How should I take bee pidmor

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Як правильно приймати бджолиний підмор: протипоказання

Bee pidmor

How to make beer pidmor: contraindication. Pidmorom or Osip called dead bee bodies before.

As a medical product used in the form of thoroughly dried, exceptionally clean and fresh. Since the product collection are directly dependent properties.

In view of the number of medicinal properties, it is used to treat many ailments.

In bees cells, which is the main source of nutrients, contains wax, copper, propolis, pollen and royal jelly. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-bacterial effect is bee venom.

  1. The positive effects on the body
  2. Possible contraindications
  3. General recommendations for use
  4. Features of receiving infusions
  5. Bee podmor in the diet
  6. Treatment of thyroid pidmorom
  7. Treatment of varicose pidmorom
  8. Pidmor diabetes

The positive effects on the body

The presence of chitosan allows pidmor in order to produce weight loss. The substance reduces the amount of body fat to digest various origins.

Connections able to intensify the process of reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the human gut, facilitates the rapid removal of pollutants.

In general, are the following beneficial properties of beer components pidmoru:

  • help in improving immunity;
  • effective disposal of cuts, insemination, wrinkles;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • slowing the process of atherosclerosis;
  • obstacle intoxication;
  • sorbentni properties;
  • blood thinners.

Correct the drug containing pidmoru provide invaluable assistance to your body and allow it to enrich nutrients.

Possible contraindications

Even the most useful products with incorrect use can harm the body.

It should refrain from the use of drugs in the presence of bee pidmoru:

  • intolerance of honey and beekeeping products;
  • allergies (especially pollen);
  • arrhythmia;
  • leukemia;
  • bleeding;
  • kidney disease severity different shapes;
  • mental illness;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • thrombosis.

Is undesirable and use during lactation or pregnancy.

General recommendations for use

The most common types are considered bees use pidmoru:

  1. Ingestion (used in powder form, tinctures, broth).
  2. Use topically (ointment, compress).

When an internal decision pidmoru should be performed weekly cleaning of the whole body, which involves minimizing the use of flour, sweet, dairy, Meat products and semi concomitant increase in the number of used water and other liquids.

To achieve results the treatment must be at least 7 days.

Features of receiving infusions of bees pidmoru

Basic rules for receiving infusions of debris of dead bees depend on the purpose of use. In order to treat a specific disease, in the absence of medical guidelines should take medication, the recommendations instruction.

Liqueurs, sold in pharmacies should be used in accordance with the existing guidelines with regard to different concentrations of active substances in preparations.

In the case of self-cooking, the optimal dosage – to 25-30 drops, accept 2 times a day.

Podmor in the diet

people, watching their diet and want to get rid of extra kilos, also come to the rescue this product of beekeeping.

Good slimming effect provides specially prepared decoction of beer pidmoru.

Everything, the need – boil for an hour 2 Article. spoons of powder in 1000 ml of water, then taken before each meal (1 Article. spoon). This will quickly saturate the body, and eliminate hunger.

Treatment of thyroid bee pidmorom

Thyroid disease – common phenomenon. Pause the disease and in some cases even prevent surgical intervention possible thanks to funds from pidmoru.

This disease occurs, mainly in middle-aged people (45-50 years). The reason for this are the hormonal changes in the body, which affects the functioning of the endocrine system,, in particular, on the thyroid gland.

Active ingredients, comprising the scree help in the fight against disease:

  1. Chitosan provides healing effect and prevents the pathological changes in the structure of the thyroid gland.
  2. Heparin reduces inflammation and leads to normal blood pressure.
  3. Antioxidants improve overall health.

You can identify the main aspect of the thyroid pidmoru:

  • restore protective functions;
  • removing toxins;
  • reducing the action of radioactive substances.

In view of the many tools and recipes of various dosages, to prevent diseases of the thyroid gland best option – to make a tincture of bees pidmoru by prescription, containing the appropriate dosage talus.

  1. Recipe. Grind the body of bees (30 g pidmoru), Bay previously pooled water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for half an hour. After cooling strain, and the broth is ready. The infusion can be used for two weeks, keeping in the refrigerator.
  2. Recipe. Pour two cups of glass talus quality vodka. Place the liquid in a glass bottle dark. Time infusion – 3-4 week. Every few days, the infusion should shake. After straining liquid ready to use. Stored tincture of bees pidmoru not more than three years in the refrigerator.

Assist in dealing with thyroid disease will also compress (applied daily 30 minutes for 10 days).

Treatment of varicose pidmorom

Using bee pidmor with varicose veins you can avoid complications and improve overall health.

With specific disease, degree of difficulty, can be used by different means from pidmoru:

  • infusions (in alcohol or water based);
  • powdered drugs;
  • teas;
  • ointment.

For the treatment of varicose veins most appropriate drug is considered extract or ointment.

In order to prevent the use of acceptable ointment pidmori bees. Pets preparation of medications at home:


100 g talus pour hot water, then insist 20 minutes. Made mass drain through cheesecloth.

Pidmor, which gauze, apply to problem areas, attaching top package with plastic and fabric segment. Action compress lasts until cooling.


4 tablespoons powdered pidmoru mixed with a little olive oil.

Infuse in a cool place for three days. Keep better in a glass container in the refrigerator. Use warm.

Powdered talus

A glass of beer pidmoru thoroughly mixed with 1 tablespoon honey (liquid). A day received a lot of dry pan (slow fire).

After cooling, grind into powder. Dosage: ½ teaspoon three times a day for 10 minutes before meals.

Pidmor diabetes

The main reason for the formation and development of diabetes is the lack of a special hormone called insulin.

Підмор із мертвих бджіл

Pidmor of dead bees

The high rate of availability in blood glucose suggests serious violations, mainly caused by the formation of diabetes.

The disease leads to failures in the proper metabolism, water-salt balance of the human body.

Use pidmoru bees as a drug in this disease is quite common and shows good results.

Able to contribute to the development of the disease and keeping unhealthy lifestyles. The causes of this disease in young adulthood or almost identical.

The main ones are:

  • appetite;
  • driving a passive lifestyle;
  • the lack of a balanced diet;
  • frequent stress and mental disorders;
  • availability of extra kilos;
  • excessive drinking;
  • smoking.

In order to prevent the emergence and development of diseases need proper nutrition, Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

In the event of the disease should immediately begin treatment. Use pidmoru bees can significantly slow down the disease, intensify and accelerate metabolism. Giving effect on the entire body, pcheloprodukty significantly reduces blood sugar.

The dosage of the drug used mainly depends on the weight of the human. The product is taken twice a day, only after meals.

  • Weight, kg: to 50. dosage 20 gram
  • Weight, kg: to 50-65. dosage 25 gram
  • Weight, kg: from 65. dosage 30 gram

Duration of treatment – 30 days, after a 14-day break should be repeated. Experts in the field of traditional medicine say, that enhance the effect of using bee products pidmoru combination of the following components and procedures:

When used properly, pidmor beer and drugs, made of it, benefit the body and provide substantial assistance in the fight against disease.

Be sure to note the observance of these doses to prevent the development of allergies and other negative manifestations. Do not forget about contraindications for use.

Following the proposed recommendations, you will strengthen the body, increase your immune system and give him help in fighting disease emerged.

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