How do bees cells

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Як бджоли будують стільникиHow do bees and build cells and where – this question, that worries a lot of people around the world.

In search of answers they seek to access the Internet or go to the library.

If you want to understand this question, then immediately should understand: that bees use to build and what goals while pursuing.

  1. What cell
  2. Varieties hundred
  3. Start of construction WTO
  4. What happens to the bee
  5. Video

What is a cell

How bees make their cells have long been known to all, but what they represent and how the construction, not everyone knows.

WordHex – This design was created by bees wax, designed for, which store honey, cultivate new species, and serve as a house for bees.

Newly created cells always have a light yellow color and consisting only of wax.

Further quality and color will vary depending on, between using one or the other design.

Example, those cells, designed for growing brood, quickly become dark.

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WordHex bees

This is due to the fact, cells that are filled not only cocoons, excrement but just came to light individuals.

With each generation of color will become darker layers formed by sediments, and as a result – become thicker wall, change their shape, and the amount.

Appearance hundred like Hexagon, each side of which – This distinction Neighbor.

The size of such cells is largely dependent on, for what purpose they are used, and for whom are: for more drones or worker bees.

Beekeepers at work in the apiary can use artificial substitutes hundred – Wax. It is a wax block letters with them the same hexagon.

Wax is not able to fully replace cells, as it is finer, but it will assist in creating real wax cells.

Read more: The life expectancy of bees

Wax, used for the construction of hundreds, created by bees. Any other material not used.

The main advantage of wax is, softened condition that it is possible to do anything, but once it hardens, it holds shape well and no different brittleness and fragility.

Features beeswax is also considered longevity, no exposure to the environment and microorganisms, and special hygiene.

Mankind can create building material, which would meet the following specifications.

Varieties hundred

Total agreed to provide four hundred species:

  1. of drone cells;
  2. of bee;
  3. matochniki;
  4. honeycomb.

The first two types are no different especially: both have a hexagon shape, where one side of the cell automatically limit is more. The walls are thickened at the top of.

Бджолині соти


These cells are very durable and roomy, and the amount of wax, required for their production, very small.

Hundreds of square centimeters on average may contain 4 cell. The upper part of hundred slightly higher, than the south side.

With each breeding brood cells will become less excrement left by larvae and cocoon at birth.

As for queen, it is a special type of cell comb, have enlarged.

They come in two types: Svishcheva and swarm. Swarm laid at the edges and built during swarming nest.

Have a look inverted cup or plate. It is here the queen will lay eggs for the next breeding individuals, which subsequently change its. The size of the cell approximates a cubic centimeter.

Fistulous queen cells are constructed only, When the nest is absent uterus for any reasons. Then one of the hundreds, which has been laid bee larva, increase, recycling mother liquor under construction.

The size of the cell is twice, than worker bees. The main difference between honey honeycomb consisting of depth (They built a succinct, than, intended for brood).

Construction of hundreds of bees start time, when few frames in the nest and they are located at a distance from each other.

Most breeders use this technique to remove honey, to be sold comb.

Read more: drone – beer family members.

Start of construction WTO

Many of us think about, how bees build their honeycombs and as it happens. It is necessary in order to understand the technology and the process of construction.

Стільники диких бджіл

WordHex wild bees

so, It begins in early spring, when bees survived the winter, full of strength and energy, begin to take the first overflights, enjoying the sun and warmth.

That is when the bees activates the special glands, which are responsible for the production of wax.

First the bees need to prepare a place for gathering honey in the future.

Then they are taken for the creation of new cells, stroyuchy over their old.

Then honey bees start collecting them and ultimately, when everything is completed, again using wax to seal windows. This cycle is constantly.

What happens to the bee

Cells begin to build on top of the constant promotion down. Their value will depend on the residence of bees and housing sizes.

Once separated from bee wax itself to create a so-called garland, after a few hours it can once again produce wax flakes.

Як бджоли відбудовують стільники?

As bee honeycombs rebuilt

These scales front paws are transferred to the upper jaw (mandiʙuli) for further processing: rozdavlyuyutsya flakes with a special substance, produced by building an, and formed as a result of this share in turn attached to the correct location.

The whole process of building a hundred takes place in the dark, when bees do not use their organs of vision and see absolutely nothing.

They are guided only by touch, of these insects are the envy of everyone.

Temperature, at which the construction, must be between 35 C, that is kept bees.

It is in this climate is marked good elasticity and plasticity wax, allowing good spresuvaty his cell and make the desired shape and size.

Originally built bottom forthcoming WTO, then move the bees to create walls in the form of a hexagon. The rate of construction of these insects happy high.

In good conditions and supported their temperature at the right level, Bees are two days to process three frame sizes 43,5 on 30 cm.

If you use wax, then this result will be achieved faster.


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