Orange honey
Orange honey: useful and medicinal properties.
Almost all colors, which provide nectar, bees collect honey. There are exotic varieties, not received with flowers, and the bark of trees or juice.
To some exotic varieties include orange honey. This nectar collected during flowering citrus trees.
Usually a popular nectar in Abkhazia and Georgia, It is in these regions grow citrus.
Orange color and flavor of honey varies. Often there are varieties with a slight citrus flavor and pleasant acidity. But sometimes you can try dark brown nectar with a strong bitterness.
Orange honey contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Because of this it has been successfully used in the treatment of various ailments.
In Georgia honey orange is often used in the preparation of desserts, especially baking. This pies and cakes are a nice golden color and pleasant smell.
Scope orange honey
Usually this nectar advise pregnant women to eat. This product contains a lot of magnesium, iron and selenium. These minerals help prevent anemia and improve the condition pregnant woman.
In folk medicine orange honey used for appetite. That is why it is recommended for anorexia and low birth weight.
Often this nectar treat urolithiasis, kidney ailments and even heart.
This natural remedy, to help you get rid of cough, bronchitis and SARS. This product increases hemoglobin and increases resistance.
Drugs with orange honey:
- infusion;
- candles;
- butter;
- water.
The most commonly used honey water. And it is used not only inside, but also externally to treat skin diseases.
It is, that using this tool, you can stay young. Due to the content in the honey orange butter it successfully used in anti-cellulite body wrap.
For this 100 ml nectar heated in a water bath and add the teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a few drops of vitamin A.
This mixture is rubbed actively in problem areas. Then this mass should wrap cling film and leave 1 year. Through 15 sessions you will see, that cellulite was less pronounced.
For the treatment of cough nectar spoon dissolved in a glass of milk. In this solution can pour baking soda pinch.
Medicines drink before bedtime. This relieves dry cough attacks and removes mucus from the bronchi. Do not use for children under three years, as possible allergic reactions.