What shall I do, If stung by a bee

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Як зняти набряк від укусу бджоли в око: лікуванняHow to take bee sting swelling of the eye: treatment.

Bees – highly organized insects, engaged honey collection and rearing their offspring.

Most, These insects are very friendly and no significant reasons not to attack people.

But what, If bitten by a bee?

Usually bee sting is not a threat to human life. But if a child or allergies, the consequences of getting into the body of the poison can be dire.

Of course, after being bitten you may feel pain or tingling in place, which left sting.

  1. Remove pain
  2. When to call the emergency aid?
  3. What you should not do after bee sting?
  4. What to do if bitten by a bee or wasp eye?
  5. What shall I do, if no drugs and antiseptics?

To reduce pain and swelling remove, must:

  1. morning rinse with cold water;
  2. handle the bite alcohol or liquid soap;
  3. disinfect peroxide;
  4. make a tablet of aspirin;
  5. AM volley salt solution.

Try to pull out immediately after the sting sting. This can be done, using tweezers.

If you do not have a forceps, Try to pull the sting nails. If it has penetrated deep, use needle.як витягти жало бджоли

in addition, try not to crush the bag top stings.

This kind of container, which contained poison.

If it burst, then poured poison in the bite, that enhance burning and allergies.

This general advice, If bitten by a wasp or bee man without allergies. If the bite, if a person allergic to bee venom, it is necessary to act otherwise.

First of all, the victim should be given antihistamine. Suitable "diazolin", "Let's go", "Tsetryn".

Only then proceed to extract the sting. Once you pull the sting, Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of cold water. Dip the cloth in the solution and prepared to attach edema.

The normal reaction to a bee sting:

  • burning and pain;
  • redness and swelling at the site of the bite;
  • white point, surrounded by a red halo.

Just a few hours all these symptoms disappear.

When to call the emergency aid?

If a person has no breath, make him chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Man needs help doctors in such cases:

  1. thready pulse;
  2. angioedema;
  3. swelling of the throat;
  4. loss of consciousness;
  5. tremor.

These are signs of severe allergic reaction. You need to water the affected antihistamine at home and immediately call an ambulance.

Try not to disturb the victim to the ambulance arrival.

What you should not do after bee sting?

You can not swing his arms and kill bee. If a hard worker injured or you nailed it, it starts to smell strange.

This scent catch her relatives. Probably, they want to avenge his sister. You are a direct threat to their lives, and they will defend their nest and family from enemies.

pay attention, going on a picnic, not worth much choke. Try not to use cologne or deodorant.

Bees This alluring aroma, and they are unlikely to leave you unattended. Be sure to work in the garden, closed wear pants and blouse with long sleeves.

If you find a nest nearby, remove the child from lawn. You can not try to knock down Roy stick, Catch as many bites you.

What to do if bitten by a bee or wasp eye?

Once you feel the burning sting. Wasps do not leave a sting, but much more venom injected, than bees. If you have swollen eyelids and you find it difficult to breathe, call an ambulance.

аллергія на яд бджоли фотоIf the eyes are swollen after a bee sting, be sure to remove the sting.

Try pulling it gently, not to damage the bags of poison and do not break the rod.

Even if the eyeball remains tiny bit of the sting, you will need to contact an ophthalmologist.

If you have swollen eyelid, lubricate the bite "Fenistilom". This antihistamine local action. Suitable "Trymistyn", it will not only reduce swelling, but also cleans the bite.

What shall I do, unless antihistamines and antiseptics?

If you are in nature or in the garden, do not worry. Look around you. Excellent relieves swelling plantain juice or parsley.

Remember plantain leaf hands and apply to the bite. Parsley simply attach in place of the fault branches.

Excellent inflammation can be removed using a conventional activated carbon. Rozkryshit tablet in the morning.

This is an excellent adsorbent, He swallowed the remains poison bees. You can apply to the wound calendula tincture.

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