The Law of Ukraine "On Beekeeping"

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Закон України «Про бджільництво». Закон Украины «О пчеловодстве»The Law of Ukraine "On Beekeeping". The Law "On Beekeeping" Ukraine

Terms import and export of Ukraine abroad bees and bee products.

This law regulates the relations of breeding, use and protection of bees, production, harvesting and processing of bee products, effective use of bees for pollination of plants for agricultural purposes entomophile, other species of flora zapylyuvalnoyi, creating conditions for increasing productivity of bees and crops, guarantee the rights and protection of individuals and businesses, engaged in beekeeping.

  1. Section I. Terms
  2. Section II. Public administration and regulation of beekeeping
  3. Section III. occupation bdizhlnytstvom
  4. Section IV. Bee products and their use
  5. Section V. Professional activities and financing activities in the field of beekeeping
  6. Section VI. Guard bees
  7. Section VII. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of beekeeping
  8. Section VIII. International cooperation in the field of beekeeping
  9. Section IX. final provisions

Section I. Terms

Article 1. Definitions

In this law the following terms shall have the following meanings:

  • apiculture – Agricultural industry, which is the basis for the functioning of breeding, maintenance and use bees to pollinate plants entomophile agricultural lands and increase their productivity, production of food and raw materials for industry;
  • beekeeper – individual, which deals with keeping and breeding of bees, production and primary processing of bee products;
  • worker bee – female with underdeveloped sexual organs, which pollinate plants, collects nectar, pollen and bee products produces;
  • queen bee – female, providing reproduction of bees;
  • drone – male queen bee;
  • bee family – integrated biological unit, which consists of one queen bee, 15 – 60 thousands of worker bees on average and about two thousand drones;
  • breed bees – integrated group of bees common origin with constant characteristic biological features, prevailing in the natural and artificial selection, common in areas with specific climatic conditions and medozbirnymy;
  • native (local) bees – species and populations of bees, which for a long time living in an area and is encountered in the course of evolution;
  • breeding bee family – high-performance family of purebred bees, which consistently sends its offspring rock signs;
  • breeding apiary – apiary, intended for breeding, improvement and elimination of a breed of bees, maintaining the existing gene pool of bees;
  • tribal bdzholorozplidnyk – beekeeping breeding company, specialized in breeding queen bees and bee colonies forming for sale;
  • commodity apiary – apiary, designed to produce bee products;
  • transportation (nomadic life) posikaet – apiaries for export medosbor and pollinating plants entomophile;
    passport apiary – paper on veterinary and sanitary condition of bee colonies, apiary owner issued the relevant body of veterinary medicine;
  • pedigree certificate (certificate) – document prescribed form, which confirms the quality of breeding bees;
  • cell – bee wax from building cells, intended for rearing, placing fodder stocks and bees;
  • beeswax – organic compound, is released wax glands of bees and used to build cell, sealed cells with honey and brood;
  • Wax – artificially produced wax thin sheets of appropriate size imprinted on them the basics of cell;
  • bee products – products, obtained through harvesting and physiological properties of bees (copper, wax, bee pollen, Pergamum,, propolis, Royal jelly, bee venom, Trutnev homogenate), and most bees;
  • entomophile plants for agricultural purposes – plants, are pollinated by insects;
    apitherapy – treatment and prevention of diseases with bee products;
  • protection of bees – immunobiological, biological, vegetable, chemical, chemical-pharmaceutical and other veterinary drugs, used in beekeeping.

Article 2. Legislation of Ukraine on beekeeping

Legislation of Ukraine on beekeeping Ukraine based on the Constitution and consists of this Law, laws of Ukraine “On Plant Protection”, “Veterinary Medicine”, “On of livestock breeding”, “On Wildlife”, “On Flora” and other regulations.

Article 3. Objects beekeeping

The objects are worker bees and beekeeping, queen bee, drones, colonies, which are bred for breeding and commodity apiaries.

Article 4. Subjects beekeeping

Beekeeping subjects regardless of ownership is:

  • tribal and commercial apiary, Pedigree bdzholorozplidnyky;
  • Company manufacturing beekeeping equipment and inventory;
  • Company, institutions and organizations in stocking, processing, implementation of bee products and preparations of them;
  • Laboratory certification bee products;
  • research institutions, educational institutions, experimental farms, engaged in beekeeping.

The entities also include beekeeping associations, associations and other groups, involved in the issues of beekeeping.

Subjects beekeeping, engaged in the production and processing of bee products, are manufacturers of agricultural products.

Article 5. NGOs beekeepers

In order to meet common interests in development issues beekeeping citizens can freely associate in public organizations beekeepers.

Section II. Public administration and regulation of beekeeping

Article 6. State management in the field of beekeeping

Public administration in beekeeping perform Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central executive authority on agricultural policy and its local bodies, Council of Ministers of Crimea, local administrations.

Article 7. State regulation in the field of beekeeping

State regulation of beekeeping is done by:

  • determining the general principles of unified scientific and technical policy;
  • establishing appropriate standards, rules and regulations;
  • improving governance in the field of beekeeping;
  • organizing and carrying out measures for diagnosis, Prevention of diseases of bees and meats;
  • technological development and approval requirements for selection and breeding work in beekeeping, the certification of breeding apiaries and issuing certificates (certificates);
  • organization and ensure quality control of bee products;
  • control the export and import of bee products;
  • coordination of training and retraining of specialists in beekeeping;
  • Coordination of selection and breeding, promote beekeeping;
  • monitoring the performance entomophile pollination of plants for agricultural purposes in order, established by the central executive authority on agricultural policy.

Article 8. State support beekeeping

State support is carried out by occupation beekeeping:

  • and creating conditions to promote beekeeping in Ukraine;
  • research and measures for the protection and preservation of genotypes of bees;
  • reimbursement for veterinary and sanitary support beekeeping;
  • providing incentives for taxation under current legislation;
  • loans and attract investment on favorable terms;
  • providing targeted subsidies and other financial support;
  • training specialists in beekeeping;
  • other means of economic incentives.

Article 9. Selection and breeding work in beekeeping

In order to preserve, reproduction and distribution of Ukrainian steppe, Carpathian and Polissya genotypes bees in their natural habitats settlement created bdzholorozplidnyky breeding and breeding apiary, are engaged in breeding and reproduction of bees and their implementation.

Breeding base and system selection and breeding created a central executive authority on agricultural policy and the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, whose activity in this area is conducted according to the Law of Ukraine “On of livestock breeding”.

Article 10. Guarantees of rights and interests of beekeepers

The State guarantees the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of beekeepers in beekeeping.

beekeeper, carrying out economic activities in the field of beekeeping, have the right to take their own initiative any decisions, which do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine.

Beekeepers have the right to challenge the decisions, acts or omissions of public authorities, local authorities, their officials and officers.

Section III. occupation bdizhlnytstvom

Article 11. The right to engage in beekeeping

The right to maintenance of bees and beekeeping occupation of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons, who have the necessary skills or special training, and entities.

Occupation of beekeeping is carried out without special permission executive authority or local authority.

Article 12. formation apiary

Natural or legal person for the purpose of forming an apiary beekeeping occupation of bee colonies, which may have utility room, tools and equipment and placed in the appropriate land.

Number of bees, that can be held by legal entities and individuals, not limited.

On apiaries kept bees zoned only in some areas of rocks under the plan of the waste zoning in Ukraine, approved by the central executive authority on agricultural policy.

Article 13. Issuance of veterinary and sanitary passport, pedigree certificates (certificates) and registration of apiaries.

With a view to keeping apiaries and implementation of preventive measures for each issued apiary veterinary and sanitary passport. Passport form and procedure for issuing installed central executive authority on agricultural policy.

Pedigree breeding apiary bdzholorozplidnyky and assessed and receiving tribal certificate (certificates) under the Law of Ukraine “On of livestock breeding”.

Apiary be registered residence of an individual or legal entity location, which is engaged in beekeeping, local state administrations or village, settlement, city ​​councils in order, established by the central executive authority on agricultural policy.

Article 14. The procedure for granting land for occupation beekeeping

Land available for occupation beekeepers beekeeping in order, established by the Land Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Land Lease”.

Article 15. Placing of apiaries

Natural and legal persons apiary placed on land, belonging to their ownership or use, in accordance with veterinary and sanitary rules.

Placing of apiaries on the land of other owners or users carried out with their consent.

Placing of apiaries on forest lands is free of charge with the requirements of the Forest Code of Ukraine.

Article 16. Transportation (nomadic life) posikaet

Transportation (nomadic life) honey apiaries to the land is subject to veterinary and sanitary regulations in agreement with the owners or users of land.

Bodies of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine promote smooth traffic (migrations) posikaet. If necessary, they organize their support to the destinations.

Article 17. Accounting bees and their performance

Accounting bees and their performance is based on the results of checks autumn and spring in the prescribed manner.

Section IV. Bee products and their use

Article 18. The procedure for preparation and implementation of bee products

Preparation and marketing of apiculture products made by individuals and legal entities in accordance with applicable legislation.

Article 19. Veterinary and sanitary expertise in the field of beekeeping

Produced or harvested bee products for their realization are subject to veterinary-sanitary examination, that is in order, established by law.

Article 20. Production and sales of wax

Production of wax for its implementation is carried out by individuals and legal entities in due course.

Article 21. Treatment and prevention of diseases with bee products (apitherapy)

For prevention and treatment of human and animal medicines used (drugs, medicine, medicaments), made from bee products.

Pre-clinical study of medicinal products, their clinical testing and application pursuant to the laws of Ukraine.

Article 22. Using bees

The bees used for pollination of wild plants entomophile, pollination and increase yields entomophile plants for agricultural purposes and production of bee products.

Natural and legal persons, entomophile plants are grown for agricultural purposes, to enhance the productivity of these plants can use apiary on a contractual basis.

Article 23. Import and export in Ukraine beyond bees and bee products

Import and export in Ukraine beyond bees and bee products are made according to the rules, installed central executive authority on agricultural policy.

bee products, exported from Ukraine, subject to certification in accordance with the law.

Nerayonovani breed bees imported to Ukraine only for scientific purposes with the permission of the central executive authority on agricultural policy in agreement with the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

Section V. Professional activities and financing activities in the field of beekeeping

Article 24. Professional experience in the field of beekeeping

Professional activities in beekeeping can engage citizens, having the appropriate level of education and professional orientation.

Training of a bee made in vocational and higher agricultural educational institutions.

Postgraduate training specialists bee held at the faculties, training courses in higher educational institutions and specialized courses.

Advanced training beekeepers may also engage NGOs according to their charters.

Training and retraining, training specialists beekeeping business, institutions and organizations of private property, including farms, made their own funds, specialists and authorities in the field of beekeeping – from the State Budget of Ukraine.

Experts authorities in the field of beekeeping be evaluated in accordance with law. The results of certification defined line employee position, level of qualification, category, and set salary under the laws of Ukraine.

Article 25. Scientific support in the field of beekeeping

Scientific support in beekeeping carried Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences through a network of research institutions under the Law of Ukraine “On scientific and technical activity”.

Article 26. Financing activities in the field of beekeeping

Financing activities in the field of beekeeping at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine, local budgets and other laws of Ukraine not prohibited sources.

Financing of national and regional programs in the field of beekeeping carried out according to the limits of funds, the State budget of Ukraine and local budgets for carrying out the selection and breeding of livestock.

Section VI. Guard bees

Article 27. Ensuring the health of bees

Protection is provided by bees:

  • take measures to prevent the ruin and the deliberate destruction of bee colonies;
  • providing veterinary care for the prevention and treatment of diseases of bees;
    facilitate smooth traffic (migrations) posikaet;
  • organization of research, aimed at protecting bees;
  • carrying through the media propaganda occupation of beekeeping and the protection of bees, advertising beekeeping products;
  • optimum number of bee colonies in the areas of their settlement;
  • promotion activities, aimed at preserving the bees;
  • organization of state support beekeeping.

Article 28. Duties of owners and users of natural resources to protect bees

For owners and users of natural resources to protect bees assigned duties, statutory.

Article 29. State veterinary control in beekeeping

To prevent diseases of bees and compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations in the field of beekeeping state veterinary control in order, by the Law of Ukraine “Veterinary Medicine”.

Article 30. Protecting habitats settlement bees

Legal entities and individuals, that carry out activities, which affect or may affect the bees, must ensure their protection.

In the course of agricultural activities, forest use, exploration work, mining, grazing and identifying locations run farm animals, development of tourist routes and organization of places of recreation, military exercises and maneuvers, civil defense exercises population, Test any technique should be provided and implemented measures to conserve habitats settlement bees.

It is forbidden to carry out any plowing and otherwise destroy honey land, apply pesticides, their growth stimulants, mineral fertilizers, other drugs and carry out any work, which can lead to physical destruction of bees in the medosbora.

Legal entities and individuals, applying pesticides, obliged to comply with existing regulations, providing protection from poisoning bees.

Article 31. Guard bees when used in agriculture and forestry, plant protection

The use of plant protection products in agriculture and forestry permitted under their list, approved in the prescribed manner by the central executive authority on agricultural policy, in compliance with this law.

Article 32. Guard bees during forestry work

In order to protect bees during forestry work prohibited cutting limes, maple, willow, acacia, chestnuts and honey plants and other pylkonosiv within a radius of three kilometers from the locations of stationary apiaries and settlements – natural habitats settlement bees, except improving the sanitary condition of forests and conditions of recovery.

Article 33. Guard bees in the natural conditions of life

In order to protect bees under natural conditions of life are not allowed devastation of bee colonies, who settled in hollow trees, cracks and artificial plants. If colonies interfere with human life, their, if possible, pereselyayut.

Article 34. Veterinary-Sanitary Service beekeeping

Veterinary-Sanitary Service bee carried veterinary specialists or under their control or owners of apiaries apiarists.

Article 35. Guard bees on the state border of Ukraine

Guard bees on the state border of Ukraine in accordance with international agreements and legislation of Ukraine.

Article 36. Health genotypes of bees

Work to preserve, reproduction and improvement of native (local) Bee conducted in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

Preservation, reproduction and improvement of native (local) bees in their natural habitats settlement made on the basis of maintaining and improving these breeds, which was formed in different climatic conditions.

In order to protect genotypes are created bee breeding and breeding apiary bdzholorozplidnyky, engaged reproduction of bees and their subsequent resettlement in their respective areas of.

Around bdzholorozplidnykiv breeding and breeding apiaries established zone radius 15 – 20 kilometers, whose territory is allowed to breed bees only local breeding.

Article 37. Information about dangerous, natural meteorological phenomena and dangerous work

Information about dangerous, natural meteorological phenomena and their prediction, as well as the state of the environment has Hydrometeorological Service in order, by legislation.

Natural and legal persons, applying pesticides to honey processing plant, required no later than three days prior to processing through the media notify beekeepers, apiaries are located at a distance of ten kilometers from cultivated areas.

Thus the reported date of processing, product name, the degree and duration of toxicity.

Section VII. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of beekeeping

Article 38. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of beekeeping

Violation of legislation on beekeeping entails disciplinary, administrative, civil or criminal liability under the laws of Ukraine.

Responsibility for violation of legislation on beekeeping carry persons, guilty of:

  • failure (concealing) or providing false information about a threat to bees in the application of plant protection products;
  • violation of the technology of growing plants for agricultural and other purposes, which led to a deterioration of conditions in the resettlement areas of bees;
  • implementation of bee products and mixtures, not passed Veterinary Expertise;
  • evading compulsory Veterinary Expertise of bee products and mixtures;
  • violating the rules of import to Ukraine and export abroad bees and bee products;
  • implementation in Ukraine is not registered in Ukraine remedies bees.

Laws of Ukraine may establish responsibility also for other types of violations in the field of beekeeping.

Article 39. Reparation, caused by violation of legislation on beekeeping

Damage, caused by violation of legislation on beekeeping, compensated in the manner and size, the legislation Ukraine.

Article 40. Consideration of disputes in the field of beekeeping

Disputes, resulting in beekeeping, decided by the court in accordance with law.

Section VIII. International cooperation in the field of beekeeping

Article 41. International cooperation in the field of beekeeping

Ukraine participates in international cooperation in the field of beekeeping through multilateral and bilateral agreements.

Ukraine's participation in international cooperation in the field of beekeeping is in the order, the laws of Ukraine, by:

  • joint research;
  • development and implementation of international programs;
  • implementation of the mutual exchange of information and study of international experience;
  • participation in international congresses, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, fairs and in their conduct;
  • Membership in international organizations beekeepers;
  • Maintenance of international trade and industrial contacts.

Article 42. International agreements

If an international agreement, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, establish other rules, than, stipulated in this Law, the rules of international treaty.

Section IX. final provisions

  1. This law comes into force after its publication.
  2. Until the other laws in accordance with this Law apply to the extent they, not inconsistent with this Act.
  3. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within six months from the date of enactment of this Act:
    submit to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on bringing legislative acts of Ukraine with this Law;
  4. Bring their regulations into line with this Law;
  5. Provide revision and cancellation by ministries and other central executive authorities of their normative legal acts, contrary to this Law.

4. To amend the laws of Ukraine:

  1. Part two of the article 89 Forest Code of Ukraine (Supreme Council of Ukraine, 1994 g., № 17, Article. 99) the words “special use forest resources” add the words “except for placement of apiaries”;
  2. of the sixth article 3 Law of Ukraine “On the patenting of certain types of business” (Supreme Council of Ukraine, 1996 g., № 20, Article. 82; 1999 g., № 38, Article. 345) after the thirteenth add a new paragraph following paragraph:
  • “honey and other bee products, bdzholoinventar and protection of bees”.

In this regard, the fourteenth indents – considered a twenty-sixth paragraphs fifteenth – twenty-seventh.

President of Ukraine L.. HAIRY FUR CAP. m. Kiev.

22 February 2000 year number 1492-III

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