Vladimir beehive

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Vladimir beehive has an excellent ratio between price and quality. It has a fairly new and modern design. It is designed to simplify the care of the apiary, while not reducing the amount of honey obtained, but only increasing.

1. Vladimir beehive-lounger
2. Vladimir beehive and "method of partitions"
3. Vladimir beehive, technology of its production and sizes

Vladimir beehive-lounger

As well as, beehives such as "lounger" have existed for quite some time. They are a design, which remotely resembles an old chest or a modern outdoor ice cream refrigerator. The benefits of using them are obvious.


  • compared to other hives – larger volume of products;
  • simplicity and safety of obtaining honey;
  • easy to use and does not require much time;
  • excellent level of heating and large size;
  • large frame size;
  • no need to feed the bees and build a beehive.

That, due to the simple optimization of space and a somewhat more scientific approach to the process of organizing work in the apiary, it is possible to achieve the same result, but with much less time. That is why this type of hive is ideal for beginners and all people, who do not have the opportunity to devote much time to the apiary.

Even if a decision is made later to switch to different types of hives, initial experience (and profit) it is easier and more convenient to receive in an apiary from Vladimir beehives. A large number of people are engaged in their production and therefore it will not be difficult to buy them.

Vladimir beehive – the simplest and most convenient option for working with bees

Vladimir beehive and "method of partitions"

This method is based on that, to touch and irritate bees as little as possible. Ideally, only the season will be held only 6 works, which will provide the bees with all the necessary care, and also give the beekeeper a sufficient amount of honey. It is, that due to the lack of such an irritating factor as a person, bees will be able to work much more productively, due to which the output will only increase.

According to some data, bees, who live and work according to the specified method, much less sick, show more calm, provides a stable flow of honey in fairly large quantities and, among other things, perfectly tolerate winters. Honey from such bees in some respects resembles a wild variety. That, medicinal and beneficial properties are only enhanced.

The whole process can be divided into six main steps. It should be understood, that from the first time to achieve such efficiency and effectiveness will be extremely difficult, however, next season may be quite an achievable result, which will not want to give up.

Beginners are recommended to start with Vladimir beehives

Before you start any action at all, it is necessary to find Vladimir beehives of the correct size and to establish them in an optimum way on an apiary. So, all flights should be directed to the east, and according to its size, each individual hive must mix at least 24 framework.

The first work with the hive begins in April. About 5 by 20 number, whichever, what the weather outside. The hive should be cleaned, remove unnecessary frames, and substitute wax.

The next stage is already taking place around the beginning of May. Two layers are formed. It is at this stage that you need to put a partition to each of the formed layers. Actually because of these partitions the method also received such name.

In the tenth days of May it is necessary to leave one and only fodder and uterine frame together with three beeswax only in that assignment., where the queen cells were laid. The rest of the frame is transferred to another house. In late May (about 25 number), in that family, where the uterus was old, a partition should be installed, but leave 2 frames together brood, one stern frame and about 8 frame with wax.

Everything else is removed from the partition and the eye opens. In the evening of the same day, the branches should be reunited with the family by removing the partition. At the same time it is substituted close 10 frame with land and wax.

For, that the work was really carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible, will have to spend some time to obtain the necessary practical skills.

The penultimate stage is held in early July, when the medical collection begins. All partitions between bee families are removed and the maximum framework with a land and wax is established.. In that place, where you need to form a winter club, it is necessary to leave one open flight.

Already in late September, when the bees have completed the main work, it's time to collect honey. Also at the same time you need to put a partition, closing the club on one side, but from the opposite should leave an empty space, which will serve as an air cushion. Everything, you can wait for spring and repeat all the steps again.

As you can see, if a person at least more or less understands beekeeping, all work can be done very quickly and without much effort. In the end, with a minimum of effort, you get an excellent yield of honey.

Vladimir beehive includes 32 framework

Vladimir beehive, technology of its production and sizes

In essence, the beehive of Vladimir type is a usual box, which is little different from any other hive of another design. However, thanks to that, that its dimensions are carefully calculated and are optimal, it is necessary to adhere to the offered parameters nevertheless.

So, the length of the Vladimir beehive in its more or less standard complete set makes 1,2 m. In height it will be close 50 centimeters, and wide – 45 centimeters. This makes it possible to put a frame the size of a beehive in Volodymyrskyi 460 * 435 mm.

This gives about one and a half times the usable area, than on beehives of other design. Manufacturers offer such hives made by professionals at very reasonable prices, and you can choose several different subspecies.

Each of them is exactly Vladimir beehive, however, they can differ significantly from the materials used and the layout. Naturally, the better and better materials will be used and the overall finish, the more expensive the house itself will be.

Certainly, you can make a similar hive yourself, however people, who have already stuffed their hands on it, will make everything much better and more convenient for bees, and for the beekeeper, and the level of costs is unlikely to be much higher, than when trying to make a hive yourself.

Key features:

  • number of frames – 32 pieces;
  • frame size – 460 on 435 mm;
  • width of the walls – from 6 to 10 mm;
  • warming is possible by means of moss or polyfoam;
  • hive weight – from 35 to 50 kilogram.

The point is, that for its manufacture it is necessary to use special materials, which in themselves are not very cheap. in addition, manufacturing work is also essential. The house can and will work, however so convenient and efficient, as it will be with professionals, he definitely won't.

And if you will make such beehives under the order, then these guys will help you with

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