Methods of Drying dust at home

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Як сушити бджолиний пилок вдома: різні засоби.How to dry bee pollen at home: various means.

Pollen – very valuable and rich composition of the product, but only, if adhered collection, drying and storage of raw materials.

If any of the processing steps bee pollen is broken, it lose some useful properties and, most importantly, can harm health.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact, as dry pollen at home, as this process requires a lot of work and time invested.

  1. Collect pollen
  2. drying equipment
  3. Storage of finished product

Collect pollen

To collect pollen, enough to put hives cells called trap, which will be exposed to pollen, brought Bee.

Option collecting pollen without insects as possible: of flowering plants rather zstrushuvaty dust in a clean container.пилкозбирач

But this is a huge loss of utility, as the raw material is processed secret bees toiler.

Collect insects brought the product needed each day to sunset, in any case it is unacceptable to leave at night, to exclude moisture.

And bee activity is greatly reduced in the afternoon, why even inappropriate to not collect raw pm.

From boxes empty pollen in a convenient container, preferably plastic, but not in metal, to avoid reaction with the metal.

As such, raw material store for a long time can not be, maximum one day should begin drying. Pervoprodukt contains 20-30% water and a long-term storage will become worthless.

drying equipment

Drying pollen is carried in several ways, which vary by Staff, the financial side and the volume of dried product.

Natural method

Quite a long time and certain conditions are required for natural drying dust in the home. For this raw uniformly, a layer no more 15-20 mm spread on clean sheets of paper.

бджолиний пилокCover with gauze in a single layer to prevent ingress of dust and insects.

The room must meet certain requirements: low humidity, good ventilation, limited penetration of sunlight (drying temperature should not exceed 45C), and still quite warm.

pollen 2-3 twice a day to mix. Depending on the availability of moisture in pervoprodukti, through 3-5 Days have formed quite a dense ball, indicating that evaporation.

If you touch the surface of the table to hear the sound of – raw ready. Before packing pollen sifted through a sieve, to remove possible contamination. In this way, a small amount of treated product


What would such a case was not sushilnaja, This method allows to process a much larger amount of raw materials in a short time and without much labor. Only first have to work hard, to construct it.

The hands can do Dryer pollen, a basis which takes ordinary wooden cabinet with doors and sheet metal sheathed.

Сушильна шафа для пилкуThe top of the adaptations necessary to make a hole under fan, because we need to ensure that natural, slack intake air from the environment.

At the bottom of the cabinet (on the side) Make holes for evaporation.

The middle part is given to the heating elements (Incandescent light bulbs or electric heater).

Frame racks arranged in the cabinet at a distance 5 cm apart and tiny letters vystylayutsya nets.

Constant temperature should stay at around 40C: it will provide Thermostat. This tool makes it possible for drying to dry 10-15 kg of pollen per day and does not change the color of the product.

For the same type, but with some differences, used drying with infrared light. To date, this modification in priority because of economical power consumption.

The body uses in a dryer sheet, in a box with a lid on top. IR illumination located under the top, from which the distance 20-25 set small mm mesh for pervoproduktu.

On all four sides of the box and the lid must make openings for air ventilation. The temperature thermostat is also supported in the region of 40C. Treatment time depends on the amount of pollen and is approximately 1-2 days.

Read more: The benefits of bee pollen and damage.

In the dryer with IR lamps not mandatory ventilation, as pollen under rays rapidly heated, and the temperature of raw material almost immediately compared with the air temperature.

Also sold already prepared for drying fruits and berries, ideal for dry pollen.

Storage of finished product

With the right conditions, the shelf life of the product is to 1 year. After that pollen does not deteriorate, but will not benefit, as part of the entire value will be lost. Ideally, store the dried raw materials necessary in a glass, tightly-closed container.

The room should be cool and dark, well suited refrigerator. Low temperatures help keep longer bee product properties and prevent moth.

Suppose milled inhibited pollen and honey. For this is a mixture of components in proportion 1:1, placed in sterile jars and lids sealed nylon, treated before wax or paraffin.

Stored mixture in the refrigerator. Which method of drying prefer – depends on the volume of raw materials. If you do not handle the daily one serving of the product, Of course, no electric dryers do not.

Most importantly stick consistency and accuracy of the process. In this case will be provided a successful end result of the work done.

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