As a home medical test for naturalness

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Як перевірити мед на натуральність вдомаTo check on the naturalness of honey at home. The quality of honey.

Not everyone has the opportunity buy honey in the apiary or beekeeper friend.

Usually, honey bought at markets or in shops, because now on the shelves of many food outlets can observe a huge abundance of useful bee product.

But not always the honey, sold in store, real.

Many unscrupulous sellers for benefiting able to forge this unique product.

There are many ways, To avoid mistakes when choosing honey. Of course, they are inaccurate and do not prove to 100% its naturalness.

But if the medicinal product is purchased, Beekeepers in the arsenal are several most common ways, checking the authenticity of honey at home.

  1. How to independently verify the naturalness of honey
  2. To select a real natural honey

To check, natural honey or not, own, no laboratory tests?

Visual inspection

  • Honey should always be mature. If it bubbles and foams, then, immature. In immature honey enough nutrients, and after a short period of time it will begin the fermentation process.
  • If bought zakrystalizuvavshyy, Liquid-looking bee products. Dipped in honey spoon, twist it, horizontal lift, continuing to scroll. If the honey is ripe, it will be wound, a thread, immature and will drip from a spoon.
  • To check on medical fraud. Drop the spoon in a jar of honey and raise. Qualitative, Natural honey is pulled like a thin thread, forming on the surface of turret, which will then be spread. Honey false, it will simply drain and drip back.
  • candied honey – usually a natural product. He zatsukrovuyetsya a few days or months after pumping the hive. If honey is purchased in late summer, the, usually, fresh and it must be liquid. Since about October honey on the shelves zakrystalizovanyy.

Warning! If the spring selling liquid honey, it is subjected to heat (What about 36 C, it is ok, if more – he lost all his property).

But there are exceptions: honey locust does not crystallize.

Definition of naturalness of honey: check on supplements

In honey to increase its volume and obtaining greater benefits forgers can add various impurities, such as starch or sugar jelly, Kreis, flour or gelatin.

Warning! There are some simple ways to determine the purity of honey, example, check for impurities:

  • Take a glass of warm water, add there teaspoon of honey, stir well. A real honey without any additives completely dissolved. If it's fake, on the surface of water will float white flakes or turbid insoluble film.
  • Clean honey: check on supplements chalk. If the solution add a drop of honey vinegar, the emergence of gas bubbles on the surface indicates the presence of chalk in the product.
  • Reaction to starch. To test honey in the presence of a starch glue or starch syrup, be added to an aqueous solution of honey, prepared in proportion 1: 3, a little alcohol or vodka. If there are starch glue, you can watch the emergence of a sludge solution zheleobraznoho, this dextrin. Naturalness of honey showing transparent solution or subtle film formation at the site of clashes with honey alcohol solution.
  • Reaction to the admixture of flour and starch. To check for impurities honey starch, you need a solution to drip honey drops of iodine or iodine. The appearance of blue color clearly shows nenaturalnost honey.
  • Clean honey: check on additives gelatin. To a solution of honey add a few spoonfuls of quicklime, Stir and heat. When heated, if the honey is added gelatin, will feel characteristic ammonia smell. If the home is the litmus paper, it povynnen posynity the presence of gelatin.

fake honey: taste test

To test the honey to taste, you need to take a spoonful of honey in the mouth, hold for a few minutes, then slowly swallow.

Naturalness of honey show typical oral irritation, which only increases with swallowing.

If honey is diluted with sugar syrup, is not characteristic flavor.

The smell of honey: authentication

Determine the naturalness of honey can the smell. False does not smell, Natural and gives a nice sweet aroma plants.

To check and select natural, a true and proper medical?

Buying honey need thick – he most correct, quality and mature. Always when buying honey should carefully consider, noting its color, smell and viscosity.

Honey should be transparent, Of course, if he has recently pumped. If the counter med zakrystalizovanyy, it should not be a separation of layers, uniform crystallization occurs.

All of the methods of detection real honey, test at home is clearly shown on the video network, do not give full guarantee of the authenticity of the purchased medicinal product.

Still, you should always pay attention to the certificate of compliance of honey, issued a special research laboratories.

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