honey plant bruise
Bruise as a honey plant: medoproduktivnost, flowering.
To get a good harvest at the apiary honey must have enough flowers to collect pollen.
So first it was necessary to take care of it.
Not everyone has the opportunity to do at first by sowing plants, or selection apiary location.
Because many households passed on from generation to generation and have to be content with what they have, or otherwise modify the apiary.
Therefore experienced beekeepers have always conducted an audit of the plants Rostushche.
Many beekeepers underestimate this plant as an ordinary bruise, considering it a useless weed.
But having him around his apiary, can significantly increase the level collecting honey.
Due to its ability to fill surround space striped toilers always expect high returns of raw materials.
Description and characteristics of plants
This flower has a very interesting name and no less interesting appearance. It is necessary to know in person, If in the future you wish to emphasize is this kind of.
Honey plant is considered normal bruise or Echium Vulgare – this plant, belonging to the family burachnykovyh.
There are two years of his representative, can reach a height of one meter eighty centimeters.
Despite the very high stalk, it can get minerals from the depths of the earth, due to the peculiarities of the root system.
To apply biennial ago, that he begins to bloom only a year after planting.
The stem is long, tough with narrow elongated oblong leaves.
They are covered by the same, as well as on stem stiff fibers. First, a little pink flower, later they change their color to blue saturated.
Shaped like bells, diameter of two to three centimeters. The flowers are large and bright, that is a signal for bees and attracts them well.
The root system is powerful in it, that goes deep into the ground. It promotes better plant nutrition.
It is important to remember how much it was not good for beekeeping bruise remains dangerous and poisonous plants.
To maintain the necessary moisture nature plant awarded long enough, rigid spines.
They detained peas, a structure allows the leaves to spend less forces for their food, Paying almost all the energy is in the ovary of flowers.
On the surface they seem fluffy, but do not check it to touch.
Flowering bruise honey plant begins in June and lasts until the onset of cold weather. During this time a stem able to be in a half thousand flowers of all time.
The flowers retain their vitality only two days, but during this period of time they allocate to 16 mg nectar.
Read: Phacelia as a honey plant: productivity, sowing, collecting seeds.
Value for beekeepers
Medoproduktivnost bruise very high with high carbohydrate content. The flowers attract bees actively bright colors and seductive fragrance, especially, when their color changes to blue, During this period the pollen becomes even more.
Due to its shape hot weather and heavy rains it because it terrible and nectar stored. For this quality the plant is highly valued among beekeepers.
Bruises among the ten most honey plants. From one hectare can collect up to 800 kilograms of honey, while, example, linden to 1000.
Honey collected from the bruise is considered one of the best quality, it has the appearance of amber, several light color.
He has a pleasant flavor and very mild flavor. Honey long exposed crystallization, suitable for winter stocks of bees.
also read: White and yellow acacia honey plant as: productivity.
How to grow independently?
Echium vulgare absolutely unpretentious in the care and requires special climatic conditions.
With the same success he can grow among the rocks or vice versa meadows.
Advice! Before sowing seeds bruise should carefully read the climate of the region.
This is to ensure, to choose the most suitable time for planting.
If you make a crop in the autumn, it should be doing manipulation directly before frost.
It is important, as well as making the crop before you get weak shoots, which at the time of severe frosts die.
Recently predict the start of cold weather is difficult due to global climate change.
In regions with sharply – No continental climate transition occurs abruptly and cold.
Importantly, that was abundant snow cover, that can save young crop.
Therefore, the most appropriate time is late spring or midsummer. During this time the plant is typed forces will be able to safely survive the winter.
For growth bruise not in principle important type of soil, but the place should not be a shadow.
However, If you want a more active flowering, then the soil should be loose and adding fertilizer.
Spread the seeds by using a special device for sowing or hands.
Base them very often not necessary, so the 10. 000 square meters need only 5 kg seeds.
Wells should be the depth of one to three centimeters. The optimum temperature for germination is about +10 WITH, and for the growth and flowering should +20 – 28 WITH.
Bruise does not require special treatment and special additional measures.
But as supporting elements will not be superfluous occasionally use organic fertilizer.
It's worth noting feature flowering bruise, next to it is often planted annuals honey plants, those that would give nectar while bruise, will grow.
In the second year you get not only a complete adult plants, but the real plantation to collect nectar.
Dosiyuvaty and somehow distribute bruise is not required. Later, he placed the seeds yourself, taking up space.
A few years bruise cover a large area, this required about three years.
Importantly! Another feature is, that through his spikes he is one of the most drought tolerant plants. This is a distinct advantage over other plants.
Bruises will delight number of bees nectar and pollen, and the most beautiful view of beekeepers, satisfying aesthetic needs.
Read: Mustard as honey plant: flowering, productivity.
Bruise drug
Also it is used as a medicinal plant, preparing compresses or sushachy.
In its composition it has special substances and alkaloids, so working with them must be careful.
Rally cream and leaves only, which are then dried.
From the resulting material is prepared broths and use them as a sedative and sputum means attenuant.
The broth is prepared from 200 ml of water and a teaspoon of dried bruise, ready mass boil.
When taken orally and ztsidzhuyut 3 times a day, one third cup.
The spectrum of action is pretty big bruise: rheumatoid arthritis, gout and stretching tendons. For their treatment using compresses.
We have already brought many grade, which is virtually identical to the biennial.
But it is not particularly popular uses and is grown mainly breeders.