Distribution of bees

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Separation of bees

How to divide the bees fly-half: methods.

If you want to get more honey, but do not want to spend money to purchase bee, then you can use the method of dividing families.

Distribution of bees in half the hive allows one to make two full.

There are several basic ways division in two families.

Not always the procedure is carried out to increase the number of toilers and medosbora.

Sometimes insects begin to build their own swarm and swarm queen cells. This significantly reduces medosbor.

  1. The main methods of separation bdzholosim'yi
  2. Benefits division family half-fly

The main methods of separation bdzholosim'yi:

  • fly-half;
  • using Nucleus;
  • individual cuttings.

The simplest and most popular division of bee colonies is considered half-fly. The procedure is simple and involves the installation of additional near the main hive.

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Separation bdzholosim'yi

Consider, size and color bee houses should be the same.

This division is made on a sunny day, when a large number of insects flew to medosbor.

It is necessary to remove the half frames from the old hive and paste them into a new.

Must Track, where is bdjolomatka.

It is important, because over time the bees from the new hive without a uterus can migrate to old or even fly.

If the uterus is unlabeled and you need to do to determine its presence, we look to the behavior of insects.

If bees fuss and worry about their homes, then, there is no Queen. In this case, a new family is brought fruitful womb.

First, it should be a day or two to put a beehive in a cage or in the cap.

Worker calm down, seeing uterus. How to perform division, see video.

Benefits division family half-fly

Separation of bees Nucleus conducted in early spring.

  • uniform distribution of the bee hives all ages;
  • a full-fledged family;
  • increase medosbora.

Typically, the division produced at the end or medosbora, vice versa, for 45 days before his. This family rather get stronger and grow large offspring.

Розподіл бджолосім'ї

Distribution bdzholosim'yi

To determine, When releasing a new queen, additional hive should carefully examine cells.

If you see matochniki, cut them and leave the uterus of another day in the cage.

If no queen, feel free to let "hostess".

Do not rush to divide the hive, if it wintered two Nucleus.

This small young families, who need care, food and heating.

Usually young family fed with sugar syrup. After, a cold end, you can start to divide the hive.

To do this, insert the old house 2 new framework of sealed brood.

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