The use of bee venom against diabetes

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Застосування бджолиної отрути проти цукрового діабетуBee venom and diabetes: Bees use pidmoru.

Poison, produced by bees, refer to effective drugs.

It can be used for medicinal purposes due stunning composition and properties.

Apitherapy demand, since many medicinal drugs do not provide the desired effect.

It is important to remember, that perform apitherapy experts.

Do it yourself at home is forbidden.

Features poison

Diabetes – a common, dangerous disease, which is a frequent cause of early death.

Mainly, risk groups include people aged forty or fifty years.

diabetes requires many efforts, money and patience. Therapy can be carried out using bee venom.апітерапія

Poison – is a powerful weapon bees, with which they protect their own hive from enemies, man.

When bees are attacking man, they bite it, by releasing poison in the blood.

Though, that once the insect dies, fellow scent signals of danger.

Bee venom is in the form of clear fluid, which has a sharp characteristic odor and pungent flavor.

Poison conduct effective treatment due to analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Diabetes is no exception, but, frequently, Treatment is carried out using pidmoru, as part of which contains bee venom.

Bee venom treatment is carried out in several ways:

  1. natural bites;
  2. injection – putting poison through the skin with special medical procedures.

Why bee venom considered good medicine against diabetes?

main reason – its properties, effect on the nervous system of the patient.

In the natural medicines containing peptides, providing sedative, analgesic effect.

exept this, antishock effect dominates bee product.

With it normalizes the cardiovascular system, as bee venom successfully lowers blood pressure.

For this reason are inflammation, reduces headaches.

Medical benefits

In diabetes require special treatment.

It should be remembered, that stings of bees and these injections are very dangerous for diabetes, can be treated as dead insects – pidmorom.

Application pidmoru efficiently cleans vessels, blood, liver and intestines.

Due to the action of active biological elements death occurs fat, existing liver.

Cholesterol plaques disappear, out from the body toxins, Garbage and waste.

Preparations based pidmoru appointed diabetes of the second type, artrozі, varikozі, kidney failure.

The benefits of drugs in diabetes is of active components, providing regenerative, inflammatory and bactericidal action.

Much faster healing wounds and ulcers, inflammation and swelling disappears, a marked strengthening of bones and skin, increases the body's resistance to infections.

Invaluable in the treatment of diabetes:

  1. IN liver dissolved fat accumulation, resulting in reduced blood sugar patient.
  2. Against medical treatment of poison pidmorom a sharp decrease in the need for insulin, so you can reduce the dosage of insulin injections.
  3. Diluted and purified blood, faster healing of ulcers and wounds, reduced risk of dry gangrene in the limbs.
  4. There boost the immune system.

These natural medicines can be used to treat and prevent many diseases.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory drug action can ensure complete disinfection.

Medicines contribute to the expansion of arteries, capillaries, therefore increasing blood inflow.

As a result of these processes significantly improves the patient's condition.

The application features

Based preparing pidmoru ointment, powder or infusion.

Before use must take into account existing contraindications – allergy, individual intolerance.

Check the availability allergic reactions, You can do this artless manipulation:

rub a dead bee on the elbow bend or back of the wrist. Fifteen minutes can be redness, which indicates the presence of allergies. If significant changes on the skin are absent, then, No allergic reactions.

In order to prepare special medicinal tincture: pidmorom to fill jars ½ volume 500 milliliters, pour vodka, alcohol.

Infuse for fourteen days in a dark room, drain and leave in a dark storage container.

Application method: ½. tablespoons twice a day orally. Can also be used for grinding.

There is a recipe powder with dead bees.

Despite its unpleasant odor, powder is very useful for the human body.

If swallowed it is combined with a small portion of honey and water.

Use: twice daily for a month. Start with a small dosage.

If health will improve, dosage increases to ¼ hours. l.

Due bee products and correct prescription can improve the human condition, diabetics.

Before using should consult your doctor.

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1 Response

  1. laid says:

    Courses on bee stings. Isn't it dangerous for diabetics?. MERCI.-

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