Planting apple trees in autumn
Planting apple trees in autumn | How to plant apple?
Apple – it, apparently, the most common and the most common tree in our orchards.
For a long time it is planted only in autumn, when the trees dropping leaves.
Planting apple trees in autumn happening in such a way, that before frosts seedlings time to get young root system, and in the spring they begin to grow, and a few years you can already start to collect them early harvest.
Unfortunately, in the past, almost no apple varieties with good winter hardiness.
And so in regions with harsh climates, frosty winters and hot summers almost no planted apple.
But today everything has changed. Over the past decade, breeders were able to bring a lot of local apple varieties, which easily withstand quite difficult climatic conditions.
How to choose the seedlings to plant apple trees in autumn
For planting is recommended to choose only annual or biennial apple seedlings.
Older seedlings should not buy, because the elders, more difficult to tolerate transplant, often ill and could die simply winter.
Buying seedlings, must ask, whether they are suitable for growing in your climate conditions, whether they are grown or they brought in another climate zone.
You should also consult, as the variety of apple trees resistant to standard Diseases and pests.
And better, if you buy them not random people or the market, and in nurseries, specializing in the cultivation of plants for your region.
Practically there is no chance to identify plants, and in a variety of adult apple, so you can easily become a victim of fraud and not buy it, What you need.
Carefully consider the roots of a plant. They should not be traces of fungal diseases, rot or mildew.
The roots must be sufficiently developed, lush, no way, not dry, desirable, no mechanical damage.
The bark of a plant must be even, no damage and even dark brown, natural shade.
Read: Nutrient apple trees in spring and autumn: because of.
Planting apple trees in autumn – how to select the area
Though, apple that is not too demanding, It does not mean, that we should not choose to prepare their land or soil.
And it is better to do in advance, for autumn planting apple trees – in the spring.
First of all, They should be chosen for this section, where once you grew fruit trees.
Apple does not like heavy or rocky soils, as they are not suitable for wetlands, or areas with very close bedding groundwater.
The best option is loose, well-permeable to air and water soil, area, located on a small increase, So, to rain and melt water flowed freely from it.
Planting apple trees in autumn – how
Pit apple also need to prepare in advance – about two months before its intended landing.
This is important in order, to fertilizers, you will make, managed to partially decompose and mix with the soil, and the soil in the landing pit settle naturally.
Standard hole for planting apple has the following dimensions:
- depth – 50-60 cm,
- width – 80-100 cm.
In preparing the soil pit separate from the upper and lower layers of soil and place them separately.
also read: How to trim the column-apple tree.
The upper fertile layer of soil must be mixed with fertilizers:
- leaf mold or peat – 2-3 buckets,
- superphosphate – 2 cup,
- potassium sulfate – 4-5 tablespoons.
Prepared this way nutritional augmentation of yield poured into the pit so, that it was filled about three-quarters.
When planting apple trees in autumn can not bring in fresh manure as fertilizer – it prevents the development of a plant root system and prevent its adaptation.
Also, in any case should not lay down more fertilizer this rule.
With an excess of moisture in the soil is recommended to lay on the bottom drainage holes – gravel, pebbles, bat bricks, coarse sand.
Before, placing bought a plant in the hole, again carefully inspect its roots, trim the damaged areas.
In the hole strong and secure enough long count, departing from the center at 20-30 cm.
At the bottom of the pit pour a small hillock fertile land and put it on seedling, carefully straightening his roots, So, that they are not up zahynalysya.
Seedling root collar should be flush with the edge of the landing pit.
Gradually, compacting soil, pour hole at first breeding ground, and, at the end, soil from the bottom, barren layer.
Once good seal soil and seedling abundantly pour water – about 3 buckets.
Tie a sapling to support and zamulchyruyte ground around its trunk sawdust, peat, fallen leaves or other natural material.
Mulchyruyuscheho layer thickness should be about 5 cm.
Just before the onset of cold, it should be increased to 15 cm.
But it should be done just before frost, but not before, another apple-tree root collar can vyprity.
Winter seedling should periodically spud snow, but the only way, melt water to eventually not going around the trunk, and stіkali on prokladenomu bed.
Experienced gardeners are advised to always take care of seedlings of winter protection from rodents and rabbits, and tie it to their trunks thick branches, turning the needle out.
It is worth to throw around as a poison for mice and voles, who also love to feast on bark of young apple trees.
But vtoptuvaty snow around the trunk for seedlings protection against mice, as some advise, very dangerous.
This leads to the formation of ice crust, under which during the thaw will accumulate water, leading to the root collar rot and death of trees.