How to catch bees in a trap

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Як зловити бджіл в пастку

How to catch bees in a trap

How to catch a swarm of bees in a trap – secrets of success.

Catch the bees is not difficult, if you choose the right size, materials, bait and trap location.

But this is only half the battle – must also be able to properly remove and transplant bees.

Beginners and experienced beekeepers repeatedly asking, how to catch bees.

at that, which according to most, make it desirable, there are situations, when you have to lure or catch a swarm.

  1. What should be the trap
  2. Examples of traps
  3. As a trap to lure the bees
  4. To properly set the trap
  5. How to remove and trap bees transplant
  6. Use an empty hive for bees catch

What should be the trap

Strange swarms beekeepers often used to strengthen existing family or create a new hive.

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Bee Trap

Before you decide, catch a swarm of bees in a trap, should define its size and installation.

Bees – strange creatures, and they accurately define the volume of new housing.

It should be remembered, size bee "apartments" can not be less 50 liters, otherwise, they're not accommodate.

The material used manufacture trap, usually, next: tree, plywood, cardboard, DSP.

But proved successful and traps, created from a metal frame with canvas stretched over it.

The attractiveness of traps for bees to define clearly can not. Insects are everywhere different, each with their "whims", so all points, including the shape and size, better define empirically.

Read more: How to make the most bee feeders.

They can also catch the empty hive.

Examples of traps

Better use to create trap natural materials. Originally created frame with wooden bars.

Sample size inside:

  • Length – 45-50 centimeters;
  • Width – 27-30 centimeters;
  • Height – 33-35 centimeters.

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On the side edges knocked special grooves, in which establishes a framework for lures bees.

The finished frame is sheathed with boards, cardboard or plywood. Mounted on the landing board, to which is attached a rope.

Cover trapped in better fasten screws, This design adds reliability, and use it comfortably, especially when you replant bee hive.

Eye make many across the width of the frame, easier to transfer them to a permanent place.

For portable traps should be done with a latch notch, cover it or place a piece of canvas when moving.

Cell size is desirable to choose a small, in practice, Bees do not like the big "inputs" in housing.

After making the trap it must be painted. By choosing paint must be approached responsibly, because the trap should merge with the view.

Some beekeepers sheathe its bark trees.

also read: Smoke Cannon for the treatment of bee mite .

Empirically it was found, that the full involvement of large swarm should be set 6 framework.

Bait six frames attracts bees. If the frame is less, They can "fly" by.

As a trap to lure the bees

To attract these clever insects using old cell, frame with an odor.

Experts advise to rub trap citrus peel, attracts their flavor of mint or lemon balm.

приманка для бджілYou can leave a couple of leaves directly trapped.

Sweet food in this place should not be, otherwise trap will attract attention axis.

In this case, the bees are unlikely to inhabit a new house.

While some sugar syrup used to attract, obbryzkuyuchy bushes growing near them.

Alternatively, You can use special means to lure the bees, which sell in the store.

It also helps to successfully catch wild bees. Frames should regularly check for wax moth, which deters bees.

If it still started up, frame must be replaced. Before installing the trap, must weigh it and fix the result.

Just a weight on the body of the pencil. It further will calculate the weight, if it was Roy.

To properly set the trap

Experienced beekeepers are advised to find a bee "passages", flying insects are in search of a new home.

They are, usually, on quiet, in the valley, near honey plant.

But choose a place away from the apiary should not. Traps should be firmly tied to trees and branches, lest they lounged in the wind.пастка для бджіл на дереві

Note, that trap installation site there should be no movement: animals, people, machines.

It is advisable to choose a location not on the sun, but not in a strong shade.

You can use the space near the hive, which is planned to expand through new bees.

If the trap worked and she flew bees, they should move to the apiary. And in this place to establish new bait.

Read: Make yourself stand for hives.

Period catching wandering swarm lasts about 1 August.

How to remove and trap bees transplant

Shoot bait preferably in the evening, after sunset, when bees stop flying and return to his family.

If not all flew into, left outside can sprinkle water from the sprinkler, they moved into.

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transplantation of bees

After that inputs necessary to close the latch and gently remove structure.

Transplantation of bees in the hive best prepared to engage in calm windless weather.

The upper part carefully removed, removed from her bees settled. Then checked frame.

If you notice bad design, they should be removed, but first should make sure, that they are not sitting uterus.

The frame immediately remove the uterus should not. Better not touch it, because there are cases, when she flew with a new housing.

Bees gently shakes the uterus into the new hive, establish a framework to complete assembly, cover substrate and set the cover.

Trap should be left near the hive, and left alone flew to a new residence.

Read: Making your own hands voskopresu – video.

Return to the old trap at the place a few days after transplantation swarm in the hive.

Use an empty hive for bees catch

Many wonder, catch a swarm of bees the hive. Make it simple enough, no need to prepare a special trap.

During the season in an empty hive beekeepers, some manage to catch on 2-3 swarm.

Old beehive made to capture the scope of land, taught there Wax.

Як зловити бджіл в пустий вулик

How to catch bees in the hive empty

Install it can be directly on the site or rooftop farm buildings.

Prylitnu board walls and preferably rubbed mint leaves.

The first bees appear within a few days.

For starters arrive two or three insects, examined, check the, search the environment.

If they are satisfied, then after a day or two can expect replenishment.

Usability ready hive is, that it can be moved and set in place.

Do not have to replant bee, sometimes against such interference are quite angry.

Among beekeepers long term there is an opinion, bees in the formation of new swarms fly away from the parent hive location, almost a few kilometers.

In this regard, there are disputes among the owners of neighboring apiaries over whether, whose beehive swarm took.

However, in practice it often happens, that flew from his native hive swarm "vmoschuyetsya" for 30-50 meters away.

He can sit in an empty hive in his apiary same.

Experienced beekeepers tell, Avoiding spontaneous and uncontrolled swarming.

Well if it already happened – how to catch a "fugitive". Contact your comments with questions and suggestions.

Experienced beekeepers – share experiences, beginners – do not be shy, ask!

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2 Responses

  1. Mischa says:

    On the empty hives very grateful to both novice will use this information as roiv bee seen under the foundation of the house but imagination get ix nothad those ROI neperezymuvaly nirazu now Zaman ix svizhokuplenyy.Pytannya the hive and the empty frame without hundreds swarm in the hive or settle into a trap? thanks.

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