brood bees, and what to do, if not

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Why not brood bees

brood bees: his absence, cause and solution methods.

One problem with many causes: how to save bees in each case no brood.

What are the external signs of suspected problem.

brood bees – is the future of bees.

As a kind of biological reproduction, it is very important and indispensable. nurse on the frame with brood.

Artificial methods of increasing population size can not give the same results.

Useful genetic traits are inherited and passed only in this way.

The presence of brood in the hive is closely associated with Mother bees. She lays eggs in the honeycomb cell, which later nurse derive new generation.

At the time, it will replace the old insects. The updated family continue to collect honey.

Having said that brood, that his family is safe, it develops and multiplies.

In strong healthy populations brood in the spring and summer are almost always.

Its number may increase, decrease, temporarily disappearing from natural causes (prolonged cold, break in medosbora, performance uterus, availability of feed stocks).

The complete absence normally only in winter. Left without brood, Bees can not increase their numbers, rejuvenate composition, to increase the strength medosbora.

If you do not take action, bdzholosim'ya cease to exist. It is economically unprofitable, because no brood in the hive – alarm for the beekeeper.

Its no case should not ignore.

  1. The reasons for the absence of brood in the hive
  2. How to save bees

The reasons for the absence of brood in the hive

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Closed bee brood

Leave bdzholosim'yu without brood can not. Its vital functions at this moment is under threat.

But before, to attempt rescue, you need to find out the reasons, that led to this situation.

Chief among them is the destruction or loss of uterus.

Orphaned after wintering colony may or audited messy nest, When the beekeeper accidentally shook the uterus during the inspection framework and noticed that.

no uterus – brood can also be. But it also happens, that the uterus is, but still no brood.

Read: Why not sealed honey bees: reason.

Reasons may include:

  1. patient uterus. It can not postpone eggs were. If the view and watch it, You can find out the causes and pathology. The criteria can serve physical changes (stiffness, increase in abdomen, availability stool).
  2. barren womb. It can be healthy, active, young. But the egg can not be. This means, that mate with drone happened, she was barren.
  3. The lack of spring forage reserves in the hive. The first spring brood bees may stay with the advent, if after wintering in the hive is left stocks pergi.
  4. Long absence trick. The uterus will not lay eggs, if in the near future will not be possible to replenish stocks of honey, needed for growing new generation. they, which is in the hive – now represents food for adults.
  5. Nowhere more lay eggs. Socket cells can be completely clogged with honey. And not just brood places.

Separately should mention the situation, when there is no brood in the hive in August.

If this is not the death of cancer, you can check, then the remaining two options:

  1. Error beekeeper. If after the main pumping honey apiary owner is too greedy and took almost all the bees honey, egg-laying queen may also be stopped. Small feed stocks make her forget about instinct. Perhaps until next spring.
  2. Early wintering. Last brood must have time to grow cold, stronger and obletitysya. If the bees feel the approach of winter, more they will multiply. young brood – this is the bees, which will go for the winter.

Observations of the family can also suggest beekeeper, that the hive is not all right.

Що робити, якщо нема розпліда бджіл

What shall I do, If there are no bees brood

Flight bee pollen are not, which is necessary for feeding the open brood?

means, it is not in the hive.

Irritability and instability behavior of bees?

In the evening you can hear the plaintive characteristic nervous while buzzing colony.

Clearly distinguished from the general buzz of single individuals to vote. Beehive left without a uterus.

Still hardworking Bee swarm come in state, and the hive is often the object of theft by bees neighbors?

This is a sure sign, that bees need help.

How to save bees

What to do, if not brood hive? The answer to this question is closely related to the reasons, causing a state.

Consideration should be given all the details.

The absence of the uterus

  1. The first option – bees find a new queen. It is a seat in the hive, cover with cell and watching the family. Usually recently orphaned bees readily accept it, calm down quickly, then engaged in furnishing the hive, rostyat offspring, fly for nectar. In general, come back to normal.
  2. The second option – put someone else's frame with brood, Bees derive svyschevuyu uterus. Insects lose 1 – 1,5 month, before the uterus grows and updated brood, of medosbora they also miss, but survive.
  3. Third – united family, in which the uterus is.

The patient and the barren womb

Spend family treatment measures. Patients and sterile insects destroyed.

Then enter any convenient way, as described above. Which option to choose – depending on the season and features.

  1. If there is a spare uterus – use them. So expanding the beehive happen quickly.
  2. The most expensive is not a way to give a new uterus bees.
  3. Combining advisable in spring and autumn, and for weak families. Spring had drones, so young uterus may remain infertile, autumn new bdzholosim'ya not have time to recover and make stocks for the winter.

Read: How to form vidvodok bees: species.

Lack of protein food in the hive

You can put a frame or wait until the ambrosia pollen will naturally. Soon bdzholosim'yi life returns to normal.

Lack brood for this reason can be attributed to shortcomings beekeeper, but eliminated the problem quickly and without consequences.

No medosbora

Modest feed stocks and bleak prospects for a quick medosbor do all inhabitants of the hive economical.

If you give them food (sugar syrup or Medova situ), queen starts laying. True medosbor they start strong.

Lack of space for seeding brood

Working bee little overdone, all taking place in a nest of honey, but the beekeeper can remove multiple frames and replace them with empty.

In the uterus will be able to immediately fill their brood. Shops and additional cases may also resolve positively.

covetousness – cause a problem

Bees took away nearly all honey? They should feed sugar syrup, to quickly fill the missing stocks of feed.

If this is done quickly, You can get uterus to resume egg. Increase the number of bee brood with a small number at this time can be substitution alien hive framework.

Що робити, якщо відсутній розплід бджіл

What shall I do, if there is no brood bees

Old uterus for spare change. If the bee family long stays uterus, it becomes trutovochnoyu.

These bees can not reproduce normal offspring, unless drones.

When worker bees demolished and die, natural replacement would be impossible.

This family is doomed to extinction.

Work on correcting bee colonies trutivok-consuming and not always cost-effective.

Return to normal only makes sense to have multiple families, small and weak easier to destroy.

Bee brood in the hive can disappear for various reasons.

Identify and eliminate it – the duty of every beekeeper, that bees without unnecessary loss back to a working state.

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