Exhibition of wintering bees in the spring
When the display of wintering bees: Tips and Tricks.
Every beekeeper sooner or later asks, regarding the optimal timing of wintering bees exhibition.
The important role played by weather and climate, various external factors.
Because the temperature jumps difficult to determine the optimal time, to stand with bees wintering.
To determine the order, when the display of wintering bees, it is important to consider all related factors.
Do not forget, which plays a significant role apiary location.
Example, Exhibition difference can vary between two to three weeks.
Preparations in the apiary
After wintering in the apiary there is a huge amount of work. Need to prepare everything for the upcoming season.
You need time to make the bees, hold processing inventory and hives, disinfect.
Many beekeepers use beehouse or winterers, hives where insects are in the winter months.
This approach, featuring a number of advantages, provides reliable protection of bee families.
Hives, hibernating in beehouse, are much longer, as virtually not exposed to the processes of decay.
After the winter important to put bees, so that they can make the sewage circled, and start breeding females.
It is necessary to wait until the desired temperature, namely – 10 degrees.
After winter insects begin acutely responsive to all, what happens in the neighborhood – in any light and noise.
Therefore it is important to avoid too early flyby, If it's inadequate temperature.
Otherwise, after this flyby diarrhea torment bees.
Do not use a bright light in winterers. Preferably red light.
At this time, it is desirable to give their favorite insect feeding.
When the beekeeper lacks the ability to keep bees locked, necessary to make an early exhibition of beehouse.
Recommendations and advice to removal
After preparatory measures and treatment should begin removal of insects.
This should be done from morning, namely the eleventh hour, To circled held in the warmest period of the day.
It would be good to hold the exhibition together, necessarily closing notch.
Beehive need to install the os back on a strong adjustment, resembling stretcher.
Then take out the hive.
He can not shake. Around there should be no noise, loud sounds.
Then you need to put on special stands for hives.
To conclude was successful and safe, should be placed drinking water the territory of the apiary.
No need to open notch to the point, until all are not located on the territory of the apiary, and while they hear the sound of insects.
When the area is large, hives and location is not too close to each other, just open up notch.
In the event, If the houses are close, notch can be opened in one, that bees do not roam.
When all open notch, insects will go to the first sewage circled area.
First circled
After wintering insects brought to mind the statutory purification flyby.
dana procedures – a specific test for any beekeeper.
First circled considered an excellent indicator of, as insects spent the winter.
At this time should be carefully observed for each family.
It is desirable to have a special magazine, which will be fixed all the necessary information.
Healthy bees family quickly circled makes cleansing, and then begins to peel pidmor.
If insects fly in turbulent notch, probably, they were individuals without parent (uterus).
When the family is sent to the first circled, should knock lightly near the os.
There are situations, as strong and powerful family in no hurry to purge his intestines, if the temperature is not suitable.
When you tap around eye, Noise should be. In this case, you can open a notch.
If desired, remove the top of the hive, heat to penetrate inside, then the family will fly.
If bees do not fly, should immediately begin review of bee family.
The exhibition was carried out with the onset of spring, after, both are ready and heated frame, filled with honey.
it is possible cook sugar syrup abo Medova situ, to feed the bees.
When complete cleansing circled, it is important to start a review of all individuals in families.
To do this, open one end holstyka or board ceiling.
If food is, you can go to the next family of bees.
In the event, If food is not enough, need to take the edge of the frame, to replace it with a new heated.