Pepper vodka with honey: recipe
Pepper vodka with honey: best recipes and cooking
Honey pepper vodka according to recipe can be as table, and purely medicinal drink.
Phenolic compounds capsaicin, contained in peppers, provides tincture burning taste and ability to stimulate metabolism, and also thins the blood and stimulates the stomach.
Honey is a natural antiseptic and regulator of metabolism, this anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant and antitoxic, and the sweet taste of pepper balances sharpness and bitterness of alcohol.
Cooking with honey pepper vodka has some nuances:
Zhguchest and taste vegetable depends on many factors: time collection, sort of, storage features.
So, Hungarian wax pepper and paprika slightly burning, and cayenne, mirasol, халапеньйо або тайський – повноцінна «обпалююча» приправа.
Звідси висновок – перець необхідно спробувати, and if after this watery eyes and breath, is the first preparation of a small pod per liter of liquor will be enough.
Therapeutic effect is only natural honey from the apiary.
Product, sold in supermarkets, usually, goes through several processing steps, including filtering, heating, blending, detrimental effect on the quality of honey.
Candied honey loses its beneficial properties, it is used along with liquid.
Tincture stored in the dark, because under the influence of sunlight and heat it loses its healing qualities.
Before you prepare a tincture, pepper usually cut and make incisions on the skin, but long exposure (more 7 days) it is in any case gives sharpness drink.
Clean out seeds or not, Each decides. Some authors recommend to remove seeds, but others say, that they have a special taste.
Мед і гострий перець – це головні компоненти напою. Most infusion, bought in a store, it contains only.
Pepper vodka with honey, which is prepared at home, has several advantages.
In particular, is the ability to adjust the sharpness drink, removing time of it with pepper infusion, as well as the taste and smell by adding additional ingredients.
If the infusion has gained extra sharpness, it can be used locally or stored as a concentrate and breed them pure vodka.
The taste of the drink will be poorer, but warming properties manifest fully.
Перцівка з медом – ефективний засіб при перших ознаках ГРЗ або переохолодження.
It can not be a complete cure, but will warm quickly and accelerate metabolism, that lead to, that the natural mechanisms of self-healing and disease control start operating at full capacity.
in addition, exhibits antibacterial infusion, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
The drink can be used externally as a warming agent or to treat inflammation, including, infectious nature.
Існує безліч способів приготування напою – від простих і швидких рецептів до складносурядних настоянок, that kept 2-3 week.
It is composed, except pepper and honey, includes seasonings, medicinal plants, cedar.
Read: Hrenovuha of vodka, moonshine, spirit: best recipes
This "surrogate" pepper vodka is used in cases, when you need to quickly warm up or prevent future ARI, but ready to drink not available.
A pleasant-tasting drink can hardly be called, but healing qualities he finds in full.
Many people drink taste seems not so pleasant and pronounced, like home infusions two weeks of exposure, but useful properties are not affected.
For the recipe should be taken hot peppers and remove it immediately after infusion, If no infusion drunk by the end of.
Otherwise, in a few hours it will be a strong concentrate of a burning taste.
also read: Honey kvass: recipes at home.
Tincture particularly burning taste instantly warms and makes the blood run faster.
Due to spice it has a nice aroma, hiding the smell of alcohol or vodka.
Honey with pepper tincture, prepared for this recipe, has a spicy and rich flavor.
Pepper gives taste when heated, not during aging. This helps to immediately correct "zhguchest" drink.
Read: How to quickly get rid of a hangover: best advice
Fragrant greenish drink. It contains many components, long brewed and prepared in stages, but it's worth it!
Перцева настоянка з медом – популярний рецепт приготування алкогольних напоїв.
This appetizer, that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and appetite stimulant.
Drink stimulates metabolism, helping to arrest the ARD before the occurrence of obvious symptoms.
However, алкоголь у великих кількостях – це токсин, regardless of the method of preparation and constituents.
In "treatment" in this way must know when to stop.
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