METHOD OF COOKING Select berries, wash, dry. Mix water with sugar in a saucepan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you need to pour berries into it and boil them for 3 minutes,...
Bees and honey. Beekeeping for beginners, beekeepers. Construction hives. All of wax, propolis, pollen, bee pidmor. Rosehip drug.
METHOD OF COOKING Select berries, wash, dry. Mix water with sugar in a saucepan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you need to pour berries into it and boil them for 3 minutes,...
Pepper vodka with honey: best recipes and cooking with honey pepper vodka according to recipe can be as table, and purely medicinal drink. Phenolic compounds capsaicin, contained in peppers, provides tincture burning...
How to quickly get rid of a hangover: best advice. Symptoms of severe hangover known to many: headache and dry mouth, obfuscation, often with nausea vomiting. Sometimes no way to lie down at home: work, contingency or emergency...
Hrenovuha of vodka, moonshine, spirit: best recipes. Hrenovuha called tincture of horseradish roots of different strength on alcohol. To prepare a suitable home vodka, moonshine, ethyl alcohol and health. Liqueurs and cordials with horseradish...
Honey kvass: recipes at home. Kvass honey – mug, known since antiquity. Without it, no family lived. It is an original and unique taste, amino acid composition and charitable action...
Wine jam: recipes in terms momashnih. Sometimes using a recipe when cooking jam with low sugar content (so-called "agents, intensive") and the finished product can not avoid fermentation. This may be a...
Moonshine sugar: recipes at home. In Russia, has long searched for ways to mount beverages. It is, that raw sugar-driving for strong drink became popular in the XVI century. known, the first brew was excellent...
Recipes of raspberry wine at home. House wine with raspberries – favorite drink festive feasts. In crimson wine as sweetness combined, durability and unsurpassed flavor. raspberry – One of berries, you like...
Recipes house wine cherries at home. wine bitch – This is one of the oldest beverages, in many countries it is a national, tradition of making wine is transferred between generations. A glass of good wine with rich flavor –...
Recipes with plum wine at home. In the summer almost every orchard teeming variety of plums. So do not take a moment, not make plum wine at this time – a crime. Of course, can cook...