Treatment of bees

Coniferous extract Bee

Coniferous extract Bee: application. Since ancient times people throughout the world engaged in beekeeping. Delicious honey like adults, і діти.

6 years ago

Celandine Bee

Celandine Bee: treatment and processing. Celandine - бур'ян, which grows in vacant lots and overgrown gardens. Цю рослину бджолярі давно

6 years ago

Medicine for the bees

Medicine for the bees - the main set. Bees - insects, but that does not mean, that they do not get sick. Which…

7 years ago

"Thymol" Bee

"Thymol" Bee: Instructions for use. Beekeepers over the years are, Unfortunately, so far unsuccessful fight against varroa mites. Exist…

7 years ago

"Murav'yinka" Bee

"Murav'yinka" (Murashina acid) for the treatment of bees: instruction. Чому про кислоту забули Тонкощі застосування Відео Мурашина кислота вже давно використовується для

7 years ago

"Izatizon" Bee

"Izatizon" Bee: properties, instruction, prevention. Properties "Izatizon" Prevention Using Videos "Izatizon" - a comprehensive drug, який допоможе позбутися

7 years ago

Processing bees bipinom

Treatment of bee mite bipinom spring, autumn. Processing bees bipinom - one of the possible ways to treat varroasis, contagious disease invaziynnoho,…

7 years ago