Ointment with propolis

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Ointment with propolis

How to make propolis ointment at home.

Ointment with propolis, prepared with their own hands, very much in demand in traditional medicine, even more, than official agents.

Therefore, the user can be sure, the quality of the drug is high enough.

Propolis ointment is very popular on the market, because this simple form, that without any problems, you can use.

User comments show, it is the most used form along with a form, as tincture.

  1. Properties
  2. Option number 1
  3. Option number 2
  4. Option number 3
  5. Option number 4
  6. Option number 5
  7. Option number 6

Medicinal properties of propolis and contraindications

Propolis treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal, various organs and systems.

Propolisnoyu mazyu bought or homemade treat external problems: wounds, ulcers, skin diseases.Прополісна мазь

Often this applies infusion.

The drug from the pharmacy ointments and other mildly tolerated by the body, no adverse action and is contraindicated except under severe intolerance.

Of course, propolis increasingly used internally as a tincture, but equally popular and soft forms, because they simply buy, drugs cheap enough.

Or you can also make any oily base, as dry matter, and from previously harvested tinctures.

How to make propolis ointment at home

Ointment, as tincture, quite simply preparing home, if you strictly follow the instructions.

Home analogue can be prepared in six versions depending on, who was elected recipe.

Option number 1. Ointment with propolis and butter

Most bought cheap alternative – Home likforma based soft butter.

The advantage of – edibility all components, allowing the use of the drug and internally.

feedback, her lowest activity, than alcohol tinctures, the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, abscesses, skin diseases.

The drug:

The mixture is heated on the stove to boil and filtered through cheesecloth. After cooling the drug ready for use.

It is recommended to take at least three times a day.

Option number 2. basis – olive oil

Olive oil Propolis ointment prepared on the same principle. Thanks to the efficiency of both components into drug used in diseases of the respiratory system (three times a day for half a spoon) or externally.

It should be applied to damaged areas or places where infections, example, in the nasal cavity for SARS.

Option number 3. Ointment with oil and yolk

Propolis actively used in cosmetics, in particular to improve the hair and skin.

It is for this purpose ointment with propolis eggs and oil. How to make ointment on that basis, follows.


  • 1 Article. l. propolisnoho oil (namely oil, instead of tinctures);
  • egg yolk;
  • 1 no. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 Article. l. honey.

This ointment with propolis at home preparing to read: All substances added to a mixture and mix thoroughly, until a homogeneous mass.

Instructions for use: the resulting substance is rubbed into the hair, pre-washed.

Then head cover cap with cellophane. Remove cream from the hair with warm water.

Option number 4. Ointment vegetable oil based

Equally popular alternative kuplennoyi ointments and tinctures are soft likforma vegetable oil based.

The only drawback of the drug is no possibility of its internally, but this is offset by excellent properties when applied externally.

The drug is prepared in a water bath, heating the mixture in a porcelain dish.

Maze has the following composition:

The drug is prepared in a water bath, heating the mixture in a porcelain dish. After the formation of practically homogenous mixture is filtered from various rain.

After cooling the drug ready for use. He put on a bandage or directly to the affected area of ​​the body.

Option number 5. Ointment with sea buckthorn oil

Preparation of the drug has some differences, so you need to know, how to make cream with sea buckthorn oil and propolis.

It's fairly active drug with many useful properties, such as wound healing, Moisturizing, that decontaminate, recycling.

If you prepare the recipe, especially the process does not take time and will not be difficult.


  • finely pounded propolis, which has a wax composition – 20 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 100 g.

In principle, the drug is prepared in the usual way, only some features.

Олія обліпиховаSo, Pour oil in a bowl, where the previously crushed propolis.

Then the composition was heated in a water bath 30-40 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and apply.

The resulting product after cooling is applied directly to the wound or bandage, to reduce pain.

Given the special properties of sea buckthorn follows the propolis ointment hemorrhoid and other chronic inflammatory processes.

It has a soft combined effect with no side effects.

Option number 6. Ointment from beeswax and propolis

Last recipe in composition and technology equally effective.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • propolis (can be in the form of tinctures, but better oil) – 120-140 g;
  • wax – 25 g;
  • 1 Chicken egg yolk.

The mixture is heated ingredients 20-30 minutes in a water bath, avoiding boiling water. In the end it is filtered and cooled.

Due wax preparation has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore used for the treatment of infectious skin diseases.

There are many other formulations of propolis as an official, and folk in the form of ointments, nastoyanok, combination therapies and even tablets.

So, widely used homeopathic ointment propolis + lanolin + wax mixture with various additives.

But experience shows and reviews, that the above recipes are the most effective and noteworthy.

Moreover, they are simple in execution and demand at home.

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