Infusion of plum

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Рецепти домашньої наливки з аличі

Recipes home plum brandy with

Infusion of plum: recipes for alcohol and water.

Plum is traditionally grown in southern Ukraine, but also cool it feels at ease.

With this drupe fruit jam making, jam, sauces, compotes, filling for pies, and delicious wine and brandy.

The fruit trees Plum contains vitamins A, AT, E, RR, minerals sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

Plum plum variety considered, taste sweet-sour fruits, with yellow skin, pink or black.

Sometimes plum planted on a plot of a decorative tree, as it is extremely good during its flowering.

But it is also valuable for its plums taste good. Ripening plums usually in late August – early September.

Infusion of plums may be presented to the table on holiday, good to drink a beverage with sweet desserts, chocolate, fruit.

Although if you want you can combine brandy with any other food. Taste liquor, which was added sugar, sweet and sour, pleasant aroma, fruity.

Sugar can theoretically make brandy, but you need to consider, that the drink will have a sour taste, that not everyone likes.

Do plum brandy with at home, good quality fruits pouring vodka, hooch or alcohol, the strength of which is not more than 45%.

Beverage suitable best fruits, from rotten, unripe or damaged birds and insects lose, another taste of plum brandy suffer.

Домашня наливка з аличі

Home Infusion of plum

Save on ingredients should not be, so better to prefer quality alcohol and only good fruit.

If plum wine not wash, afraid to wash wild yeast, then it must be good brandy to wash under running water.

Bones can not remove, then the drinks will be felt light almond flavor, slight tartness.

But often brandy made from plums and, from which the bones were removed, because they present danger to the human body hydrocyanic acid.

true, its content is very small, because the presence of stones will not bring trouble.

By the way, If the fruit tree plums were uncovered, they will drink more turbid, with pulp.

And with the pipes Infusion of plums will be transparent. Its color varies from slightly yellow to cherry, it depends on the initial shade of plum.

A little brandy can vary alychevu, adding to the basic components of your favorite spices: cloves, cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon.

Exposure drink must be carried out in a warm room, where it is sunny.

If not, can cover or tie up a container of liqueur cloth alychevoyu.

Before making a drink, be sure to thoroughly wash the container, which will prepare Infusion.

  1. Video recipe of plum brandy
  2. Alychevoyi recipe with brandy spirits
  3. Recipe alychevoyi liquor with water

Video recipe

Alychevoyi recipe with brandy spirits


  • Alice – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 300 g;
  • Vodka (it can replace other spirits) – 2 l.


  1. Plum wash, pipes can either extract, or leave. Make fruit in a glass container, pour alcohol. Leave a month, occasionally shaking the container;
  2. Strain liquid, put in storage cellar, refrigerator or basement;
  3. Alico, which managed prospyrtovatysya, fill with sugar. In a warm month;
  4. Make straining, sweet syrup combine with previous strong infusion. To sustain a cool drink at least 2 weeks.

You can taste the brandy of plums.

By the way, number of ingredients can be adjusted slightly, adding, example, less or more sugar, vodka.

Fruits can not throw. They can be used, example, for filling cakes and pastries.

Read more: How to make brandy made of raspberry

Recipe alychevoyi liquor with water

By the way, brandy making not only on alcoholic beverages. Sometimes alychevevu brandy prepare a dessert wine, holding fruit with water and sugar water during a time gate or medical gloves.

In this case alcohol by volume will be small, maximum 10-12%. If you wish to receive strong brandy, better to resort to drinking alcohol production, vodka or moonshine.

In rare cases, even use brandy, then goes especially fragrant drink, palatable.

A little brandy can vary alychevu, adding to the basic components of your favorite spices: cloves, cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon.


  • Alice – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 1,5 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.


  1. Process plum. Pour it into a glass container, top, add sugar and water, intense shake. Container neck tie with cheesecloth or other cloth. Put in a dark place for 5 days or less;
  2. When the received fluid will go sour smell, will froth and characteristic hissing (it may happen sooner, than 5 days), the time comes to put on the neck of the water seal or glove;
  3. When fermentation is over, water seal will not release bubbles. And when using gloves will significantly its fall. Usually alycheva Infusion wanders about a month (from 20 to 50 days);
  4. Filter brandy, it must endure before, Still drinking 2 in the cool months.

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