Diseases and pests pears
Diseases and pests pears: description, a photo, their control.
Diseases of pear tree – One of the most frequent causes, on which these trees die.
Therefore, timely response to disease may save a tree, and not let it be lost.
Pear pests also need time to deal, that was your great and fruits:.
Major diseases and pests listed below pears.
White spot
The disease manifests itself in numerous spots on the leaves, with grayish hue.
Their size and number varies, depends on the variety of pears.
The first symptoms can be seen in late May, and continued until November threatening disease weakening the tree hardiness.
The most susceptible to the disease are the following varieties: Tonkosvetka, Sapizhanka.
Containing the spread of the disease pear is prevention activities.
To do this, the infected plants and soil under them should spray nitrafenom, the rate 300 grams per bucket of water.
The first spraying is carried out at blooming kidneys.
The second time the plants are sprayed after flowering 1% Bordeaux fluid solution.
The third time pears sprayed three weeks after the second spraying the same solution.
The use Bordeaux mixture can cause burns leaves, so make process control in several branches and sure, the result.
With a large garden infection treatment is carried out to 6 times per season.
autumn, defoliation after they are removed, and basal area dug, because the spores of the fungus, carrying infection, winter with leaves.
Bacterial infection pears description
Bacterial infection, or bacterial blight – disease, which affects fruit crops and most often pear.
For the first time the disease manifests itself in June.
At this time, young leaves are beginning to turn black around the edges.
The ends of the shoots can also become burritos and black, as if burned.
Contracting the infection occurs in areas of cracks and wounds, as well as through their leaves and stomata.
The disease can also be transmitted when cutting trees, non-sterile instrument.
Bacteria in this case very quickly develop and cause tissue death tree.
The disease spreads just inside the barrel on vessels, along with the movement of juice on them.
In this case, save hard pear, but maybe.
To combat the disease using antibiotics, such as tiomitsin, ahrimitsin and penicillin.
They are diluted with water and sprayed them early flowering tree, and then at intervals of 5 days.
Pear scab disease on combating and
One of the most dangerous diseases are pear scab.
This fungal disease, which is very common on pear trees.
The disease affects all: leaf, flower, shoots, fruit.
In patients leaves begin to emerge siriyuchi spots, having a typical greenish-brown patches.
Later, leaves wither and fall.
Scab is especially dangerous for densely planted trees, and for frail older pears.
Measures to combat the disease are quite simple.
Early spring, before the buds bloom, trees and the soil around the affected crops sprayed with drugs, which destroy spores scab.
Raked autumn leaves crumbled and buried, because they are the habitat of scab in winter.
In severe cases, early spring or autumn soil sprayed 7% solution of urea, or 10% ammonium nitrate.
You can also use 10% solution of potassium chloride
Fillostikoz disease on pears description
Another common dangerous fungal disease of pears is fillostikoz.
It stimulates the fungus piknidialnyy.
The disease manifests itself at the beginning or the middle of summer, and looks like a small brown spots on leaves.
Then the gray spots, and the gray box are visible dark dots – pycnidium.
At the same fruit can be formed small brown spots surface or depressed.
Unfortunately, measures to combat the disease and the biology of the fungus have not been studied sufficiently.
Ulcerative cancer on pears and fight with him
Familiar to many diseases branches and trunks, causing them significant thickening, accompanied by ulcers, called ulcerative cancer.
The manifestation of the disease associated with damaged bark mechanical nature, especially low temperature injury.
This in itself is harmless disease, but sometimes a damaged tree tissue penetrating fungal spores, parasites.
Measures to combat the disease are mainly preventive in nature.
That right should choose hardy varieties of pears, and timely daub trunks of lime milk.
For utvoryvshisya wounds should be treated, possible cut, or purify and process disinfectants.
Tsistosporoz disease on pears description and treatment
Another common fungal disease is tsistosporoz.
It strikes weakened as a result of climate netut trees and cause some drying cortex.
The disease is often accompanied by the loss of branches and trees.
Throughout the affected areas of the cortex there are large, visible to the naked eye pycnidium causative agent.
The fight against the disease is the same as for cancer, but is effective only at the beginning of the disease, not until the fungus penetrated the cambium and the wood.
Rot in pear tree description
Of course, do not forget to rot, which affects pear fruit everywhere.
Its pathogen – fungus, living in the affected fruit up to 2 years, and often spread to healthy summer, in the second half.
Prevention of the disease is the timely collection of fallen, affected fetuses, and their utilization.
And as, qualified in a timely pruning trees, and proper treatment of wounds, and places damage.
Control measures. Regular collection and destruction of damaged fruits.
Collection of mummified fruit from the trees and their destruction. To prevent rot of fruit trees recommended triple spray 1% -and Bordeaux mixture, the first time in the bud, the appearance of a second windfall, the third in two weeks after the second.
Pests pear and fight, their description
pear jumping plant louse (midyanytsya) for pears – Pest Control
One of the most dangerous pests are pear jumping plant louse, or midyanytsya.
Traces of its negative impact on the tree appear before, as kidney bloom.
With warming adults of these insects crawl up trees, and suck the cell sap from tree buds.
With a large number of larvae, that also suck juices, leaf, fruits are deformed and lose their consistency.
Pest dangerous by the fact, the products of its life, are like honey dew, attract sooty mushrooms.
Fruits, covered with fungus, just die, losing its appearance and taste.
During the summer may develop 4-5 generations of the pest.
Pear fruit Galitsa – description and pest control
Another dangerous pest of pear fruit is pear Galitsa.
Adults of this pest resemble gnats.
Females lay eggs in flower bud.
After the larvae hatch, they penetrate into the ovary and eat its contents.
Visually fruit, damaged Galitsa, more conventional look and grow faster.
But then the ovaries wither, and fall off the ground.
This pest can destroy from 50 to 90% all ovaries.
Dangerous for pears just kind of pest sheet.
The larvae of this pest damage leaves, and also that dry fall.
Dolls deposited in the leaves, that have not yet deployed. Affected leaves wrapped edges up, form a tight rollers.
Pear pest – popelicâ, description
Dangerous for the same pear aphid, different types. Green wingless larvae obliplyuyut continuous layer shoots and young leaves.
They feed juice, and stop the growth of leaves.
This causes them to twist and death.
There are two types of aphids – brown and pear-umbrella, developing only pears.
Then they can parasitize some crops.
During the season aphids can change 8-15 generations.
bold aphids, just as are the ideal environment for the growth of sooty mushrooms, covering the surface completely contaminated secretions, forming a black coating.
This complicates the process of photosynthesis, leading to plant death.
Cicadas on a pear tree – Pest Control
Pear causing significant damage as well cicadas. Example, green cicada, or Gorbatko-buffalo.
With the defeat of this pest, Pears on shoots with a diameter of 6 mm, visible small scratches.
Their is so much, the surface crust cracked as if.
The reason, that female cicadas sharp ovipositor cut measles, and lay eggs under it.
This pest causes significant damage to young trees, because through wounds in the bark of a tree can get additional pathogens.
Pests pear – gall mites
Dangerous pests of pear trees as well gall mites.
When the bloom buds, become visible mite damage, as small yellowish or red swellings.
They completely cover sheet, then blacken.
The first generation tick developing kidney, and the next two on the leaves.
Formation of swelling on the leaves caused by enzymes, Are tick injects when feeding with saliva.
Losses as a result lead to death leaves, weakening trees, and shortfall 95% crop.
Just defeat mites significantly shortens the growth of young shoots.
Pear disease and pests: Video
Diseases and pests pears significant impact on health and fruiting trees, and if time does not begin to treat disease, fruit tree can stop completely, if not die