Sweet Clover honey – delicious cure-all

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Мед з буркуну: користь

Honey clover: benefit

Honey clover: treatment, benefits and contraindications.

Do not know, What Sweet Clover honey is so expensive?

This product has a unique composition and properties.

Widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, but first things first.

Sweet Clover Honey belongs to the elite varieties.

Among beekeepers he especially appreciated because of the chemical composition and useful properties.

Especially popular this honey in the US. Clover honey plant is white or yellow.

  1. The taste and color
  2. Storage
  3. Useful properties
  4. Application
  5. Contraindication
  6. How to store?
  7. As distinguished from fakes?

The taste and color

Whether, which collected nectar plant species, bee products has healing properties and has the following characteristics:

  • color. A typical light yellow or white. If bees collect nectar from white clover, Color is lighter;
  • taste. The product has a sweet bee, but not sugary taste. Maybe there is hardly noticeable bitterness. A typical long and pleasant aftertaste;
  • crystallization. Honey crystallizes quickly, so the sale it rarely occurs in liquid form. It has a consistency similar to cream;
  • aroma. The peculiarity serves delicacies scent with subtle notes of vanilla.

It is, this variety is unique and especially valued for its medicinal properties.

This caused its relatively high price compared with other varieties.


Sweet treats valuable in its composition contains:

  • close 40% fructose;
  • close 36-37% glucose;
  • close 20% of water;
  • other components.

In addition to high content of carbohydrates, Sweet Clover honey is contained in minerals:

  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • copper, etc..

According to some, it is more than a hundred micro- and macro.

Also, the composition rich in vitamins K, C, E and group B.

Contains honey and other useful components:

  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • volatile;
  • essential amino acids;
  • lipids;
  • whites;
  • ash material.

people, that Weight Watchers diet or follow, important to know, it calorie product.

IN 100 Grams contained sweets 312-320 calories.

Useful properties

For adults and children useful honey, grumbler – herb, which is often used to treat colds and other diseases.

Benefits plants fully passed on Treats, provided such action on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • expectorant;
  • analgesic;
  • antiseptichnu.

The use of the product also helps:

  • reduce blood clotting;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • restore metabolism.

The external application of honey helps speed wound healing, and get rid of festering boils and other entities.

The benefit is not limited to sweets: product a positive effect on all organs and systems.

In this connection, used to treat these pathologies:

  • gout;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Varicose Veins;
  • gynecological problems;
  • headaches and insomnia;
  • colds and flu;
  • cough and bronchitis;
  • constipation;
  • artrozіv;
  • atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Read more: Can I eat honey in the combs with wax.

Due rozsmoktuchym properties, recommended for cancer tumors, but in this case before applying the necessary consultation.


To maintain immunity, enough day to eat 25 grams of honey. Most slowly dissolve product.

So the body gets maximum benefit. Although it can be combined with other ingredients, but not hot, since the high temperature components are destroyed helpful.

In folk medicine, many recipes Sweet Clover honey to treat certain diseases.

When you cough and bronchitis

Bronchial diseases clover honey can be used in pure form.

To enhance the beneficial properties capable black radish. In deepening vegetables cut and fill with honey, Leave for a few hours.

The resulting juice to take a dessert spoon. The best folk medicine to drink before each meal.

When stress and insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia or want to deal with stress, drink tea with honey Sweet Clover.

Better make herbal tea, example, with mint or lemon balm, but can be another favorite.Що лікує мед з буркуну

The main, do not add goodies in a hot drink. Add to taste.

To calm the nervous system and can use a different recipe.

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach honey, diluted in warm water.

A glass of water should be taken 1-1,5 teaspoon natural sweetness.

This drink is not only to relieve nervous tension, but also improve the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism and strengthen the body's defenses.

In patients joints

Arrest the inflammation and relieve the pain can help honey cake.

The flour and products of bees prepare dough, which make cake.

Attach it to patients in areas 20-30 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

This cake can also apply to long healing wounds.

For constipation

Before meals, of cooked oatmeal, Add grated apple gall, little honey and lemon juice.

Such a mess on the need to take a few spoonfuls minutes 30 a.m. Eat this porridge can and children, unless allergies to honey and citrus.

When pneumonia

To get rid of the disease, need to mix:

  • 2 of Sweet Clover Honey;
  • 1 of aloe juice;
  • 3 of vodka.

The prepared mixture for use packs, to be put to the back and chest.

The course of treatment depends on the disease. Can be used as adjunctive therapy with antibiotics or medication.


When an internal hemorrhoid clover honey can be used for enemas.

IN 100 ml of warm water to dissolve 20 grams of honey. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day.

This procedure helps relieve inflammation and pain.

By improving circulation of blood thinners, which helps get rid of stagnant.

Moreover antiseptic properties allow to prevent complications.

when varikozі

250 grams of garlic peel husks, then skip through the press.

Grind it can in other ways: example, using a grater or blender.

To add the garlic 350 grams of honey and send in a dark place 7 days.

The resulting juice to drink a teaspoon three times a day.

The course of treatment is usually long, but depends on the stage of the disease.

Read more: Treatment with honey eyes at home: honey drops.

Application for women

Often women use this product in such cases beekeeping:

  • during lactation. Absorbing properties help to get rid of mastitis. For this purpose it is applied as a compress to his chest. If ingestion increases lactation, but use it only in small quantities, that the baby is having allergy;
  • pregnancy. Apply Sweet Clover Honey allow the mother and baby receive the necessary minerals and vitamins, but should be used in limited quantities, to avoid allergies;
  • during menopause. Contained as part of plant hormones restore hormonal, help get rid of irritation, fatigue and other symptoms of menopause;
  • gynecological diseases. Honey reduces inflammation, normalizes hormonal and reproductive system improves. In gynecological problems can be taken orally or for topical treatment as douching, ointments, tampons.

Women use the product for skin care.

moisten the epidermis, get rid of blackheads and acne mask helps, cooked at home.

To prepare follow these steps::

  1. One fresh cucumber grate on grater.
  2. Add a small spoonful of honey.
  3. Apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water.

Combining the natural sweetness in cooking home masks can be with other components.

Use in children

honey, obtained from clover, good for children. It is used in such cases:

  • colds and coughs;
  • in low immunity;
  • while stunting or development;
  • in the presence of other health problems, and also to prevent their occurrence.

Children rather eat a day teaspoon honey. It can be eaten in its pure form, added to porridge or tea, but not hot, smear on bread, cookies.

Children under three years should not give the product due to high risk of an allergic reaction.

Read: Benefits and sorry honey disease pancreatitis.


Despite the benefits, clover honey has contraindications.

Refuse to use in such cases should:

  • if you are allergic to bee products. High content of pollen can cause allergic reactions, so before applying you need to test (apply a small amount on your wrist and see the reaction);
  • with poor blood clotting. Product thins the blood, which can lead to bleeding;
  • diabetes. High content of carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels.

With caution should be used sweets and high blood pressure, because it may increase blood pressure.

Do not combine honey and milk, because a large risk of bloating.

Also be aware, that honey has strong diuretic properties, so do not eat it before going out.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, before using consult your doctor.

How to store?

To the product has lost its healing properties, it is important to keep.

Як зберігати медIt should be in place, UV protected, because the sun's rays can destroy the beneficial properties.

In addition, the storage of the sun, he quickly goes bad.

Storage temperature should be between +4 to + 18˚C.

You can place the honey in the basement, pantry, fridge.

Not much can be heated and frozen product, since it will lose its advantage.

Keep treats preferably in a glass container with the lid closed. You can use a plastic container, but metal utensils not work.

Bee products will react with the metal, to form dangerous compounds.

As distinguished from fakes?

The color and consistency of honey clover is very similar to rape.

This variety is not much inferior useful properties, but is much cheaper, so it is important to know, how to identify genuine product and not buy fake.

And donnikovyy, and rape honey white or light color, first grade but has a characteristic vanilla flavor.

Rape varieties taste sweeter and luscious. Consider, that the sale of honey clover is rare in liquid form through rapid crystallization.

To distinguish a fake from a natural product and simple recommendations help:

  • sample of kreydu. Sometimes fake chalk specifically zabilyuyut. Identify it helps simple experiment. A small amount of sweets dissolve in distilled water and drip a little vinegar. If the mixture spinylasya, then, is composed of chalk;
  • Sample flour and starch. In the fake uncommon starch or flour. Used for the same purpose, that chalk. Spread a little honey in water and drip a few drops of iodine. The appearance of blue color indicates adulteration;
  • check on molasses. Find out, contains molasses or honey bought in, can bee products after mixing with distilled water and alcohol. In one part honey should 3 of water and 4 spirit. Carefully stir and watch the sediment. If it is transparent, natural product, if cloudy, before you fake.

To conduct these experiments can be at home and to distinguish counterfeit from genuine product.

honey, collected by bees from sweet clover, has unique healing properties. The product not only very useful, but delicious.

It is characterized by notes of vanilla and a pleasant sweet taste, to whom can not resist neither adults, no children.

Remember, that honey has beneficial properties and contraindications, to use it only for the benefit of the body.

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