honey: benefit and harm, application, how to eat honey.
honey – is a sweet and viscous fluid, a gift from the bees, produced by nature.
It is difficult to find a natural product, which would put it as a useful.
Because honey contains a source of medicinal substances, properties and it has a very positive.
Even our ancestors used this product for treatment. What is useful honey?
First of all, This beautiful home adaptogen, which can tone up the body in a state of fatigue and weakening, and to strengthen the immune system and other vital functions.
There is a great culinary tool, rich source of glucose and fructose, the basis for preparing many meals and even alcohol.
He was drunk on mead, knows the great taste of the drink.
Helpful properties of honey is so broad, which found application not only in traditional or non-traditional medicine, but also in official practice.
So, any honey preparation can be seen in the list of treatments for respiratory diseases, digestive tract, nerve diseases, etc..
Many people need comforting at night, because they can not sleep. In this product, honey, it goes well.
Take a teaspoon before bedtime with water, milk or tea, and provided a sound sleep.
- Containing Honey
- Calorie honey
- What is honey
- Types of honey
- Artificial honey
- Useful than honey
- Using in cosmetology
- Honey and weight loss
- Use in cooking
- Application of pregnancy
- Damage honey and contraindications for use
- How to choose a quality honey
- General principles of selecting quality goods
- Principles storage of honey
Containing Honey
Natural honey contains a lot of nutrients, which together give a very positive effect.
Here are some of them:
- carbohydrates;
- complex micronutrients, similar in composition to blood plasma (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium);
- vitamins (group B, WITH, E, TO);
- enzymes (katalaza, amylase, phosphatase, diastase).
He is very sweet, on this indicator it is better sugar, so it can be used to honey pastries in the oven or microwave, to prepare various desserts, drinks etc..
Calorie honey
Honey with various flowering plants lighter and less calories, than honey from buckwheat and rape.
Good honey has a very high calorie, so it can be used to strengthen the body, or, example, athletes if necessary, special meals.
Calorie content in the product 320-360 kcal, of which:
- 81,5 g – carbohydrates;
- 0,8 g – whites;
- 0 g – fats.
Information for diabetics: glycemic index product – 80-90, slightly lower, than sugar (97-99), but that does not mean, honey product that is not harmful to people with diabetes.
What is honey
There are several classifications of honey, are listed below.
- First of all, distinguish honey Monophlore, which is collected from one plant species, and Polyphlore. In the first case, the product name indicates the plant (hawthorn, blueberry, Acacia, hempen, with Manuka), and the second – at the venue (forest, meadow, mountain). Also distinguish honey, collected in different localities, because depending on climate zone and the characteristics of the local flora and changing taste of honey.
- By way of receiving distinguished centrifugal, downloaded using honey, and honeycomb, which is more useful because of impurities beeswax and other components, which do not fall into a big three-liter jar during evacuation. Usually, contains various nutrients (jelly, Pergamum,, wax).
Types of honey: description and application
Honey differentiated depending on the plant, from which the bees gathered nectar, or on, the conditions under which this occurred.
There are many types of honey:
- Acacia honey, which is one of the best compositions. It almost does not crystallize for a long time and maintains a liquid consistency, nor thickens. It is used to treat hypertension, combating microbial diseases, treats vision, nerves.
- Honey Hawthorn – this product, which can be treated heart, high pressure, and thyroid gland. Characteristic properties of honey: it is slightly bitter, has a special flavor and dark color.
- The mountain is popular as absolute Ecoproduct. It also has a strong odor and bitterness.
- Honey willow tea differs in color and taste, used exclusively for medical purposes.
- Field – excellent tool, which helps in the treatment of nervous system (insomnia, headache), and infectious diseases.
- Sweet Clover honey contains substances, allowing fight atherosclerosis, heart disease, liver and kidney diseases. Medicinal properties of honey are high enough, because it allows home cure many diseases. The taste of sweet honey, color light, a flavor like vanilla.
- The May honey – One of the premium species, which is made by bees from plants rannokvituchyh. It has a pronounced antibacterial properties, so the diet should be all, who often suffer from colds and other infections.
- White honey. The taste of honey linden very nice, and benefit from it a lot. It is indicated for most heart disease, and he has antibacterial properties. If the product correctly use, he can to bring any huge benefit in the treatment of honey at home instead of various diseases formal preparations.
- Forest and meadow with herbs, flowering trees honey has the same properties, as May.
- Mint – it honey, which has a distinct smell of mint, yellow. The product contains a lot of ascorbic acid.
- clover – colorless and transparent product. The smell of honey is very weak. Collect it can not all bees, but only those, who long proboscis, Caucasian bees, example. But the beneficial properties of honey from clover very pronounced, if not unique. It is used to treat women's diseases, can not be said about many other bee products.
- Crimson – very rare product, which bees extract of raspberry. It is a golden brown liquid, and solid. Among the medicinal properties of honey raspberry can be noted antibacterial, inflammatory, it can be used for the treatment of reproductive system.
- Buckwheat honey. Buckwheat has high medoproduktyvnistyu, which is why the market is the most honey. You can get almost anywhere. Characteristics of the product is very positive. It is used to treat anemia, different avitaminosis, to strengthen cell membranes (such an effect with soy letsitynom), for the treatment of heart. The product has a distinct tart taste and pleasant aroma.
- Rape honey the properties are not different from mustard and other classic, both wings apart. Sometimes allergy, contains a lot of glucose, What quickly thickens. Recipes from rape honey at home need to treat respiratory diseases.
- Chestnut – product dark colors with low odor and bitter taste of chestnut. Useful properties honey is to treat diabetes, vascular diseases, kidney, gastrointestinal tract.
- Heather has a very specific color and tart flavor, due to the presence of salt and plenty of protein. In heather honey flavoring qualities this greatly affected – it is included in the list of low-grade varieties. But this is only a drop of tar. If it is not taken into account, Honey is very useful.
There is also fruit, maple, cornflower, apple, sage and other bee products.
For honey is quite typical – have many different kinds, because many plants on the planet, and they can form large thickets, where to put enough apiary, to collect the product Monophlore.
Artificial honey
How to cook honey? For this we need only to sugar beet, Melon and watermelon juice, corn and hold their acid hydrolysis or evaporate.
Get mixture of glucose and fructose, but does not contain useful enzymes. It is a natural product and dilute it so fake.
Unscrupulous sellers can cook their own product and bee.
Therefore bee products is better to buy in or ask beekeepers proven quality certificate.
These measures will decrease the likelihood of buy counterfeit significantly, even eliminate it completely impossible.
Useful than honey
This product beekeeping are many volatile – natural antibiotics, which have a bactericidal effect.
He also exhibits the following properties:
- inflammatory;
- regeneruyuchu;
- tonic;
- normalizes the gastrointestinal tract;
- nervous system;
- immunostimulatory;
- antisclerous.
It can also benefit the interested conquer alcoholism. Suffice it to every drinking 30 minutes to give a tablespoon of honey, until the aversion to alcohol.
The product is also an excellent electrician, it is useful to athletes, students and people with heavy loads.
Honey can be used externally, because in this case it has antimicrobial, bactericidal action, example, treats cataracts when applied topically, clears.
Since it contains a lot of calories, will be useful for recovery operations.
Using in cosmetology
Procedures honey promotes skin rejuvenation face.
Bee products and sugar and honey are widely used in cosmetics, especially at home.
So, you can do with them mask:
- take 1 Article. teaspoon dried chamomile and pour half cup of boiling water;
- insist hour, then added to the mixture century. of honey;
- The resulting product wet hair and wrap in half an hour;
- after processing head rinsed with water without shampoo.
The mask can be used to treat dry (2 twice a month) and oily hair (once a week).
You can also simply rub around 10-15 g and a clean wet hair for half an hour, then remove it with water.
Treats product and problem skin. To do this, take it to number one tablespoon, add egg yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Everything is mixed and applied to the face gradually, balls. The mask is removed from the face through 20 minutes.
The procedure will promote good mood and skin rejuvenation.
Water and honey for weight loss
The benefits of honey water: bee nectar – it's so useful type of food, which can be used in dietary targets for combating obesity.
And this despite the high calorie stuff. To do this, 15 minutes before meals drink a mixture of 1 no. l. agents and 0,5 cup of water, prytupyt that allow hunger and eat less food.
The use of honey in cooking
Who does not have these things, a spoon for honey containers for honey or ceramics or wood?
This product is so popular, that once was used by all, except perhaps, who allergic to honey.
Muffins, gingerbread, cakes, creams, cookies, desserts – All this is done with it.
The structure includes many culinary honey, both desserts, and soups.
in addition, all known cooked mead, which is made from honey attitude.
There are many recipes of alcoholic products: with turmeric, not provided with honey, as with other types of, different technology, example, somewhere decided not dissolve in hot water, and leave more time in the natural temperature, etc..
Application of pregnancy
Many believe, that pregnant women should refrain from a number of non-standard products, beer here but obviously not included.
If you use them wisely, no frills, will only benefit. If you happen to overdose, the child may be born with congenital allergy.
When the use is useful:
- to improve immunity;
- to normalize blood circulation, including fruit;
- to relax the uterine muscles (prevent miscarriage);
- to deal with various kinds of inflammation.
Also bee product effectively eliminates the effects of toxicity, struggles with vomiting, if it is in small quantities daily.
Externally it can be used to remove stretch marks.
Therefore, in the early stages it is recommended to take each day as yourself, and mixed with other nutrients.
But we should not make decisions on admission, as honey products are not always safe.
It is best to ask your doctor and stick to the recommended dose – no more than a teaspoon a day.
Damage honey and contraindications for use
Although this is a very useful product, sometimes there are state, in which honey is obvious damage.
It allergic to the product, personal intolerance, gastric hyperacidity, and children under 3 years.
Honey does not benefit the excessive use of.
Damage can give honey is felt when using low-quality product, example, if heat, drink hot tea with.
Possible diabetes, ulcer, and caries.
In other cases, the substance will only be useful and will not bring significant harm, because the bulk of the population can not survive and apply it regularly.
How much honey you can eat per day? The recommended dose for adults – not more 150 m
It is best to eat them 3-4 techniques advance before meals. Children rate – not more 50 g per day.
How to choose a quality honey
Bee products are often subjected to forgery. But fortunately, there are many ways, checking, as much honey in a jar.
This photo real goods, and the use of improvised, and verification by their appearance, and even laboratory control.
Natural substance – it 100% nectar of flowers, that bee brought and processed.
Also, the market can meet artificial (mentioned above), sugar (derived from bees sugar syrup) and diluted product, and heated (so thickened substance is converted into the liquid), patient (When bees suffering and stuffed with drugs), with various additives and polluting.
General principles in selecting quality goods Beekeeper
The best choice on the market in honey beekeeper friend, not in stores, supermarkets.
To buy genuine natural products, recommended a number of principles:
- Find a reliable supplier, is guaranteed to produce high-quality and natural products.
- If you want to change to a new beekeeper, should take a small amount of honey, to test products. After all, the place is not possible to check, and throw a lot of money down the drain is not the most sensible solution.
- If the quality of honey is very important, better to order professional analysis laboratory, to get guaranteed results.
To test the product yourself, recommended to use such approaches:
- Take a small amount of liquid honey on a stick and watch, it will drain. If extends continuously and springs, then, all is well, if the drips, it is diluted or fake.
- The consistency of the substance to be gentle, nehruboyu, without any kind of inclusions, it is easily pounded fingers and absorbed.
- This product hardens bread.
- If a bank product varies in color, texture or size of crystals, he look unnaturally, because honey does not separate.
- He must be uniform, without spots, equally density.
- To simply check the product, rather dilute it in milk – it should not curl.
- The smell of the goods should be enjoyable, fragrant, does not have any impurities.
- A real honey does not react with iodine.
- Nor should fall precipitate with stirring with an equal amount of water.
- If you turn the bank, shall expire not more than one air bladder.
- If they rub on the surface of the product, chemical pencil should leave without any usual color reactions.
- Paper, oiled bee nectar, not burning, but only melt.
- Tea with addition of natural products darken slightly, but will not precipitate.
- On the surface of liquid honey should not experience any foam, no bubbles, as they demonstrate fermentation.
- Crystals also be star-nectar or needle shape and size as small as possible. If they are large, it may be impurities sugar or other ingredients.
- And the weight of real goods must be at least 1,4 kg without glass.
The shops, usually, the product is heated, his stuffed preservatives, and indeed under the guise of subsistence can sell something artificial.
In addition, due to the sale in sealed condition impossible to verify its condition to the acquisition.
Principles storage of honey
How to store bee products, that they retained their maximum quality over time?
Make it not so easy. You need to eliminate the standard cold storage, as storage place should not be under the constant sunlight, wet, should not be too warm.
The product is best kept at less than a year 5-10 Celsius and maximum humidity 65%.
Failure to comply will result in fermentation and other unwanted processes.
With dishes to choose something better clay, curse, preferably wood (linden), but in any case not the metal, as it will contribute to further fermentation.
Heat the product can not be, because all the beneficial properties disappear, and the risk increases fermentation.
The maximum recommended temperature – 36 C.
When honey began to wander, its warm, converting the liquid, and use as soon as possible.
There absolutely can not mix different kinds, types of honey, and products of all time collection.