How to clean impurities from propolis

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Як відчистити та відділити прополіс від домішокHow to separate and purify propolis from impurities at home.

Propolis – this substance, which is widely used in folk and traditional medicine to treat many diseases.

The point is, it means a strong disinfectant properties and zahoyuvalni.

in addition, cook preparations with propolis You can yourself at home, you need:

  • collect or buy propolis;
  • clear;
  • prepare medicines.

If you bought or collected most especially from their hive propolis, you will be sure to clean.

The point is, that stuff is almost not for sale cleared, if it is not a drug, which sells ready-made medicine.

Consider the basic methods of cleaning. The main question here, propolis as clean of impurities at home.

  1. Purification of propolis
  2. quality product

Purification of propolis

As noted, purify propolis is not so difficult, There are simple methods, which can solve the problem, a separate propolis of wax at home.

In addition to the wax is such impurities:

  • sand;
  • vorsinki;
  • remains of insects;
  • pieces of wood.

The first tool is very easy. All you need is a bowl of water. There fits propolis, mixed, is half an hour. прополіс

Clay heavier than water, and it precipitates, all unnecessary expires. Repeat the procedure required several times, until the water is completely transparent.

The second method differs from the first, but also very effective, recommended to watch video.

First ingredient in sausage rolls and placed in the freezer, must, to soft frozen substance.

The next day, get briquettes and carefully fray on a fine grater.

The resulting powder is put in a fine sieve and shaken: light sand separated.

You can also freeze propolis in morozyltsi beat hammer (which also need to be frozen) beaten and thrown into the water substance, impurities vsplyvut, and propolis settle. Then it must dry.

The disadvantage is, partially lost and the same substance, but on the whole way answers the question, how to separate the wax from propolis.

quality product

High quality soft product is assembled from frames. In it the smallest impurities.

solid, which, example, barred the entrance to the hive, practically not suitable for use in medical applications, because there are a lot of garbage and contaminants. It is recommended to check when buying stuff.

Need to mash his hands – if soft, is perfectly. Firm – do not take. But we must take into account the air temperature outdoors.

In intense heat bee glue soften and become pliable. Also pay attention to the color of the product, it should be yellowish-brown. In no case do not buy the old propolis, healing properties of its lower.

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