Protyroyovi methods of beekeeping
If breeding bees do not use methods of beekeeping protyroyovi, then in the early summer months, many colonies move in time royovuyu.
This innate instinct, depending on external conditions of life.
All deviations from the required conditions of bees give rise to this condition.
Many print, video-, and electronic materials help novice beekeepers replace natural process to a controlled swarming, artificial.
Artificial swarming then held, when there are no obstacles to collect honey and, in accordance, not decrease performance beekeeper.
Basic techniques protyroyovi
One of the main methods protyvoroevyh – This integrated maintenance of bee colonies in the vast hive.
Here are several ways to apply:
- Using Multiple hives. As the number of honey bees and hive accumulation grows, added additional buildings. This helps to grow large family and keep them in a state neroyovomu.
- Bahatomahazyne keeping bees. Shops set in advance, the main medosbora. The first store is fully engaged bees, providing a second family, then a third. Shop napivramky used to collect honey and egg laying. Bees honeycombs rebuilt, thus prevents swarming.
- Dosage dvuhkorpusnyh keeping bees for hives. This method helps to increase productivity, weaken bees swarming and bring to the intensive work. The family cluster hive to put extra body and give less scope. With the enlargement of the family added a new framework to staffing.
- Maintenance Beehive-lounger. This method is used 24 frame in a rug, This created favorable conditions for the growth of full of bees.
When using these methods to create families better living conditions and increased activity of bees, It achieved good effect protyvoroyvoy.
Ways, where the first family is divided, and then combined:
- Backing layers. The main condition of this method – severe winter bees, fast-growing spring. Old uterus is removed from the selected layers, and the young queen in the main family starts laying eggs. Then two half before connecting the divided families. As a result, to medosbora formed strong vidvodok the young queen in a state neroyovomu.
- Method sows division-assistants. After wintering, when three months there medosbora, Coming from wintering bees quickly developing, the main medosbora is far, and bees start to swarm. To avoid this emerging outlets of uterus-assistant, This method is used when the content of the bees in the hive or two buildings loungers.
- Method "raid on the mother liquor ' – There is a state swarm, to "bloom" can begin, seeing, bees lay matochniki. To reserve corps attach the bottom of plywood. Family lays bowls, body and elevate it beyond shifted in the uterus. In the old building are two frames of brood, Frame one of them – of the queen. These frameworks need to add a frame with the food and the frame of the land, then slot cover polotnynkoyu. At the top pose spare hive body with the main family. bee Flight go to the hive and begins to gather honey.
All of these methods will reduce the number of bees royivshyhsya, but not completely stop the process of swarming.
Natural swarming bees – is a common process, every beekeeper should know about it and be able to use this to your advantage, protyroyovi using methods of beekeeping, while foreseeing signs of swarming bees to prepare, know the technique of planting and harvesting swarms and be able to care for their families.