Milk and honey – nice features and recommendations for use
Milk and honey – useful properties and applications.
Honey and milk are generally belongings to the balanced and nutritious food, are used as important components of a healthy diet.
In addition to excellent taste, this drink contains vitamins, minerals and a number of unique biologically active compounds, so it is often used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Useful properties
honey – effective source of calories available, which increases endurance and performance.
It contains about 300 ingredients, including amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, but consists mainly of sugars (fructose, glucose and several other) and water.
The exact composition varies depending on the plant, of which feeds on bee, but in all sorts of honey flavonoids identified, phenolic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, peptides.

Useful properties of honey and milk
The chemical composition of milk can vary under the influence of various factors, such as genetics, environment, lactation, animal nutrition.
The average cow's milk has 87% of water, 4-5% lactose, 3% squirrel, 3-4% grease, 0,8% minerals, 0,1% vitamins.
Sheep's milk has high protein and fat, Goat milk contains more vitamin A, B1 and B12, as well as calcium and phosphorus.
Milk – is not only an important source of calcium, but high-quality protein, about giving 32 g. protein per liter of product.
Read more: Tea with honey and lemon – benefit beverage.
How useful milk and honey?
Antibacterial properties. Honey inhibits dozens of species of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant.
It, in particular, pathogens, associated with urinary tract infections, example, E. coli, Proteus species and Strep. faecalis, and bacteria H.pylori, causing gastritis.
Unlike most conventional antibiotics, Honey does not lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and can be used continuously.
Antibacterial activity associated with some features of the product:
- he brings moisture from the environment and thus dehydrates bacteria;
- contains a large amount of sugar, to prevent the growth of microbes;
- pH ranges from honey 3,2 to 4,5, which inhibits the growth of most microorganisms;
- peroxide, produced by glucose oxidase, is an important component of the antimicrobial;
- honey phytochemicals identified several factors (volatiles,organic acids, lysozyme, beeswax, nectar, pollen and propolis), significant for its antibacterial activity.
Milk also contains compounds with antibacterial properties – This enzyme lysozyme and peroxidase, but during the day or after heat storage they fall.
However, the drink of boiled milk with honey retains antibacterial properties, because when properly stored honey retains appropriate quality for years.
Protection and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Honey is used to treat and protect against gastrointestinal infections, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, duodenitis and ulcer, caused by bacteria and rotavirus.
Honey prevents the attachment of bacteria to epithelial cells of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and kills bacteria by antimicrobial factors, and helps restore damaged intestinal mucosa, stimulates the growth of new tissue and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Some milk peptides activate the production of mucous secretions – mucin, thereby preventing damage from excessive abuse intestinal peristalsis and reducing gastric acidity.
Normalization of the blood. The use of honey in diabetes type I and type II is associated with a significantly lower glycemic index, than using glucose or sucrose.
The product lowers homocysteine and C-reactive protein in patients with diabetes and healthy people, and stimulates insulin secretion, increases hemoglobin concentration and improves lipid profile.

Milk and honey helps with coughing
Preserving the quality of milk. Hydrogen peroxide and components neperekisni, such as antioxidants, inhibit the growth of Shigella, Listeria monocytogenes і Staph. aureus, helping to keep fresh milk from spoiling.
Improved digestion. Prebiotics are dietary supplements netravnoyu, that changes the balance of intestinal microflora, stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial organisms and suppressing potentially harmful bacteria.
Honey deemed pidslastytelem in dairy products, not interfering with normal growth of bacteria, such as Strep. thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lacto. delbruekii і Bifidobacterium bifidum, are important for the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
The product also enhances and supports the growth of bifidobacteria, which is mainly due to the presence of many oligosaccharides.
Read more: Tea with ginger, lemon and honey – benefit.
Anti-inflammatory effect. Honey reduces the activity of COX-1 and COX-2, and the concentration of prostaglandins, thereby detecting anti-inflammatory effects, comparable with the effect of corticosteroids.
Antioxidant activity. Good milk with honey and even the ability to suppress the activity of free radicals, leading to molecular changes and genetic mutations, what, in turn, causing a variety of diseases.
The soluble fraction containing dairy peptides and lactoferrin laktohlobulyn, with high antioxidant capacity, while honey contains many compounds, working together to provide a synergistic antioxidant action:
- flavonoids – apigenïn, pinokebrin, kempferol, kvertsetin, Galanta, hryzyn and hespertin;
- phenolic acids – ellahichni, coffee, coumarin and ferule;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherols;
- enzymes – katalaza first supyeroksiddismutaza;
- peptides.
Protection against heart disease.Important risk factors for cardiovascular disorders are hyperlipidemia and free radicals activity.

Milk and honey from throat
In honey there is a wide range of phenolic compounds, Protective effects which include antithrombotic, and antioxidant properties vazorelaksantni, and regular use of the product has a positive effect on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Fasting blood glucose and body weight.
Honey also reduces venous blood pressure, reducing cardiac preload.
The benefits of milk is, that the caseins generate a number of bioactive peptides antihypertensive and antithrombotic effect.
in addition, product contains fatty acids, in particular, linoleic, involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood parameters lipidemichnoho.
calming effect. Some dairy peptides, such as beta-kazomorfin, the effect of reminding analgesic and tranquilizer, affecting the central nervous system. in addition, milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid with a similar action.
Prevention of osteoporosis. Calcium and phosphorus are important in maintaining high bone density, which helps prevent bone fragility and osteoporosis.
But drinking milk is not only necessary for calcium, because besides mineral drink contains several other active components, such as proteins, vitamin C, D, and K, copper, manganese, zinc and peptides, which help strengthen bones.
Read more: Tea with ginger and honey – Cough recipe.
Other effects. Some studies show anticarcinogenic properties of honey and milk. Products acting as a protective agent against liver damage due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Experiments on rats have shown, that honey has a beneficial effect on the body during menopause, preventing uterine atrophy, increasing bone density and suppressing weight gain, acting as an alternative therapy hormonozamistnoyi.
Damage and contraindications
According to most scientists, honey and milk are common food for healthy people generally are not dangerous, even if you take them regularly in large quantities.
A small team associates milk with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes due to saturated fat in dairy product.
in addition, the product may contain hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals in part as a result of treatment of cows and other domestic animals, and bad environment in areas of pasture.
The main contraindications:
- lactose intolerance. Lactose is the main carbohydrate, present in milk. For its processing enzyme required special small intestine – lactase. With the help lactose is hydrolyzed to two monosaccharides – glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed and transported to the liver. The enzyme activity is maintained even in adulthood, and the symptoms of lactose intolerance occur, when there is insufficient enzyme. Provoked symptoms of lactose and sugar fermentation in the gut – This abdominal cramps and bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, sometimes a constipation and increased transit time through the intestine.
- Allergy to cow's milk protein or honey. Most often seen in children with prevalence ranging from 2-7,5%. This can be immediate IgE-reaction, feature is anaphylaxis, skin reactions with urticaria and swelling, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal pain, vomit, diarrhea or slow reaction with skin, respiratory and intestinal symptoms, that occur several hours or days after consuming food. In adulthood allergy symptoms is very serious, including anaphylaxis.
Calorie milk and honey
Energy value of the drink depends on the fat content of milk and the amount added to it honey.
Example, 200-gram glass of milk 2,5% fat contains about 104 kcal, whereas the same amount of fat-free product – 60 kcal, a whole – already 128 kcal.
A teaspoon of honey contains about 30 kcal (327 kcal 100 gram). So, calorie 200 ml beverage can range from 90 to 150 calories and more.
Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey used as a treatment for various disorders, such as runny nose and other respiratory diseases, period pain, postnatal abuse, Male impotence and other.

Milk and honey benefits
For therapeutic purposes, the most effective is the use of fresh, not prone to thermal processing of milk and honey.
Otherwise, the products lose much of useful properties, and the disintegration of flavonoids and peptides begins when heated above 40 C.
On the other hand, often milk before consumption should be boiled, as high risk presence of a pathogenic microorganism.
Read more: Korzh honey cough for children.
As a result, such beverages on the beneficial properties of matches, primarily, copper, and appropriately processed milk is a source of protein, calcium and other minerals.
One of the most popular treatments ARI and ARI – a mixture of milk and honey, often with various additives, example, butter or soda.
Honey expressed by antimicrobial and immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties helps treat colds, while the milk is basically fills the body's need easily digestible proteins, without overloading the digestive tract.
exept this, a large number of essential vitamins and minerals, contained in beverages, accelerates recovery after illness.
Milk and honey for colds can be used for medicinal purposes or for prevention.
Often it is recommended to drink a glass of drink before bedtime – to prevent nocturnal cough and sleep improvement, but in the absence of contraindications mixture can be drunk as a fortifying agent several times a day.
For the treatment of throat
honey – popular and effective tool for throat inflammation of various etiologies, including bacterial or viral.
Flavonoids, phenols and other bioactive compounds in its composition suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory compounds and kills pathogens.
It is, that warm milk soothes irritated mucous, but alone is not strong enough remedy for sore throat, and expressed the healing properties of the product becomes a mixture of honey, kurkumoyu, juice of onions or garlic.
Drink the mixture slowly, small sips, delaying the throat while.
Read: Compress honey cough for children and adults.
However, these drugs have several limitations:
- milk (especially fat) you can not drink with angina – acute and purulent, as it provokes the formation of mucus – growth medium for microbial growth;
- Honey has irritating properties, therefore not used in severe irritation and sore throat;
- hot milk with honey can cause burns irritated mucous, so is only moderately warm drink.
At temperatures
Honey can drink milk at. The drink does not reduce its, but affects many factors, causing this symptom, usually, This infection and inflammation in the body.
So, a cold remedy works as anti-inflammatory drugs, of bacterial infections antibiotic effect reminiscent of honey, and in viral lesions stimulates the immune system to fight pathogens.
Calcium and magnesium, contained in milk, are crucial in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, and whey protein helps to control the feeling of fullness because of their influence on intestinal hormone cholecystokinin.
in addition, fatty acid profile of milk and calcium positive effect on fat metabolism.
On the other hand, although honey has a high calorie content, but in small amounts helps to prevent disability, which takes place subject to strict diets.
So, in limited quantities drink will be a valuable addition to a low calorie diet, but for people who are overweight may be recommended to use skim milk and reduce the amount of honey.
For night
Warm milk with honey as a whole has a calming effect, but due to the large amounts of carbohydrates can lead to short-term increase body tone.
also read: Cabbage leaves with honey cough for children.
Restrictions for use of the drink before bedtime can be overweight, as in this case, nutritionists do not recommend to use carbohydrate or fatty foods (whole milk) afternoon.
If insomnia not become chronic and does not require medical treatment or psychological help, it can be removed by using home methods: example, drink milk with honey at night.
It is recommended to use a glass of drink for half an hour before bedtime. It is possible to add other components, to help relax, – vanilla, extracts Leonuri, pivoniї, valerian.
For etching
Scientists found, that honey reduces the severity of symptoms and duration of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as GERD, gastroenteritis, gastritis and other, as a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, and milk reduces gastric acidity.
in addition, products contribute to the growth of healthy intestinal microflora. When problems with the gastrointestinal tract is recommended to use a drink on an empty stomach.
Dosage is 200 ml of milk two tablespoons of honey in an amount up to a liter per day.
The main danger of the use of milk and honey for children – is the development of an allergic reaction, that the age of 3 years occurs ten times more often, than adults.
In the absence of allergy to cow's milk protein, pollen and bee products in adequate quantities beverage can be given to children from Year, but with caution, tracking changes in health.
Read more: Aloe with honey cough for children
Children under one year product offering is not recommended for two reasons:
- Some experts say, that a number of cases of botulism associated with honey, infected spores of Clostridium botulinum (causative agent of botulism). In this view, there are many opponents, However, WHO warns parents about the use of honey probable risk infants.
- According to the same WHO, early introduction in the diet of baby cow's milk can cause anemia, because casein is able to damage the mucous membrane of the intestine is not developed, risk and use skim milk is stored by age. exept this, milk contains high amount of protein and minerals, which increases the burden on the kidneys.
When pregnancy
Normal pregnancy is not leaking limits for use of the drink – vice versa, it serves as an additional source of calcium and other vitamins and minerals, needed for fetal development, and the sedative effect of warm milk with honey helps to relieve anxiety.
Pregnant women should refrain from using these products only in the presence of general contraindications – allergies, lactose intolerance, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition to the simple mixture of milk and honey, which can be used as a tasty drink, there are a number of special medical prescriptions.
The most popular among them are the following:
- Milk, butter and honey. Melt a teaspoon of butter, mixed with warm milk and honey and drink. Some recipes involve adding mineral water without gas or replacing butter any food with melted animal fat.
- Milk with soda and honey.In the warm milk add honey to taste (usually, teaspoon) and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. The mixture should stir well and drink immediately.
- Milk and onions, garlic and honey. IN 100 ml of milk is added to fresh juice and half the onions 2-3 garlic cloves. The usual dosage – tablespoon drug 5-6 times a day, before that it is slightly warmed and dilute honey to taste.
Recipe remedy based on milk and honey may also include aloe juice, kurkumu, juice of black radish, lemon and other ingredients.
So, in terms of nutritional value, a mixture of milk and honey is balanced and digestible carbohydrate-protein product, full of lots of useful biologically active substances.
The drink is associated with a general idea of healthy food and with no contraindications virtually no negative effects.
The main limitations to its use may serve as allergies and lactose intolerance.