistant glass, cork;
- Dial in the pan (great basin) cold water, put the center-capacity containers with raspberries. Boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook 1,5 years. If necessary, top up a little water;
- Remove the pan (pelvis) from fire, allow water to cool (as the cooling water is cool and the contents of the container obtained berry juice);
- Strain the raspberry juice (cake can throw). Pour it into a glass container (bottle or cylinder), Add vodka and sugar, well zbovtati, cork;
- Writing brew day nalyvtsi.