Working bee

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Скільки днів живе робоча бджола. Біологія бджолиDays worker bee lives. bee Biology.

Number of worker bees ranges from 15 to 100 thousands depending on the season.

These insects are very smart and organized, some scientists believe, that knowledge of the duties inherent in their genetic code.

At the core structure of bees is a genetic polymorphism, due to the appointment of females, drones and bees.

Uterus and drones – keepers on the functions of each individual in the hive. Drone born from unfertilized eggs and has a set of 16 chromosomes, the uterus is a duplicate set of 32 chromosomes.

The fruitfulness of worker bees – This is the same set of 32 chromosomes, and they are responsible for all the family sustenance.

  1. What worker bee?
  2. Milestones worker bees
  3. Duties young, first circled
  4. Time first flight as zbyralnyts
  5. Working bee – strong family foundation honey
  6. How many lives worker bee?

What worker bee?

Working bee – This female bees, which is unable to copulate. It underdeveloped genitals, for this reason it can not multiply in the hive is working on providing family life.

Noteworthy, if the family loses uterus and for a long time living without it, then the worker bees can begin to develop ovaries.

But they become tinder and can lay eggs, of which appear on insects 16 chromosomes – drones.

Milestones worker bees

Periods of worker bees continues 21 day, its weight can vary from 90 to 120 gram, and the body is shorter uterine – Only 14 mm. Her body and organs are adapted to the work, she performs.

This elongated proboscis to collect nectar, well developed wax glands and stinger, which is used to protect the family.розвиток робочої бджоли

How development occurs? It's simple. In the first 3 days of live larvae in the egg, and a fourth nurse-bee begins to feed egg drop royal jelly.

In the first 72 hours after leaving the insect eggs not involved in any work, It feeds on milk, then gruel with water, nectar and honey.

On 9 Day larva is not placed in his cell and starts to straighten. At this time, the cell re-seal, larva and expecting more 12 days pupa stage. Everything, through 21 day, destroying the cell membrane, a hive is a new working bee.

What are the responsibilities of young, and when he goes in first circled?

Already 2-3 day worker bee begins to train and purification centers for the new brood, by honey or ambrosia.

обов"язки робочої бджолиAfter 3 this work days young bees are busy preparing food and feeding grown 3-day-old larvae.

And to 6 day life in the body of the bee begins production of milk, which she nurses the smallest members of the brood.

10-12 day can be a time of the first flight, that can pass unnoticed through the crowd for the beekeeper adults. Young insects distinguish well in August and September, it passes basic medosbor.

On 12 day youngsters are not producing milk, so begins to engage in adult work:

  • taking nectar in zbyralnyts;
  • processing of nectar into honey;
  • assembly recycled nectar in their pockets and sealing;
  • construction of hundreds of wax, which themselves produce.

Time first flight as zbyralnyts

Already 15 day beehive young leaves, Going on the first flight to collect water and nectar, adhesive and dust. Sometimes bees responsibilities may vary depending on the season.

In the absence of work in the hive is still young flies to collect nectar.бджола медоносна

And if a large number of brood hive, especially in the honey season, then the adult bee rearing can do.

leaving the hive, worker bees well remember its location. If during their absence hive beekeeper hath (Often there is such a need, not to postpone work indefinitely), insects that fly in the near future.

Alien family allow new residents only, when they returned from the collection of nectar or water. Otherwise outsider kill.

Working bee – strong family foundation honey

From the number of worker bees power depends Family (data are given for the number of indicators of spring insects):

  • Less 18 th. species – poor family.
  • From 18 to 25 th. species – family of medium strength.
  • From 25 to 45 th. – strong family.

In summer, these figures increased by 25-50 th. individuals for each family of. Example, a strong family can nalichuvatysya to 100 th. working insects. In the fall, their number decreases again.

Working bees are the main producers of food and nutrients. This honey, propolis, wax and pollen, and bee venom.

How many lives worker bee?

Due to heavy loads lifespan of bees rather short class. So, while annual core medosbora insect lives only 5 weeks, although this figure depends on the internal metabolism. медоносні бджоли

also, biological lifespan of bees affects the amount of, which relies on a single insect. In strong families less wear (lifetime to 60 days), and the weak – more (life cycle does not exceed 26 days).

The nature of the work performed directly affect:

Backbreaker – education and young brood.
A harvesting and processing of food safe, and if such insect longer working lives.

Scientists have shown, that the "hot" season work wear insect wings. The point is, what, flying 800 km, more worker bees can not fly.

The highest life expectancy with bees, appeared in autumn. They do not participate in education and medosbora brood, their life cycle can last from 7 to 9 months.

Despite the short life cycle of toilers, they die. The family always maintained a balance between young and old insects due to constant narozhdenyya young.

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