Bee pidmor men

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Бджолиний підмор для чоловіків: застосування, властивості, рецептиBee pidmor men: application, properties, recipes tinctures and contraindications.

Pidmor of bees, strange as it may sound – This dead insects.

Podmor carries a special value and benefits, as bees lifelong produce and feed on many nutrients, components and which is saturated with their bodies.

  1. Storage
  2. Useful properties
  3. The use of bee pidmoru
  4. Recipes medicinal tinctures
  5. Contraindication


Composition pidmoru includes material from a series of bee products: pollen, propolis, wax, poison, honey, etc.. But individual components are perfectly proportion, which is not similar to any of the bee products.

The basis includes the following components:

  • chitosan;
  • ʙdƶolozan;
  • melanin;
  • Heparin;
  • peptides;
  • amino acids;
  • bee venom.
  • bees

The therapeutic effect of the product is based on the action of the above components, but in addition pidmor contains nutrients:

  • minerals;
  • antioxidants;
  • antimicrobial components;
  • fats;
  • stearic acid;
  • anticoagulants.

With this set of components, pidmor resorts to the immune system, balancing metabolism, toxins and generally maintains the body works.

Useful properties pidmoru

Pidmor bee has long been used in medical purposes. In folk medicine, its use is justified, because it gives the expected result in the treatment of various pathologies.

What impact does the body pidmor?

  1. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol, normalizes heart function and blood pressure.
  2. It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. Positive effect on the stomach and intestines, including support normal levels of acidity.
  4. Prevention malignant neoplasms, due to melanin excreted from the body deposition of radioactive and heavy metals. Restores liver and supports its functions.
  5. It activates the immune system.
  6. Reduce inflammation and joint pain, restores elasticity of joint tissue.
  7. Heals disorders and diseases of the male urogenital: prostatitis, adenoma and erectile dysfunction.

Chitosan – the foundation bee pidmoru. The substance has a strong regenerative effect and is used for healing of any skin lesions.

The component also has analgesic and blood zupynyayuchuyu action. It is because chitosan normal gastrointestinal tract and excreted toxic substances.

The use beer for men pidmoru

It should be said separately, that pidmor well established in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system man, particularly in adenoma, prostate or erectile dysfunction.

Also effective remedy for back pain and pelvic Department, rezyah and any other discomfort during urination, any inflammation, accompanied by discharge from the urethra.бджолиний підмор для чоловіків: рецепти

important to know, only certain materials suitable for internal use.

Collection takes place throughout the year, but is considered the cleanest pidmor, harvested in the summer-autumn season.

Dead bees, collected in winter and spring, accumulate a lot of feces, so for internal use such materials not suitable.

That's for making preparations for external use, it is acceptable.

Recipes medicinal tinctures

Famous potency medicinal tinctures men from bee pidmoru. In the process of cooking dead bees give all the nutrients in the liquid, filling it with healing power.

Prostatitis tincture of vodka


  • bee pidmor – 0,5 kg;
  • vodka – 1 liter.


Raw materials, crushed into powder, fill a glass container and pour vodka. The mixture was left in a dark place for insisting on 2 week. Bank shaken several times a day. Before use, the infusion through several layers of cheesecloth.

Accept 3 times a day after meals. A single dosage depends on the age drops: 1 drop per year of life. The average duration of treatment is 3 months, but depending on the state, course can be extended up to six months. A second course of conduct through 6 months.

Read more: Ointment with bee pidmoru

Broth with prostatitis


  • pidmor – 25 gram;
  • water 500 ml.


Raw powder add water and simmer for two hours. Allow to cool and infuse for about an hour. The resulting broth filter, and ready for use.

Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The duration of admission 1 month, then as much a break. If necessary, treatment can be repeated. Stored broth 2 weeks in the fridge.

Treatment of BPH


  • pidmor – 15 ml;
  • copper – 15 ml;
  • n ka propolis – 15 ml;
  • water – 0,5 l.


Pour in boiling water and cook chopped raw low heat 10 minutes. In cooled and strained broth add honey and propolis and-ku.

Take a tablespoon of drugs 3 times a day before meals. receive treatment 21 day, then take a week break. So to repeat three times. For prevention tool use rates – 2 times a year


Liqueurs men from pidmoru very mild beer, no side effects and are not harmful to health.

Contraindications for use mainly associated with stimulant substances, to avoid overloading the body. storage

Prevent medication should be in:

  • body temperature above 38C;
  • serious disorders of the liver;
  • severe heart disease;
  • allergic reactions to components of the drug;
  • hypersensitive;
  • malignant tumors.

First treatment dosage should be reduced in 2 times and days to observe the reaction.

If no apparent allergy, You can easily take a full dose. It is believed, only products based on bee pidmoru sufficient to cure diseases of the genitourinary system in men.

Try, Of course, it is possible, but with no effect or temporary action, preferably completely immediately consult a doctor for advice and purpose of medical treatment. BUT bee medications take along the main therapy.

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