Ginger, honey and lemon – Support immune forces of nature

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Імбир, мед і лимон - підтримка імунітету

Ginger, honey and lemon – support immunity

Ginger, copper, lemon for immunity: Recipes and benefits.

Who invented it and why this combination?

Burning root, sour fruit and pcheloprodukty individually used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine.

But their triad – it is indeed "mafia", which is able to withstand "external and internal enemies".

And there in person to check turned many.

The impact of negative environmental factors, infection, bacteria, pathogens – All these enemy agents trying to stay in a comfortable environment and there is progress.

But the immune system is the guardian of time and stops hostile invasion. However, note, if it is normal.

Synthetic adjuvants, Dietary supplements, and "magic pills" we offer every posters.

But let's make ourselves stronger health using natural remedies, which will be a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey.

  1. Useful properties
  2. Prepare and take right
  3. Contraindication

Useful properties

It is no secret, that "the result makes the team". In our case, this trio of components, miraculous mixture of components.

Each of them has its own peculiarities, which makes this composition useful for children and adults.


Sunny fruit has long been not exotic. autumn, winter and spring it is present in every home, as well-known as its utility in fighting colds.

The composition includes citrus vitamins (most C, then almost all group B, BUT, E, R, PP and other), macro- and minerals, antioxidants, sugar, cellulose, pectins, acid.

With this set of "usefulness", Lemon has excellent properties:

  • strengthens the immune system, helps the body to quickly deal with colds and viruses;
  • useful in atherosclerosis, as it helps to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels of different "sizes";
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with severe headaches (even migraines), normalizes sleep;
  • promotes dissolution of kidney stones and bladder, has diuretic properties;
  • pregnant helps to cope with toxemia;
  • activates the digestive system. Despite the presence in the acid, znyzhaye gastric acidity, improves motor skills and helps remove toxins, toxins;
  • improves skin, hair, nails.

According to official medicine, regular use of lemon slows aging process, makes salts deposited in joints, helps preserve bone.


Ginger we perceive as spicy seasoning to land. The properties of aromatic root know not all. And they are all related to the rich composition.

Analyzing the chemical elements, could argue, which are at the root of B vitamins, WITH, BUT, micro- and macro, amino acids, burning substance, carbohydrates, natural antiseptics and mucolytics, essential oil.

Action ginger next:

  • reduce nausea and vomiting during toxicosis (although pregnant women should be very cautious about the use of root in large quantities), sea ​​sickness during chemotherapy sessions;
  • significantly reduces blood cholesterol, What prevents blood clots, and therefore, and heart attacks and strokes;
  • strengthens bones, restores the cartilage and relieves arthritis;
  • used in the treatment of colds and viral diseases, as effective antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent as an auxiliary component in the treatment of;
  • is an aphrodisiac, which has long used the stronger half of humanity.

proved, that ginger helps fight successfully psycho problems, depression, headaches, deterioration of cognitive functions.

Read more: Ointment with wax, yolk and oil – recipe.


The benefits of this unique bee products can talk for a long time and many.

МедIn its structure contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, whites, sugar, carbohydrates.

Scientists still can not "decode" about 15% composition of honey.

Since ancient times, honey was used as a treatment, and in preventing almost all ailments.

Today apiterapevty claim, that it can be used to deal with problems:

  • skin disease – psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart disease and blood vessels;
  • illness hemopoietic system, in particular – anemia;
  • improve the body's resistance to viruses, infections, colds.

The list is endless. But there is one significant negative – allergenicity.

Because of its rich biological activity and structure, pcheloprodukty may cause allergies.

Although in fairness it should be noted, that in the world there are only about 5% people, suffering from complete intolerance of honey.

Prepare and take right

Lemon, ginger and honey for immunity – Firming vitamin mix, can not only help cure, but also to prevent the arrival of many diseases.

Recipes are many. Consider the most successful and commonly used. In addition, the preparation of such drugs is simple in execution.

aromatic puree

Apparently, simple recipe. For it will take:

  • 100 g. fresh ginger root;
  • 4 medium lemon;
  • 150 g. light liquid honey.

These proportions of ingredients most optimal, because potions will not be too cloying or sharp.

Root to choose fresh, elastic and moist to the touch.

Lemon – with smooth shiny skin, copper – only natural, or purchased in specialty stores, beekeepers or friends (especially if the grass will take children).

The root peel, Lemon wash and cut into slices.Ginger, honey and lemon - Support immune forces of nature

All this fragrant splendor to crank meat grinder and put in an enamel or glass container (the metal is destroyed vitamin C.).

Pour honey and mix thoroughly.

Fold in the glass jar and let stand in the refrigerator for a week.

Take the morning, fifteen minutes before eating, with water at room temperature.

adults – tablespoon, children – tea. The course of the month.

Then a break for two weeks and can be repeated if desired.

This mixture is also a good idea to add to tea, only nehoryachyy, not to "destroyed" honey.

Read more: Treatment of the common cold honey at home.

Honey particles

This herb is very well suited for children during a cold and sore throat. And adults help from the same problems.

It will take:

  • 2-3 lemon (thin-skinned);
  • ginger – close 10 cm;
  • half cup honey.

Preparation is very simple:

  1. lemons need to pour over boiling water, then immediately with cold water. Cut into thin slices;
  2. ginger peel and pyuryrovat using grinder or blender;
  3. The resulting slurry put in an enamel bowl and pour honey, give a little stand, to let the ginger juice;
  4. then layers in a glass jar lemon slices and spread filling with honey-ymbyrno solution.

Put in the fridge for a week. This produces fragrant "tsukatyky" with sharp little taste of lemon and honey-sweet.

During a sore throat dissolve in the mouth, like candy.

In a preventive measure is one lobules in the morning, better in the morning, as the potion has invigorating effect.

You can also add tea, but again not too hot.

Ginger tea

This recipe provides for the use of ginger and honey for immunity.

If desired, you can add lemon. This drink is for those, who are allergic to citrus.

Introducing a version with lemon, but it can be deleted if necessary.

  1. Ginger clear, cut into thin slices and place in zavarochnyk. There also send the juice of one lemon.
  2. Pour the contents of boiling water and let stand at least an hour.
  3. Then pour into cups and tea drinking to each give a taste of honey.

Read more: Honey clover: treatment, benefit, contraindication

A good preventive and warming agent at the time of colds and epidemics of colds.

ginger candy

Ginger with lemon and honey can be converted into useful goodies for kids.

The kids will be happy to suck lollipops flavored, and adults will not give up such useful sweets.

Value products:

  • 2 st.l. sugar;
  • 1 st.l. of water;
  • 1 ch.l. honey;
  • 1 ch.l. grated ginger root;
  • 1 st.l. lemon juice.

In a saucepan add sugar and fill the water. On low heat bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

Watch for the moment, When the caramel begins to thicken. Add lemon juice and cook another couple of minutes.

Then enter honey with ginger. Stir, let boil and turn off.

While the caramel is hot and liquid, pour into molds, pre blurry oil (best olive or almond).

Candy cool and crystallize. Useful candy ready.

But parents need to ensure that, that their offspring did not take more than four per day tsukerochok. It may develop allergies.

And if you add a member to a couple drops of essential oil of peppermint or eucalyptus, come great lozenges Cough.


Unfortunately, in our unique means for maintaining immunity are some contraindications.

They must be considered before a decision to engage in health promotion using lemon, ginger and honey.

  1. Individual intolerance of any component home immunostimulant. Allergy – insidious disease and its manifestations are unpredictable, including anaphylaxis, which is very dangerous for children and pregnant women.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors recommend not to abuse this means. And with even a small hint of allergies, and on any product, not just the potion ingredients – refuse to accept all.
  3. In the presence of ulcers and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Burning and acid substances will only exacerbate the patient's condition and provoke exacerbation.
  4. Hypertension serious pathology of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage. Honey can be used separately, like lemon. But our ginger mixture can provoke pressure jump, because it has a tonic effect.
  5. Uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids as a direct prohibition to receive any medication for the same reasons.

To the great satisfaction of fans of "utility" homemade, contraindications not so much.

Everyone can choose a recipe to taste. Ozdorovlyuyemosya and lechimsya, but with a sense of proportion..

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