Spring bees review

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Перший весняний огляд бджіл (бджолосім'ї) відеоFirst spring bees review (bdzholosim'yi) video.

After wintering in the bee nest much change: often after a winter bee house is mold, lost or uterus pohryzla mouse hive.

In accordance, this family is unlikely beekeeper without help recuperate the main trick.

This problem is made for spring bees review.

  1. When to inspect the bees
  2. When inspect spring
  3. Determination of the uterus and its fertility
  4. How is the screening on bad weather?

When to inspect the bees

Some rules for inspection bee nest:

  • the warm weather,
  • right time (10-11 am),
  • lack of wind.

pay attention, Wind should not be. In the morning all the bees go on medosbor, so the nest is just a minor Mother bees and insects.

When inspect

Typically, an audit conducted in late March. In the northern regions of the spring audit of bees review conducted in early April.

In southern Ukraine in February are called “window”, When possible look through bees.

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The first review of the bees in the spring

Hurry, too, will not need, must wait until a stable temperature rise 14 WITH.

It is best to inspect at noon. To do this, wait, while insects obletyatsya.

No need to fully uncover all frames. First pull 3 frame and put them in a portable box.

The rest of the frame with spring inspection cover holstykom, to once again not to disturb insects.

Once spring inspection of the framework reposition their location other slot. Blades vyhribayte all debris and pidmor.

When the work performed, reduce nest – remove empty frame. Check feed.

In the family enough 10 kg of honey. If he zakrystalizuvavsya, put in the nest bowls or place on top of the feeder with sugar syrup.

You can watch the video, To understand the process. Malomedni framework put in hives with strong families. If under a lot of food, vidddayut their poor families.

All oponoshenni cells, covered with mold and damaged mice, removed from the hive.

Similarly, conduct review and autumn bees.

Determination of the uterus and its fertility

Be sure to find out, whether there is a nest queen. To do this, check the frame with brood.

If they are missing, must wait 2 Spring days and repeated examination. Just making sure no cancer, you can pidselyuvaty this family to another, which is the Queen.

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Looking uterus spring

Usually connecting weak and the average family.

Determination of the uterus – One of the main stages of spring audit.

For this framework insects ask for a deposit board.

Bees with bezmatochnoyi family move to a new nest.

Do not forget to pre-irrigate toilers decoction of mint or lemon balm. If brood reshitchatyy, Queen conduct replacement. This uterus is defective.

Some beekeepers do not want to combine family, so the family bezmatochnoyi pidselyuyut vidvodok and waiting, when a new queen.

Typically, this technique does not give the expected results, because often suffers family, which selected brood.

When you've found drone brood, necessary to quarantine. For this hive closed notch and removed all the frames with food.

After this procedure, bee-trutivka no longer lay eggs. Identify drone brood can audit at WTO.

Typically sat off-center, often in a cell made several clutch of eggs.

There is another way to get rid of the family trutovok. For this hive push the former place on 50-70 meters and beyond all shake white sheet.

Then again, the empty frame is placed in the hive. Working bees back, trutivky and remain lying on the sheet.

Video shows the process of reviewing the bees in the spring.

How is the screening on bad weather?

Usually the review carried out only when the temperature rises above 12-14 WITH.

Sometimes, that spring is very cold and rainy. In this case, the inspection tent for bees.

This product is a simple design, which is based on the frame and polyethylene. Tent helps protect nests from wind and reduce instances of theft.

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