Honey pollen
Honey pollen: useful properties, damage, receptions.
All products, derived from bees, have unique properties and are widely used in folk medicine and apitherapy.
Honey is an essential part of almost all recipes, used to treat many diseases.
Honey pollen, Honey with propolis, ambrosia honey, with milk, garlic, etc. – list of medicinal products from honey goes almost endless.
Honey combined with pollen has many medicinal properties, thanks to the great content of vitamin complexes, hydrocarbon compounds, so necessary to human body for normal functioning.
Honey pollen – a natural activator, it stimulates all biochemical mechanisms in the body, rejuvenating it, enhances performance and brain activity.
Bee pollen and honey in the daily intake can increase sexual desire, enhance the potency, normalize work peredmihuroyi cancer.
Under the influence of active components, honey containing pollen, produced enzymes, inhibiting the formation of complex compounds of lead, that enter the body from big cities with exhaust fumes of cars.
Recipes using honey. How to make honey and pollen
Magic honey water. It has long been known for a very simple recipe with honey water, it is very relevant in the present. Take honey 1 Article. spoon, Stir with a glass of water and add the juice of one lemon.
The process of healing the body to start with honey water, if it is used correctly, it resumes every cell and organ, normalizes their functions.
Honey should stir in water, a temperature no higher 40 C. If the temperature is above, they begin to break down useful components of honey.
If the water add honey pollen, it will increase a positive effect on the digestive system, held improvement of the genitourinary system.
- In diabetes. Prepare a mixture with pollen, honey and butter in a ratio of one to one, take a few minutes before breakfast and before dinner for two months. Children dose should be reduced by half. This method is controversial, it has supporters and opponents. Some believe, that taking honey and bee products in general has contraindications for diabetics, Although apiterapevt different opinion and always speak of the golden mean.
- In the children's diathesis. Pollen, half a teaspoon, taken together with ¼ cup cooked solution: 2 Article. tablespoons currant leaves and 2 Article. teaspoon crushed cattle and brew in ½ liter of boiling water, leave for one hour.
- In diseases liver. Take a mixture of pollen and honey in equal proportions for half an hour before meals for a month. Last year conducted several courses such treatment.
Recipes using Perge and honey. How useful ambrosia, and how to make?
Pergamum, – product processing pollen comb under the influence of special secretions of bees, mixed with honey and nectar, transformed into a warm and humid climate hive.
Pollen, honey and honey dew, collected from conifers, used in cosmetics to create a special serum for the treatment of epithelial.
As a result of biochemical processes in the comb and structural changes ambrosia is even more valuable nutritional properties.
And thanks to it many nutrients, such as micro-- and macro, carbohydrates, vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, hormones, minerals, it is still valuable in the treatment of various diseases.
- Means, enriched with vitamins. 15 g pollen or mixed with cerago 1 g royal jelly, added 250 g honey. The mixture was put in a dark container. Take a teaspoon a few minutes before a meal. In the same way, you can quickly cure a cough and pneumonia, This means taking as an auxiliary for the general strengthening of protective functions.
- Means, facilitating hypertension. Mix in equal proportions pollen of buckwheat honey.
- With heart disease. Pollen (50 g) and 80 Dec. honey mix thoroughly, put in a sterile jar and put in a cool place. Take 10 city of 10 min. before eating, mixture dissolved in warm water.
- If neurosis, depression, insomnia. 100 Dec. mixed with honey 70 g pollen. The resulting mixture is dissolved in 1 l warm water. Keep at 20 degrees to form enzymes. Take half a cup before meals. The resulting mixture will last for a week.
- hemorrhoids. Honey and pollen in quantity 15 December used to treat this disease, if you take a mixture of up to six months.
- anemia. Pollen Honey, with royal jelly in proportion 1: 2: 1 exhibits unique properties for the normalization of blood formation system.
- In diseases of the digestive system. Pollen (50 g) mixed with acacia honey (250 g) and ambrosia (20 g) used as a tool for healing ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
- In the treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin and bones. All of the useful properties with honey and ambrosia pollen finds the treatment of diseases of the bone skeleton, joints, with skin lesions.
Honey and pollen, which absorbed all the healing properties of honey plants, long considered food of the gods, symbols of excellence.
honey – substance, where you do not get germs, using honey embalmed rulers of ancient Sparta.
Read more: Benefits pine pollen
Pollen flowers – useful source of strength and beauty. Pollen, enriched with honey, with its preservative qualities and healing properties provide an inexhaustible supply of energy for the human body as a whole.