Pollen palm

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Пилок пальми: корисні властивості, склад, рецептиPollen palm: useful properties, storage, receptions.

Properly selected product will help you not only to increase fertility and saturate the body with microelements, but also cure more serious diseases.

The main – not to neglect contraindications and to take a unique natural remedy.

Palm pollen – Source beneficial to humans nutrients. This product – native of tropical countries of the Middle East, which actually grow date palms.

Gathering material produced exclusively from male trees in early spring: with shaking palm branches, pollen is easily separated from the inflorescence. Outside, the product comes in white powder.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Medicinal properties
  3. Applications for men and women
  4. How to make palm pollen
  5. Contraindication
  6. Tips for choosing a product


Palm pollen has a unique composition, through which it provides healing effect on the body, and serves as a tool in the prevention of diseases.

These product features in Arab countries became known long, this evidence – mention doctors in ancient medical books.

In general, the components are divided into several chemical groups:

  • sucrose;
  • whites;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins.

Research, conducted by scientists in Egypt, show, it is not a complete list of constituents.

In the palm pollen contain various components, such as: amino acids (the full range), whites, minerals, vitamins, fats, natural plant hormones and antibiotics.

Only vitamin content makes the product extremely healthy:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins B (the full range);
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • P-aminobenzoic acid;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid);
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • biotin.

Micronutrients, contained in palm pollen:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur:
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine.

plant hormone, part of the raw materials, similar to the human hormone – estrogen, which performs vital functions in the human body. With his lack of occurring malfunction of many organs and systems.

Benefits for the body and the healing properties

In the Middle East date palm pollen has high value: often used to treat diseases and as a fortifying agent.

It is based on a balanced product structure and interaction of the components together, we can conclude invaluable palm pollen.

So what effect has the same product?

  1. Increases resistance to stressful situations.
  2. Normalizes sexual activity.
  3. It improves the quality of sperm.
  4. Increases female fertility.
  5. Normalizes blood pressure hypotension.
  6. Increases the body's basic.
  7. Positive effect on the digestive tract.
  8. Displays toxins from the body.
  9. It prevents the formation of tumors of various etiologies.
  10. Lowers cholesterol.
  11. Prevent the formation of excessive amounts of uric acid.
  12. It stimulates cell renewal of the epidermis.
  13. Slows aging.
  14. Improves cognitive abilities.
  15. Maintains skin moisture.
  16. Promotes a balanced work glands.

This significant list of medicinal properties of palm pollen makes it an indispensable application in many diseases. And that's not the whole list of positive effects of natural substances on human health.

Application of men and women

First, in ancient times, raw materials used to maintain the "male power".

The product not only helps improve potency and libido, but also activates sperm motility.

Men disorder of sexual function, This tool restores all violations. women and reproductive system to normal operation: ovaries begin to operate at full strength, which will increase the chances of conception.

in addition, nutrients, entering the bloodstream, positive impact on the birth of a new life.

If there is endometrial hyperplasia or tumor of the ovary, the product is contraindicated for use.пилок пальми

When planning, or during pregnancy should take palm pollen, because it nourishes the body components, necessary to supply fruit. And the process of pregnancy will be easier for mom, hypovitaminosis or without anemia.

But in this case requires consultation, since taking the drug can cause allergies in the child.

Thanks all the same hormone, similar to human estrogen, menopause will be much easier with palm pollen, as a means fill its lack.

Therefore, restructuring of the female body will be softer and less noticeable, slow down the process of aging and decay of the body.

Rejuvenating effect "Arab miracle drug" due to its ability to rid the body of toxins, This feature also allows the use of a product for the treatment of various poisonings.

A trace, contained in the composition, fill the power and beauty of your skin, hair and nails.

Headaches, stressful situations, difficult work or frenetic rhythm of life, sleep disturbances, mood swings or hypotension – all cure or help smooth the way east.

The product normalizes the gastrointestinal tract at any diseases, stimulates appetite. Permitted use and children, only in smaller doses.

After all the nutrients needed during active growth and development. By the way is a means for people with high mental stress, as it improves memory and concentration.

How to make palm pollen

Only a few subtleties to remember, To properly use the product:

  1. Start with a small amount of application, to eliminate allergies a means.
  2. If no allergic reactions, take the product to 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Last admission shall be no later than 18.00 to eliminate insomnia.
  4. Before using sift through a sieve or cheesecloth, to clear from possible mechanical impurities.
  5. The course of treatment is on average a month, then a couple of months needed to take a break, To avoid hypervitaminosis.
  6. In the absence of diabetes can take the product with honey, for the greater good and giving to taste.


Whatever miracle was not the Arab way, still there are limitations to its use:

  • lactation, to prevent allergies in infants;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • in excess of the specified dosages, possible hypervitaminosis;
  • poor blood clotting;

Tips for choosing a product

Of course, only natural remedy will provide the expected effect. To select high-quality raw materials, need to know a little about its physical properties.

Most talk palm pollen – inert, sometimes with a little sour taste, which does not affect its quality.

пальмовий пилокDetermine, not fake to you, possible appearance. The consistency and color of the powder should be uniform.

If the product is stored in a dry place – shade lighter, if in a wet environment – darker.

For authentication can throw a little product in water, The water must not change the color and the pollen is not taken lumps. If lumps formed, product likely diluted flour.

Treatment of any disease is successful only natural and pure product.

And do not neglect the advice of a doctor, Arab information as medicines contain many ingredients, providing multifaceted effect on the body and the doctor's opinion in this case is not excessive.

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