Tea with ginger and honey

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Cough tea with ginger and honey

Tea with ginger and honey: prescription cough.

Ginger – Natural Natural Cures, This plant is known among homeopaths.

It is used to treat various diseases, including nervous disorders, colds, pain in the muscles.

Today we tell about, how to prepare tea with ginger and honey to enhance immunity and treatment of cough.

  1. On the beneficial properties of plants
  2. Features tea with ginger and honey
  3. Contraindications for treatment with ginger tea
  4. Can you give drink to children and pregnant?
  5. General rules for brewing ginger tea with honey
  6. The classic recipe for ginger-honey tea
  7. Black tea with ginger for youth and health
  8. Treatment of colds and depression ginger and honey
  9. Weight loss with ginger drink

On the beneficial properties of plants

Ginger – this aromatic spice, but the ginger root is used for medicinal purposes.

In ancient times in the East ginger added to tea not only, but also delicious: sweets, soups, Garnish.

Nowadays, ginger also eat, most often served with spicy herb land. But the main value of ginger is not in its taste, and therapeutic.

It is used:

  • to treat impotence;
  • spazmatycheskyh to alleviate pain during menstruation;
  • to adjust the state during the depression and neurosis;
  • for asthma;
  • liver diseases, intestines and stomach.

Note, that homeopathic recipes used root plants, but the weight loss is better to use dried leaves.

The point is, they quickly absorbed by the body. you will be surprised, but ginger can not even buy.

It can be grown easily in the area near the private home or in a pot on a well-lit windowsill.

The structure includes such medicinal root nutrients:

  1. Phosphorus, iron, magnesium.
  2. Amino acids.
  3. Vitamin A, WITH, B1 and B2.

Magic of tea with ginger and honey

Tea with honey cough – it is medicine, but if you add the ginger, then it becomes a miracle drink.

Depending on the type of recipe and brewing tea invigorates, cough or treats depression.

Contraindications for treatment with ginger tea

It is not recommended to take medicinal tea with cholelithiasis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, high temperature, peptic ulcer.

In the presence of heart disease before treatment mandatory consultation.

Can you give medicinal drink for children and pregnant women?

During pregnancy, ginger tea with honey could and should drink, but only after doctor's permission.

If there are no contraindications, you can enjoy a drink flavored and enhance immunity.

But to treat such children drink recommended after 3 years. Kids happy to drink sweet ginger tea, cooked on the classic recipe: ginger, Black Tea (Green kids can not), lemon and 2 spoons of honey.

Children of drink treatment 20 days, after they cease receiving end.

General rules for brewing ginger tea with honey

so, Tea brewed from the calculation 1 without teaspoon ginger slides in 200 ml of boiling water.

Чай з імбиром не тільки ароматний напій, але і гомеопатичні ліки

Tea with ginger flavored drink not only, but homeopathic medicines

In recipes usually recommended to choose to drink natural green tea.

A dose of strength selects drink to your taste.

After pouring boiling water bowl with a tea saucer or close the lid and allow to infuse for half an hour.

After cooling to a temperature 45-50 ° C to drink honey added at the rate of 3 teaspoons to 0,5 liters of liquid.

Another mandatory ingredient – this lemon, which has a devastating effect on germs and bacteria.

Lemon and honey can be added in boiling water, These two ingredients lose their properties.

Note, that medical tea with honey is much tastier, sweet and useful.

Drink honey soothe a sore throat, a hot drink facilitate expectoration mucus during coughing.

The classic recipe for ginger-honey green tea Cough

To prepare this drink recipe, we need fresh ginger root (to 4 cm), not powder.

У лікувальних цілях рекомендується випивати по 200 мл чаю 2 рази на день

For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to drink 200 ml tea 2 times a day

With fresh plants is a more intense drink.

Be sure to prepare 3-4 no. spoons flower honey, ½ of a whole lemon.

To improve the taste after cooking can add 1-2 carnation flowers, several pods of cardamom and a pinch of cinnamon.

First brew green tea, he shall stand 5 minutes. Zavaryvsya?

Now strain the tea so, to a liquid left brewing.

Pour it into a pan, add ginger, cinnamon and other aromatic spices and put gas capacity.

When the liquid boils, reduce heat and mloyit tea on the stove yet 20 minutes.

Then add honey and lemon, citrus fruit can be squeezed in a pan, stir until completely dissolved honey. Turn off gas and ztsidit drink through a strainer.

Drink drink hot and cold, add the mint, orange.

Black tea with ginger for youth and good health

Drink black tea also helps when treatment of cough, but he has another remarkable property – preserving youth.

Because ginger is a natural antioxidant, and drinking day 1-2 cups of this tea, you become a winner in the fight for radiant skin without wrinkles.

Cooking is very simple drink:

  1. Take ginger root, it must grate, or purchase at the pharmacy prepared powder.
  2. backfilling 1 Article. spoonful of black tea brewing kettle, it add ½ teaspoon of ginger.
  3. Pour boiling water, insist drink 20 minutes.

Ready to drink flavored, add to it 1 no. a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon. For Treatment of dry cough black tea with ginger drink hot.

Treatment of colds and depression ginger and honey

In India, ginger tea is very popular, especially during the cold season.

We have prepared a traditional recipe tasty drink, which helps to cope with cough, and for adults will cure depression.

For this recipe we will need the following ingredients, we will prepare drinks per 1,2 a liter of boiling water:

  • Boiling water for brewing.
  • Honey to taste, on 1,2 l better put 3-4 Article. spoon sweets.
  • Green or black leaf tea, add to your taste.
  • Ginger, better to get a root 3-4 cm. It rubbed on a coarse grater, until you have 3 Article. spoon with a slide.
  • Red pepper.
  • Lemon juice or orange no more 70 ml.

Brew tea, let it stand 10 minutes, strain of welding, add to it ginger, honey and cook another 5 minutes.

After removing from heat drink filtered through a sieve. It is important to squeeze liquid from ginger, which remain in the sieve: just press it carefully teaspoon.

After straining the drink put a pinch of red pepper and add the juice. Agree, have a drink its flavor gives a good mood!

Weight loss with ginger drink – This is just a fairy tale

If you after treatment of cough and cold refrigerated zavalyavsya ginger, a slice of lemon and honey on the bottom left banks, it's time to prepare drink for weight loss.

Preparation elementary: 1 no. chopped grated root pour boiling water, Put the mixture in ostyhnuvshu 1 a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon, mix drink.

In beverages connects bitterness, sweetness and acid, and it is recommended to people, in which metabolic processes in the body are slow, and weight gain is rapid.

One drink a glass a day, and purify the body from harmful toxins and a pair of extra kilos.

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