Breeding bees

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Селекція бджілBreeding bees – importance and methods.

Selection work with bees – One of the important stages of pedigree breeding insects.

He must have every beekeeper, who wants to engage in the large bees.

Why is it important to conduct breeding work with different species of bees, see below.

  1. Stages
  2. The importance of


This consists of the following steps:

  • improving the welfare of bees;
  • identify the most productive families;
  • Breeding these families to increase offspring and breeding new queens;
  • exclusion appearance drones and queen bees, derived from closely related links;
  • culling unsuccessful families.

High-family for breeding bees detect quite simple.

To do this, track, which are best developed with the spring and bring the maximum amount of honey, waxes and other products. Селекційна робота з бджолами

If bees than one year, should be analyzed and hardiness resistance to disease.

Once a family is defined, Bees produce selection.

To do this, or share it on allocation and ROE, or derive only females with drones, which is used to improve the characteristics of other families.

The first way is perfect, as beekeeper knows, signs inherit the bees and how to benefit family.

But this way the development is slow, so the need for rapid multiplication using the second method.

Because it allows you to quickly get a lot of females subsidiaries, which will improve the characteristics of weaker families.

The importance of

It is important to keep breeding. Breeding bees allowing continually improve the characteristics of families in his apiary, and help avoid many problems.

So, If the beekeeper is engaged in breeding of bees, This is to the benefit not only him, but others.

Селекція бджіл дуже важливоFor people, who keeps bees in small quantities, females are not able to remove herself, so he can get them from breeding.

This will strengthen the gene pool in the neighborhood, not so bad drones to fly breeding sows and will not impair the characteristics of future offspring.

It is necessary to negotiate with local amateurs, that they monitored the number of their drones, replace old females. which is just producing males, for younger, tribal.

Thus continues the noble offspring and larger apiaries, and revived smaller.

Of course, selection – This is very serious and requires a lot of training sessions.

You can display new species, improve some production characteristics. But it is at the level professionals, but also novice beekeepers can do it.

First you need to learn how to remove powerful family, which will give a lot of honey and other products, and consistently transfer severe winters and other climatic features of the region.

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